/* Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Convert IES luminaire data to Radiance description * * 07Apr90 Greg Ward */ #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "paths.h" #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* floating comparisons */ #define FTINY 1e-6 #define FEQ(a,b) ((a)<=(b)+FTINY&&(a)>=(b)-FTINY) /* keywords */ #define MAGICID "IESNA" #define LMAGICID 5 #define FIRSTREV 86 #define LASTREV 95 #define D86 0 /* keywords defined in LM-63-1986 */ #define K_TST 0 #define K_MAN 1 #define K_LMC 2 #define K_LMN 3 #define K_LPC 4 #define K_LMP 5 #define K_BAL 6 #define K_MTC 7 #define K_OTH 8 #define K_SCH 9 #define K_MOR 10 #define K_BLK 11 #define K_EBK 12 #define D91 ((1L<<13)-1) /* keywords defined in LM-63-1991 */ #define K_LMG 13 #define D95 ((1L<<14)-1) /* keywords defined in LM-63-1995 */ char k_kwd[][20] = {"TEST", "MANUFAC", "LUMCAT", "LUMINAIRE", "LAMPCAT", "LAMP", "BALLAST", "MAINTCAT", "OTHER", "SEARCH", "MORE", "BLOCK", "ENDBLOCK", "LUMINOUSGEOMETRY"}; long k_defined[] = {D86, D86, D86, D86, D86, D91, D91, D91, D91, D95}; int filerev = FIRSTREV; #define keymatch(i,s) (k_defined[filerev-FIRSTREV]&1L<<(i) &&\ k_match(k_kwd[i],s)) #define checklamp(s) (!(k_defined[filerev-FIRSTREV]&(1<= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing output file specification\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (out2stdout && i != argc-1) goto needsingle; status = 0; for ( ; i < argc; i++) { tailtrunc(strcpy(outname,filename(argv[i]))); if (ies2rad(argv[i], outname) != 0) status = 1; } exit(status); needsingle: fprintf(stderr, "%s: single input file required\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } initlamps() /* set up lamps */ { float *lcol; int status; if (lamptype != NULL && !strcmp(lamptype, default_name) && deflamp == NULL) return; /* no need for data */ /* else load file */ if ((status = loadlamps(lampdat)) < 0) exit(1); if (status == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - no lamp data\n", lampdat); lamptype = default_name; return; } if (deflamp != NULL) { /* match default type */ if ((lcol = matchlamp(deflamp)) == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - unknown default lamp type\n", deflamp); else copycolor(defcolor, lcol); } if (lamptype != NULL) { /* match selected type */ if (strcmp(lamptype, default_name)) { if ((lcol = matchlamp(lamptype)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - unknown lamp type\n", lamptype); lamptype = default_name; } else copycolor(defcolor, lcol); } freelamps(); /* all done with data */ } /* else keep lamp data */ } char * stradd(dst, src, sep) /* add a string at dst */ register char *dst, *src; int sep; { if (src && *src) { do *dst++ = *src++; while (*src); if (sep && dst[-1] != sep) *dst++ = sep; } *dst = '\0'; return(dst); } char * fullname(path, fname, suffix) /* return full path name */ char *path, *fname, *suffix; { if (prefdir != NULL && abspath(prefdir)) libname(path, fname, suffix); else if (abspath(fname)) strcpy(stradd(path, fname, 0), suffix); else libname(stradd(path, libdir, DIRSEP), fname, suffix); return(path); } char * libname(path, fname, suffix) /* return library relative name */ char *path, *fname, *suffix; { if (abspath(fname)) strcpy(stradd(path, fname, 0), suffix); else strcpy(stradd(stradd(path, prefdir, DIRSEP), fname, 0), suffix); return(path); } char * filename(path) /* get final component of pathname */ register char *path; { register char *cp; for (cp = path; *path; path++) if (ISDIRSEP(*path)) cp = path+1; return(cp); } char * filetrunc(path) /* truncate filename at end of path */ char *path; { register char *p1, *p2; for (p1 = p2 = path; *p2; p2++) if (ISDIRSEP(*p2)) p1 = p2; if (p1 == path && ISDIRSEP(*p1)) p1++; *p1 = '\0'; return(path); } char * tailtrunc(name) /* truncate tail of filename */ char *name; { register char *p1, *p2; for (p1 = filename(name); *p1 == '.'; p1++) ; p2 = NULL; for ( ; *p1; p1++) if (*p1 == '.') p2 = p1; if (p2 != NULL) *p2 = '\0'; return(name); } blanktrunc(s) /* truncate spaces at end of line */ char *s; { register char *cp; for (cp = s; *cp; cp++) ; while (cp-- > s && isspace(*cp)) ; *++cp = '\0'; } k_match(kwd, hdl) /* header line matches keyword? */ register char *kwd, *hdl; { if (!