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Revision: 2.3
Committed: Sat Feb 22 02:07:23 2003 UTC (22 years ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R2, rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R5, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1, rad5R3, HEAD
Changes since 2.2: +1 -1 lines
Log Message:
Changes and check-in for 3.5 release
Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years
See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release

File Contents

# Content
1 #
2 # SCCSid "@(#) 2.2 7/5/94 LBL"
3 #
4 # Created by Greg Ward 05Dec90
5 #
6 # This is a table of light sources used by ies2rad and pfilt to obtain
7 # lamp colors and lumen depreciation factors.
8 #
9 # It is often best to customize this file for individual applications
10 # and manufacturers.
11 #
12 # The following list of lamp types should be ordered in decreasing
13 # specificity, since the first match will be the one used.
14 # Regular expressions can be enclosed by any character except #.
15 # Upper and lower case is ignored in expressions.
16 # Aliases should follow their correspondants as closely as
17 # possible, unless the specification is so short that there might
18 # be many accidental matches -- such a code should be put near the end.
19 # Aliases must be enclosed in parenthesis. A lamp specification
20 # is three real numbers between 0 and 1: x y and m, where x and y are
21 # the CIE chromaticity coordinates and m is the lumen depreciation
22 # factor (multiplier to get mean lumen output from initial lumens).
23 #
24 /deluxe warm white/ .440 .403 .85
25 /warm white deluxe/ (deluxe warm white)
26 /deluxe cool white/ .376 .368 .85
27 /cool white deluxe/ (deluxe cool white)
28 /warm[- ]white/ .436 .406 .85
29 /cool[- ]white/ .373 .385 .85
30 /white\>.*\<fluor/ .41 .398 .85
31 /daylight\>.*\<fluor/ .316 .345 .85
32 /clear mercury/ .326 .39 .8
33 /phosphor\>.*\<mercury/ .373 .415 .8
34 /mercury\>.*\<phosphor/ (phosphor mercury)
35 /mercury/ (clear mercury)
36 /clear metal halide/ .396 .390 .8
37 /metal halide/ (clear metal halide)
38 /xenon/ .324 .324 1
39 /high[- ]pressure\>.*\<sodium/ .519 .418 .9
40 /low[- ]pressure\>.*\<sodium/ .569 .421 .93
41 /sodium/ (low pressure sodium)
42 /halogen/ .424 .399 1
43 /quartz/ (halogen)
44 /incandescent/ .453 .405 .95
45 /\<incand/ (incandescent)
46 /fluorescent/ (cool white)
47 /\<fluor/ (fluorescent)
48 /\<spot\>/ (incandescent)
49 /\<flood\>/ (incandescent)
50 /headlamp/ (incandescent)
51 /headlight/ (headlamp)
52 /phosphor[- ]coated HID\>/ (phosphor mercury)
53 /diffuse\>.*\<HID\>/ (high pressure sodium)
54 /frosted\>.*\<HID\>/ (diffuse HID)
55 /HPS/ (high pressure sodium)
56 /\<LPS/ (low pressure sodium)
57 /\<[EP]AR\>/ (incandescent)
58 /ER30/ (incandescent)
59 /\<D65WHITE\>/ .313 .329 1
60 /\<WHITE\>/ .3333 .3333 1
61 /\<MH\>/ (metal halide)
62 /\<clear HID\>/ (high pressure sodium)
63 /\<HID\>/ (clear HID)