#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: bsdf2ttree.c,v 2.9 2012/11/22 06:07:17 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Load measured BSDF interpolant and write out as XML file with tensor tree. * * G. Ward */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "bsdfrep.h" /* global argv[0] */ char *progname; /* percentage to cull (<0 to turn off) */ double pctcull = 90.; /* sampling order */ int samp_order = 6; /* Interpolate and output isotropic BSDF data */ static void interp_isotropic() { const int sqres = 1<= 0) fprintf(stderr, "data with %.1f%% culling\n", pctcull); else fputs("raw data\n", stderr); #endif if (pctcull >= 0) { /* begin output */ sprintf(cmd, "rttree_reduce -h -a -ff -r 3 -t %f -g %d", pctcull, samp_order); fflush(stdout); ofp = popen(cmd, "w"); if (ofp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create pipe to rttree_reduce\n", progname); exit(1); } SET_FILE_BINARY(ofp); } else fputs("{\n", stdout); /* run through directions */ for (ix = 0; ix < sqres/2; ix++) { RBFNODE *rbf; SDsquare2disk(ivec, (ix+.5)/sqres, .5); ivec[2] = input_orient * sqrt(1. - ivec[0]*ivec[0] - ivec[1]*ivec[1]); rbf = advect_rbf(ivec); for (ox = 0; ox < sqres; ox++) for (oy = 0; oy < sqres; oy++) { SDsquare2disk(ovec, (ox+.5)/sqres, (oy+.5)/sqres); ovec[2] = output_orient * sqrt(1. - ovec[0]*ovec[0] - ovec[1]*ovec[1]); bsdf = eval_rbfrep(rbf, ovec) * output_orient/ovec[2]; if (pctcull >= 0) fwrite(&bsdf, sizeof(bsdf), 1, ofp); else printf("\t%.3e\n", bsdf); } if (rbf != NULL) free(rbf); } if (pctcull >= 0) { /* finish output */ if (pclose(ofp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error running '%s'\n", progname, cmd); exit(1); } } else { for (ix = sqres*sqres*sqres/2; ix--; ) fputs("\t0\n", stdout); fputs("}\n", stdout); } } /* Interpolate and output anisotropic BSDF data */ static void interp_anisotropic() { const int sqres = 1<= 0) fprintf(stderr, "data with %.1f%% culling\n", pctcull); else fputs("raw data\n", stderr); #endif if (pctcull >= 0) { /* begin output */ sprintf(cmd, "rttree_reduce -h -a -ff -r 4 -t %f -g %d", pctcull, samp_order); fflush(stdout); ofp = popen(cmd, "w"); if (ofp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create pipe to rttree_reduce\n", progname); exit(1); } } else fputs("{\n", stdout); /* run through directions */ for (ix = 0; ix < sqres; ix++) for (iy = 0; iy < sqres; iy++) { RBFNODE *rbf; SDsquare2disk(ivec, (ix+.5)/sqres, (iy+.5)/sqres); ivec[2] = input_orient * sqrt(1. - ivec[0]*ivec[0] - ivec[1]*ivec[1]); rbf = advect_rbf(ivec); for (ox = 0; ox < sqres; ox++) for (oy = 0; oy < sqres; oy++) { SDsquare2disk(ovec, (ox+.5)/sqres, (oy+.5)/sqres); ovec[2] = output_orient * sqrt(1. - ovec[0]*ovec[0] - ovec[1]*ovec[1]); bsdf = eval_rbfrep(rbf, ovec) * output_orient/ovec[2]; if (pctcull >= 0) fwrite(&bsdf, sizeof(bsdf), 1, ofp); else printf("\t%.3e\n", bsdf); } if (rbf != NULL) free(rbf); } if (pctcull >= 0) { /* finish output */ if (pclose(ofp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error running '%s'\n", progname, cmd); exit(1); } } else fputs("}\n", stdout); } /* Output XML prologue to stdout */ static void xml_prologue(int ac, char *av[]) { static const char *bsdf_type[4] = { "Reflection Front", "Transmission Front", "Transmission Back", "Reflection Back" }; puts(""); puts(""); fputs(""); puts("System"); puts("BSDF"); puts(""); puts(""); puts("\t"); puts("\t\tName"); puts("\t\tManufacturer"); puts("\t\tOther"); puts("\t"); puts("\t"); printf("\t\tTensorTree%c\n", single_plane_incident ? '3' : '4'); puts("\t"); puts("\t"); puts("\t\tSystem"); puts("\t\tVisible"); puts("\t\tCIE Illuminant D65 1nm.ssp"); puts("\t\tASTM E308 1931 Y.dsp"); puts("\t\t"); printf("\t\t\t%s\n", bsdf_type[(input_orient>0)<<1 | (output_orient>0)]); puts("\t\t\tLBNL/Shirley-Chiu"); puts("\t\t\tBTDF"); puts("\t\t\t"); } /* Output XML epilogue to stdout */ static void xml_epilogue(void) { puts("\t\t\t"); puts("\t\t"); puts("\t"); puts(""); puts(""); puts(""); } /* Read in BSDF and interpolate as tensor tree representation */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fpin = stdin; int i; progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc-1 && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { /* get option */ case 't': pctcull = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'g': samp_order = atoi(argv[++i]); break; default: goto userr; } if (i == argc-1) { /* open input if given */ fpin = fopen(argv[i], "r"); if (fpin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open BSDF interpolant '%s'\n", progname, argv[1]); return(1); } } else if (i < argc-1) goto userr; SET_FILE_BINARY(fpin); /* load BSDF interpolant */ if (!load_bsdf_rep(fpin)) return(1); fclose(fpin); xml_prologue(argc, argv); /* start XML output */ if (single_plane_incident) /* resample dist. */ interp_isotropic(); else interp_anisotropic(); xml_epilogue(); /* finish XML output */ return(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-t pctcull][-g log2grid] [bsdf.sir] > bsdf.xml\n", progname); return(1); }