*hdl++ == '[') return(0); while (islower(*hdl) ? toupper(*hdl) == *kwd++ : *hdl == *kwd++) if (!*hdl++) return(0); return(!*kwd & *hdl == ']'); } char * keyargs(hdl) /* return keyword arguments */ register char *hdl; { while (*hdl && *hdl++ != ']') ; while (isspace(*hdl)) hdl++; return(hdl); } putheader(out) /* print header */ FILE *out; { register int i; putc('#', out); for (i = 0; i < gargc; i++) { putc(' ', out); fputs(gargv[i], out); } fputs("\n# Dimensions in ", out); fputs(units, out); putc('\n', out); } ies2rad(inpname, outname) /* convert IES file */ char *inpname, *outname; { SRCINFO srcinfo; char buf[MAXLINE], tltid[MAXWORD]; char geomfile[128]; FILE *inpfp, *outfp; int lineno = 0; geomfile[0] = '\0'; srcinfo.isillum = 0; if (inpname == NULL) { inpname = ""; inpfp = stdin; } else if ((inpfp = fopen(inpname, "r")) == NULL) { perror(inpname); return(-1); } if (out2stdout) outfp = stdout; else if ((outfp = fopen(fullname(buf,outname,T_RAD), "w")) == NULL) { perror(buf); fclose(inpfp); return(-1); } putheader(outfp); if (lamptype == NULL) lampcolor = NULL; while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),inpfp) != NULL && strncmp(buf,TLTSTR,TLTSTRLEN)) { blanktrunc(buf); if (!buf[0]) continue; if (!lineno++ && !strncmp(buf, MAGICID, LMAGICID)) { filerev = atoi(buf+LMAGICID); if (filerev < FIRSTREV) filerev = FIRSTREV; else if (filerev > LASTREV) filerev = LASTREV; } fputs("#<", outfp); fputs(buf, outfp); putc('\n', outfp); if (lampcolor == NULL && checklamp(buf)) lampcolor = matchlamp( buf[0] == '[' ? keyargs(buf) : buf ); if (keymatch(K_LMG, buf)) { /* geometry file */ strcpy(geomfile, inpname); strcpy(filename(geomfile), keyargs(buf)); srcinfo.isillum = 1; } } if (lampcolor == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - no lamp type\n", inpname); fputs("# Unknown lamp type (used default)\n", outfp); lampcolor = defcolor; } else if (lamptype == NULL) fprintf(outfp,"# CIE(x,y) = (%f,%f)\n# Depreciation = %.1f%%\n", lampcolor[3], lampcolor[4], 100.*lampcolor[5]); if (feof(inpfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not in IES format\n", inpname); goto readerr; } atos(tltid, MAXWORD, buf+TLTSTRLEN); if (inpfp == stdin) buf[0] = '\0'; else filetrunc(strcpy(buf, inpname)); if (dotilt(inpfp, outfp, buf, tltid, outname, tltid) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad tilt data\n", inpname); goto readerr; } if (dosource(&srcinfo, inpfp, outfp, tltid, outname) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad luminaire data\n", inpname); goto readerr; } fclose(inpfp); /* cvgeometry closes outfp */ if (cvgeometry(geomfile, &srcinfo, outname, outfp) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad geometry file\n", geomfile); return(-1); } return(0); readerr: fclose(inpfp); fclose(outfp); unlink(fullname(buf,outname,T_RAD)); return(-1); } dotilt(in, out, dir, tltspec, dfltname, tltid) /* convert tilt data */ FILE *in, *out; char *dir, *tltspec, *dfltname, *tltid; { int nangles, tlt_type; double minmax[2]; char buf[MAXPATH], tltname[MAXWORD]; FILE *datin, *datout; if (!strcmp(tltspec, TLTNONE)) { datin = NULL; strcpy(tltid, "void"); } else if (!strcmp(tltspec, TLTINCL)) { datin = in; strcpy(tltname, dfltname); } else { if (ISDIRSEP(tltspec[0])) strcpy(buf, tltspec); else strcpy(stradd(buf, dir, DIRSEP), tltspec); if ((datin = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) { perror(buf); return(-1); } tailtrunc(strcpy(tltname,filename(tltspec))); } if (datin != NULL) { if ((datout = fopen(fullname(buf,tltname,T_TLT),"w")) == NULL) { perror(buf); if (datin != in) fclose(datin); return(-1); } if (!scnint(datin,&tlt_type) || !scnint(datin,&nangles) || cvdata(datin,datout,1,&nangles,1.,minmax) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: data format error\n", tltspec); fclose(datout); if (datin != in) fclose(datin); unlink(fullname(buf,tltname,T_TLT)); return(-1); } fclose(datout); if (datin != in) fclose(datin); strcat(strcpy(tltid, filename(tltname)), "_tilt"); fprintf(out, "\nvoid brightdata %s\n", tltid); libname(buf,tltname,T_TLT); switch (tlt_type) { case TLT_VERT: /* vertical */ fprintf(out, "4 noop %s tilt.cal %s\n", buf, minmax[1]>90.