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Revision: 2.7
Committed: Sun Jun 8 12:03:09 2003 UTC (21 years, 4 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.6: +36 -19 lines
Log Message:
Reduced compile warnings/errors on Windows.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: lampcolor.c,v 2.6 2003/02/22 02:07:23 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Program to convert lamp color from table and compute radiance.
6 */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include <math.h>
12 #include "standard.h"
13 #include "color.h"
15 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846
17 /* lamp parameters */
18 #define LTYPE 0
19 #define LUNIT 1
20 #define LGEOM 2
21 #define LOUTP 3
22 #define NPARAMS 4
24 static int typecheck(char *s);
25 static int unitcheck(char *s);
26 static int geomcheck(char *s);
27 static int outpcheck(char *s);
28 static void compute(void);
29 static int getpolygon(void), getsphere(void), getcylinder(void), getring(void);
32 float *lampcolor; /* the lamp color (RGB) */
33 double unit2meter; /* conversion from units to meters */
34 double area; /* radiating area for this geometry */
35 double lumens; /* total lamp lumens */
37 struct {
38 char *name;
39 char value[64];
40 int (*check)();
41 char *help;
42 } param[NPARAMS] = {
43 { "lamp type", "WHITE", typecheck,
44 "The lamp type is a string which corresponds to one of the types registered\n\
45 in the lamp table file. A value of \"WHITE\" means an uncolored source,\n\
46 which may be preferable because it results in a color balanced image." },
47 { "length unit", "meter", unitcheck,
48 "Unit must be one of: \"meter\", \"centimeter\", \"foot\", or \"inch\".\n\
49 These may be abbreviated as a single letter." },
50 { "lamp geometry", "polygon", geomcheck,
51 "The lamp geometry must be one of: \"polygon\", \"sphere\", \"cylinder\"\n\
52 or \"ring\". These may be abbreviated as a single letter." },
53 { "total lamp lumens", "0", outpcheck,
54 "This is the overall light output of the lamp and its fixture. If you do\n\
55 not know this value explicitly, you can compute the approximate lumens\n\
56 by multiplying the input wattage by 14 for incandescent fixtures or 70\n\
57 for fluorescent fixtures." },
58 };
61 main(argc, argv)
62 int argc;
63 char *argv[];
64 {
65 char *lamptab = "";
66 char buf[64];
67 int i;
69 if (argc > 1) lamptab = argv[1];
70 if (loadlamps(lamptab) == 0) {
71 fprintf(stderr, "%s: no such lamp table\n", lamptab);
72 exit(1);
73 }
74 printf("Program to compute lamp radiance. Enter '?' for help.\n");
75 for ( ; ; ) {
76 i = 0;
77 while (i < NPARAMS) {
78 printf("Enter %s [%s]: ", param[i].name,
79 param[i].value);
80 if (gets(buf) == NULL)
81 exit(0);
82 if (buf[0] == '?') {
83 puts(param[i].help);
84 continue;
85 }
86 if (buf[0])
87 strcpy(param[i].value, buf);
88 if (!(*param[i].check)(param[i].value)) {
89 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad value for %s\n",
90 param[i].value, param[i].name);
91 continue;
92 }
93 i++;
94 }
95 compute();
96 }
97 }
100 static int
101 typecheck( /* check lamp type */
102 char *s
103 )
104 {
105 lampcolor = matchlamp(s);
106 return(lampcolor != NULL);
107 }
110 static int
111 unitcheck( /* compute conversion to meters */
112 char *s
113 )
114 {
115 int len = strlen(s);
117 switch (*s) {
118 case 'm':
119 if (strncmp(s, "meters", len))
120 return(0);
121 unit2meter = 1.0;
122 return(1);
123 case 'c':
124 if (strncmp(s, "centimeters", len) && strncmp(s, "cms", len))
125 return(0);
126 unit2meter = 0.01;
127 return(1);
128 case 'f':
129 if (strncmp(s, "foot", len) && strncmp(s, "feet", len))
130 return(0);
131 unit2meter = 0.3048;
132 return(1);
133 case 'i':
134 if (strncmp(s, "inches", len))
135 return(0);
136 unit2meter = 0.0254;
137 return(1);
138 }
139 return(0);
140 }
143 static int
144 geomcheck( /* check/set lamp geometry */
145 char *s
146 )
147 {
148 int len = strlen(s);
150 switch (*s) {
151 case 'p':
152 if (strncmp(s, "polygonal", len))
153 return(0);
154 return(getpolygon());
155 case 's':
156 if (strncmp(s, "sphere", len) && strncmp(s, "spherical", len))
157 return(0);
158 return(getsphere());
159 case 'c':
160 if (strncmp(s,"cylinder",len) && strncmp(s,"cylindrical",len))
161 return(0);
162 return(getcylinder());
163 case 'r':
164 if (strncmp(s, "ring", len) && strncmp(s, "disk", len))
165 return(0);
166 return(getring());
167 }
168 return(0);
169 }
172 static int
173 outpcheck( /* check lumen output value */
174 register char *s
175 )
176 {
177 if ((*s < '0' || *s > '9') && *s != '.')
178 return(0);
179 lumens = atof(s);
180 return(1);
181 }
184 static void
185 compute(void) /* compute lamp radiance */
186 {
187 double whiteval;
189 whiteval = lumens/area/(WHTEFFICACY*PI);
191 printf("Lamp color (RGB) = %f %f %f\n",
192 lampcolor[0]*whiteval,
193 lampcolor[1]*whiteval,
194 lampcolor[2]*whiteval);
195 }
198 getd(name, dp, help) /* get a positive double from stdin */
199 char *name;
200 double *dp;
201 char *help;
202 {
203 char buf[32];
204 again:
205 printf("%s [%g]: ", name, *dp);
206 if (gets(buf) == NULL)
207 return(0);
208 if (buf[0] == '?') {
209 puts(help);
210 goto again;
211 }
212 if ((buf[0] < '0' || buf[0] > '9') && buf[0] != '.')
213 return(0);
214 *dp = atof(buf);
215 return(1);
216 }
219 static int
220 getpolygon(void) /* get projected area for a polygon */
221 {
222 static double parea = 1.0;
224 getd("Polygon area", &parea,
225 "Enter the total radiating area of the polygon.");
226 area = unit2meter*unit2meter * parea;
227 return(1);
228 }
231 static int
232 getsphere(void) /* get projected area for a sphere */
233 {
234 static double radius = 1.0;
236 getd("Sphere radius", &radius,
237 "Enter the distance from the sphere's center to its surface.");
238 area = 4.*PI*unit2meter*unit2meter * radius*radius;
239 return(1);
240 }
243 static int
244 getcylinder(void) /* get projected area for a cylinder */
245 {
246 static double length = 1.0, radius = 0.1;
248 getd("Cylinder length", &length,
249 "Enter the length of the cylinder.");
250 getd("Cylinder radius", &radius,
251 "Enter the distance from the cylinder's axis to its surface.");
252 area = 2.*PI*unit2meter*unit2meter * radius*length;
253 return(1);
254 }
257 static int
258 getring(void) /* get projected area for a ring */
259 {
260 static double radius = 1.0;
262 getd("Disk radius", &radius,
263 "Enter the distance from the ring's center to its outer edge.\n\
264 The inner radius must be zero.");
265 area = PI*unit2meter*unit2meter * radius*radius;
266 return(1);
267 }