/* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Program to convert lamp color from table and compute radiance. */ #include #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 extern char *gets(), *strcpy(); extern double atof(); extern float *matchlamp(); /* lamp parameters */ #define LTYPE 0 #define LUNIT 1 #define LGEOM 2 #define LOUTP 3 #define NPARAMS 4 int typecheck(), unitcheck(), geomcheck(), outpcheck(); float *lampcolor; /* the lamp color (RGB) */ double unit2meter; /* conversion from units to meters */ double projarea; /* projected area for this geometry */ double lumens; /* total lamp lumens */ struct { char *name; char value[64]; int (*check)(); char *help; } param[NPARAMS] = { { "lamp type", "white", typecheck, "The lamp type is a string which corresponds to one of the types registered\n\ in the lamp table file. A value of \"white\" means an uncolored source,\n\ which may be preferable because it results in a color balanced image." }, { "length unit", "meter", unitcheck, "Unit must be one of: \"meter\", \"centimeter\", \"foot\", or \"inch\".\n\ These may be abbreviated as a single letter." }, { "lamp geometry", "polygon", geomcheck, "The lamp geometry must be one of: \"polygon\", \"sphere\", \"cylinder\"\n\ or \"ring\". These may be abbreviated as a single letter." }, { "total lamp lumens", "0", outpcheck, "This is the overall light output of the lamp and its fixture. If you do\n\ not know this value explicitly, you can compute the approximate lumens\n\ by multiplying the input wattage by 15 for incandescent fixtures or 40\n\ for fluorescent fixtures." }, }; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *lamptab = "lamp.tab"; char buf[64]; int i; if (argc > 1) lamptab = argv[1]; if (loadlamps(lamptab) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no such lamp table\n", lamptab); exit(1); } printf("Program to compute lamp radiance. Enter '?' for help.\n"); for ( ; ; ) { i = 0; while (i < NPARAMS) { printf("Enter %s [%s]: ", param[i].name, param[i].value); if (gets(buf) == NULL) exit(0); if (buf[0] == '?') { puts(param[i].help); continue; } if (buf[0]) strcpy(param[i].value, buf); if (!(*param[i].check)(param[i].value)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad value for %s\n", param[i].value, param[i].name); continue; } i++; } compute(); } } typecheck(s) /* check lamp type */ char *s; { lampcolor = matchlamp(s); return(lampcolor != NULL); } unitcheck(s) /* compute conversion to meters */ char *s; { int len = strlen(s); switch (*s) { case 'm': if (strncmp(s, "meters", len)) return(0); unit2meter = 1.0; return(1); case 'c': if (strncmp(s, "centimeters", len) && strncmp(s, "cms", len)) return(0); unit2meter = 0.01; return(1); case 'f': if (strncmp(s, "foot", len) && strncmp(s, "feet", len)) return(0); unit2meter = 0.3048; return(1); case 'i': if (strncmp(s, "inches", len)) return(0); unit2meter = 0.0254; return(1); } return(0); } geomcheck(s) /* check/set lamp geometry */ char *s; { int len = strlen(s); switch (*s) { case 'p': if (strncmp(s, "polygonal", len)) return(0); return(getpolygon()); case 's': if (strncmp(s, "sphere", len) && strncmp(s, "spherical", len)) return(0); return(getsphere()); case 'c': if (strncmp(s,"cylinder",len) && strncmp(s,"cylindrical",len)) return(0); return(getcylinder()); case 'r': if (strncmp(s, "ring", len) && strncmp(s, "disk", len)) return(0); return(getring()); } return(0); } outpcheck(s) /* check lumen output value */ register char *s; { if ((*s < '0' || *s > '9') && *s != '.') return(0); lumens = atof(s); return(1); } compute() /* compute lamp radiance */ { double whiteval; whiteval = lumens/470./projarea; printf("Lamp color (RGB) = %f %f %f\n", lampcolor[0]*whiteval, lampcolor[1]*whiteval, lampcolor[2]*whiteval); } getd(dp) /* get a positive double from stdin */ double *dp; { char buf[32]; if (gets(buf) == NULL) return(0); if ((buf[0] < '0' || buf[0] > '9') && buf[0] != '.') return(0); *dp = atof(buf); return(1); } getpolygon() /* get projected area for a polygon */ { printf("Enter area of polygon: "); if (!getd(&projarea)) return(0); projarea *= unit2meter*unit2meter; projarea *= PI; return(1); } getsphere() /* get projected area for a sphere */ { double radius; printf("Enter sphere radius: "); if (!getd(&radius)) return(0); radius *= unit2meter; projarea = 4.*PI*PI*radius*radius; return(1); } getcylinder() /* get projected area for a cylinder */ { double length, radius; printf("Enter cylinder length: "); if (!getd(&length)) return(0); length *= unit2meter; printf("Enter cylinder radius: "); if (!getd(&radius)) return(0); radius *= unit2meter; projarea = PI*PI*2.*PI*radius*length; return(1); } getring() /* get projected area for a ring */ { double radius; printf("Enter disk radius: "); if (!getd(&radius)) return(0); radius *= unit2meter; projarea = PI*PI*radius*radius; return(1); }