+FTINY ? "tilt_ang" : "tilt_ang2"); break; case TLT_H0: /* horiz. in 0 deg. plane */ fprintf(out, "6 noop %s tilt.cal %s -rz 90\n", buf, minmax[1]>90.+FTINY ? "tilt_xang" : "tilt_xang2"); break; case TLT_H90: fprintf(out, "4 noop %s tilt.cal %s\n", buf, minmax[1]>90.+FTINY ? "tilt_xang" : "tilt_xang2"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal lamp to luminaire geometry (%d)\n", tltspec, tlt_type); return(-1); } fprintf(out, "0\n0\n"); } return(0); } dosource(sinf, in, out, mod, name) /* create source and distribution */ SRCINFO *sinf; FILE *in, *out; char *mod, *name; { char buf[MAXPATH], id[MAXWORD]; FILE *datout; double mult, bfactor, pfactor, width, length, height, wattage; double bounds[2][2]; int nangles[2], pmtype, unitype; double d1; if (!isint(getword(in)) || !isflt(getword(in)) || !scnflt(in,&mult) || !scnint(in,&nangles[0]) || !scnint(in,&nangles[1]) || !scnint(in,&pmtype) || !scnint(in,&unitype) || !scnflt(in,&width) || !scnflt(in,&length) || !scnflt(in,&height) || !scnflt(in,&bfactor) || !scnflt(in,&pfactor) || !scnflt(in,&wattage)) { fprintf(stderr, "dosource: bad lamp specification\n"); return(-1); } sinf->mult = multiplier*mult*bfactor*pfactor; if (nangles[0] < 2 || nangles[1] < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "dosource: too few measured angles\n"); return(-1); } if (unitype == U_FEET) { width *= F_M; length *= F_M; height *= F_M; } if (makeshape(sinf, width, length, height) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dosource: illegal source dimensions"); return(-1); } if ((datout = fopen(fullname(buf,name,T_DST), "w")) == NULL) { perror(buf); return(-1); } if (cvdata(in, datout, 2, nangles, 1./WHTEFFICACY, bounds) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dosource: bad distribution data\n"); fclose(datout); unlink(fullname(buf,name,T_DST)); return(-1); } fclose(datout); fprintf(out, "# %g watt luminaire, lamp*ballast factor = %g\n", wattage, bfactor*pfactor); strcat(strcpy(id, filename(name)), "_dist"); fprintf(out, "\n%s brightdata %s\n", mod, id); if (nangles[1] < 2) fprintf(out, "4 "); else if (pmtype == PM_B) fprintf(out, "5 "); else if (FEQ(bounds[1][0],90.) && FEQ(bounds[1][1],270.)) fprintf(out, "7 "); else fprintf(out, "5 "); fprintf(out, "%s %s source.cal ", sinf->type==SPHERE ? "corr" : "flatcorr", libname(buf,name,T_DST)); if (pmtype == PM_B) { if (FEQ(bounds[1][0],0.)) fprintf(out, "srcB_horiz2 "); else fprintf(out, "srcB_horiz "); fprintf(out, "srcB_vert "); } else { if (nangles[1] >= 2) { d1 = bounds[1][1] - bounds[1][0]; if (d1 <= 90.+FTINY) fprintf(out, "src_phi4 "); else if (d1 <= 180.+FTINY) fprintf(out, "src_phi2 "); else fprintf(out, "src_phi "); fprintf(out, "src_theta "); if (FEQ(bounds[1][0],90.) && FEQ(bounds[1][1],270.)) fprintf(out, "-rz -90 "); } else fprintf(out, "src_theta "); } fprintf(out, "\n0\n1 %g\n", sinf->mult); if (putsource(sinf, out, id, filename(name), bounds[0][0]<90., bounds[0][1]>90.) != 0) return(-1); return(0); } putsource(shp, fp, mod, name, dolower, doupper) /* put out source */ SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; int dolower, doupper; { int dosides = 0; char buf[MAXWORD]; fprintf(fp, "\n%s %s %s_light\n", mod, shp->isillum ? "illum" : "light", name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n3 %g %g %g\n", lampcolor[0]/shp->area, lampcolor[1]/shp->area, lampcolor[2]/shp->area); if (doupper && dolower && shp->type != SPHERE && shp->h > MINDIM) if (!shp->isillum) { fprintf(fp, "\n%s glow %s_glow\n", mod, name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n4 %g %g %g -1\n", lampcolor[0]/shp->area, lampcolor[1]/shp->area, lampcolor[2]/shp->area); dosides++; } switch (shp->type) { case RECT: strcat(strcpy(buf, name), "_light"); if (dolower) putrectsrc(shp, fp, buf, name, 0); if (doupper) putrectsrc(shp, fp, buf, name, 1); if (dosides) { strcat(strcpy(buf, name), "_glow"); putsides(shp, fp, buf, name); } break; case DISK: strcat(strcpy(buf, name), "_light"); if (dolower) putdisksrc(shp, fp, buf, name, 0); if (doupper) putdisksrc(shp, fp, buf, name, 1); if (dosides) { strcat(strcpy(buf, name), "_glow"); putcyl(shp, fp, buf, name); } break; case SPHERE: strcat(strcpy(buf, name), "_light"); putspheresrc(shp, fp, buf, name); break; } return(0); } makeshape(shp, width, length, height) /* make source shape */ register SRCINFO *shp; double width, length, height; { if (illumrad/meters2out >= MINDIM/2.) { shp->isillum = 1; shp->type = SPHERE; shp->w = shp->l = shp->h = 2.*illumrad / meters2out; } else if (width < MINDIM) { width = -width; if (width < MINDIM) { shp->type = SPHERE; shp->w = shp->l = shp->h = MINDIM; } else if (height < .5*width) { shp->type = DISK; shp->w = shp->l = width; if (height >= MINDIM) shp->h = height; else shp->h = .5*MINDIM; } else { shp->type = SPHERE; shp->w = shp->l = shp->h = width; } } else { shp->type = RECT; shp->w = width; if (length >= MINDIM) shp->l = length; else shp->l = MINDIM; if (height >= MINDIM) shp->h = height; else shp->h = .5*MINDIM; } switch (shp->type) { case RECT: shp->area = shp->w * shp->l; break; case DISK: case SPHERE: shp->area = PI/4. * shp->w * shp->w; break; } return(0); } putrectsrc(shp, fp, mod, name, up) /* rectangular source */ SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; int up; { if (up) putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".u", 4, 5, 7, 6); else putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".d", 0, 2, 3, 1); } putsides(shp, fp, mod, name) /* put out sides of box */ register SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; { putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".1", 0, 1, 5, 4); putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".2", 1, 3, 7, 5); putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".3", 3, 2, 6, 7); putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, ".4", 2, 0, 4, 6); } putrect(shp, fp, mod, name, suffix, a, b, c, d) /* put out a rectangle */ SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name, *suffix; int a, b, c, d; { fprintf(fp, "\n%s polygon %s%s\n0\n0\n12\n", mod, name, suffix); putpoint(shp, fp, a); putpoint(shp, fp, b); putpoint(shp, fp, c); putpoint(shp, fp, d); } putpoint(shp, fp, p) /* put out a point */ register SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; int p; { static double mult[2] = {-.5, .5}; fprintf(fp, "\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", mult[p&1]*shp->l*meters2out, mult[p>>1&1]*shp->w*meters2out, mult[p>>2]*shp->h*meters2out); } putdisksrc(shp, fp, mod, name, up) /* put out a disk source */ register SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; int up; { if (up) { fprintf(fp, "\n%s ring %s.u\n", mod, name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n8\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 %g\n", .5*shp->h*meters2out); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 1\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t0 %g\n", .5*shp->w*meters2out); } else { fprintf(fp, "\n%s ring %s.d\n", mod, name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n8\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 %g\n", -.5*shp->h*meters2out); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 -1\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t0 %g\n", .5*shp->w*meters2out); } } putcyl(shp, fp, mod, name) /* put out a cylinder */ register SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; { fprintf(fp, "\n%s cylinder %s.c\n", mod, name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n7\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 %g\n", .5*shp->h*meters2out); fprintf(fp, "\t0 0 %g\n", -.5*shp->h*meters2out); fprintf(fp, "\t%g\n", .5*shp->w*meters2out); } putspheresrc(shp, fp, mod, name) /* put out a sphere source */ SRCINFO *shp; FILE *fp; char *mod, *name; { fprintf(fp, "\n%s sphere %s.s\n", mod, name); fprintf(fp, "0\n0\n4 0 0 0 %g\n", .5*shp->w*meters2out); } cvdata(in, out, ndim, npts, mult, lim) /* convert data */ FILE *in, *out; int ndim, npts[]; double mult, lim[][2]; { double *pt[4]; register int i, j; double val; int total; total = 1; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) if (npts[i] > 1) { total *= npts[i]; j++; } fprintf(out, "%d\n", j); /* get coordinates */ for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { pt[i] = (double *)malloc(npts[i]*sizeof(double)); for (j = 0; j < npts[i]; j++) if (!scnflt(in, &pt[i][j])) return(-1); if (lim != NULL) { lim[i][0] = pt[i][0]; lim[i][1] = pt[i][npts[i]-1]; } } /* write out in reverse */ for (i = ndim-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (npts[i] > 1) { for (j = 1; j < npts[i]-1; j++) if (!FEQ(pt[i][j]-pt[i][j-1], pt[i][j+1]-pt[i][j])) break; if (j == npts[i]-1) fprintf(out, "%g %g %d\n", pt[i][0], pt[i][j], npts[i]); else { fprintf(out, "0 0 %d", npts[i]); for (j = 0; j < npts[i]; j++) { if (j%4 == 0) putc('\n', out); fprintf(out, "\t%g", pt[i][j]); } putc('\n', out); } } free((char *)pt[i]); } for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { if (i%4 == 0) putc('\n', out); if (!scnflt(in, &val)) return(-1); fprintf(out, "\t%g", val*mult); } putc('\n', out); return(0); } char * getword(fp) /* scan a word from fp */ register FILE *fp; { static char word[MAXWORD]; register char *cp; register int c; while (isspace(c=getc(fp))) ; for (cp = word; c != EOF && cp < word+MAXWORD-1; *cp++ = c, c = getc(fp)) if (isspace(c) || c == ',') { while (isspace(c)) c = getc(fp); if (c != EOF & c != ',') ungetc(c, fp); *cp = '\0'; return(word); } *cp = '\0'; return(cp > word ? word : NULL); } cvtint(ip, word) /* convert a word to an integer */ int *ip; char *word; { if (word == NULL || !isint(word)) return(0); *ip = atoi(word); return(1); } cvtflt(rp, word) /* convert a word to a double */ double *rp; char *word; { if (word == NULL || !isflt(word)) return(0); *rp = atof(word); return(1); } cvgeometry(inpname, sinf, outname, outfp) char *inpname; register SRCINFO *sinf; char *outname; FILE *outfp; /* close output file upon return */ { char buf[256]; register char *cp; if (inpname == NULL || !inpname[0]) { /* no geometry file */ fclose(outfp); return(0); } putc('\n', outfp); strcpy(buf, "mgf2rad "); /* build mgf2rad command */ cp = buf+8; if (!FEQ(sinf->mult, 1.0)) { sprintf(cp, "-m %f ", sinf->mult); cp += strlen(cp); } sprintf(cp, "-g %f %s ", sqrt(sinf->w*sinf->w + sinf->h*sinf->h + sinf->l*sinf->l), inpname); cp += strlen(cp); if (instantiate) { /* instantiate octree */ strcpy(cp, "| oconv - > "); cp += 12; fullname(cp,outname,T_OCT); if (fdate(inpname) > fdate(outname) && system(buf)) { /* create octree */ fclose(outfp); return(-1); } fprintf(outfp, "void instance %s_inst\n", outname); if (!FEQ(meters2out, 1.0)) fprintf(outfp, "3 %s -s %f\n", libname(buf,outname,T_OCT), meters2out); else fprintf(outfp, "1 %s\n", libname(buf,outname,T_OCT)); fprintf(outfp, "0\n0\n"); fclose(outfp); } else { /* else append to luminaire file */ if (!FEQ(meters2out, 1.0)) { /* apply scalefactor */ sprintf(cp, "| xform -s %f ", meters2out); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!out2stdout) { fclose(outfp); strcpy(cp, ">> "); /* append works for DOS? */ cp += 3; fullname(cp,outname,T_RAD); } if (system(buf)) return(-1); } return(0); }