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Revision: 2.13
Committed: Mon Sep 15 00:54:03 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad4R2P2, rad4R2P1
Changes since 2.12: +7 -5 lines
Log Message:
Fixed issue with debug reporting of hemispherical reflection/transmission

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: bsdf2rad.c,v 2.12 2014/08/21 10:33:48 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Plot 3-D BSDF output based on scattering interpolant or XML representation
6 */
9 #include <stdio.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <math.h>
13 #include "rtprocess.h"
14 #include "bsdfrep.h"
16 const float colarr[6][3] = {
17 .7, 1., .7,
18 1., .7, .7,
19 .7, .7, 1.,
20 1., .5, 1.,
21 1., 1., .5,
22 .5, 1., 1.
23 };
25 #ifdef _WIN32
26 char validf[] = "-e \"valid(s,t)=X`SYS(s,t)^2+Y`SYS(s,t)^2+Z`SYS(s,t)^2-1e-7\"";
27 #else
28 char validf[] = "-e 'valid(s,t)=X`SYS(s,t)^2+Y`SYS(s,t)^2+Z`SYS(s,t)^2-1e-7'";
29 #endif
31 char *progname;
33 /* Produce a Radiance model plotting the indicated incident direction(s) */
34 int
35 main(int argc, char *argv[])
36 {
37 int showPeaks = 0;
38 int doTrans = 0;
39 int inpXML = -1;
40 RBFNODE *rbf = NULL;
41 FILE *fp;
42 char buf[128];
43 SDData myBSDF;
44 double bsdf, min_log;
45 FVECT idir, odir;
46 int i, j, n;
47 /* check arguments */
48 progname = argv[0];
49 if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-p")) {
50 ++showPeaks;
51 ++argv; --argc;
52 }
53 if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-t")) {
54 ++doTrans;
55 ++argv; --argc;
56 }
57 if (argc >= 4 && (n = strlen(argv[1])-4) > 0) {
58 if (!strcasecmp(argv[1]+n, ".xml"))
59 inpXML = 1;
60 else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1]+n, ".sir"))
61 inpXML = 0;
62 }
63 if (inpXML < 0) {
64 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-p] bsdf.sir theta1 phi1 .. > output.rad\n", progname);
65 fprintf(stderr, " Or: %s [-t] bsdf.xml theta1 phi1 .. > output.rad\n", progname);
66 return(1);
67 }
68 /* load input */
69 if (inpXML) {
70 SDclearBSDF(&myBSDF, argv[1]);
71 if (SDreportError(SDloadFile(&myBSDF, argv[1]), stderr))
72 return(1);
73 bsdf_min = 1./M_PI;
74 if (myBSDF.rf != NULL && myBSDF.rLambFront.cieY < bsdf_min*M_PI)
75 bsdf_min = myBSDF.rLambFront.cieY/M_PI;
76 if (myBSDF.rb != NULL && myBSDF.rLambBack.cieY < bsdf_min*M_PI)
77 bsdf_min = myBSDF.rLambBack.cieY/M_PI;
78 if (( != NULL) | (myBSDF.tb != NULL) &&
79 myBSDF.tLamb.cieY < bsdf_min*M_PI)
80 bsdf_min = myBSDF.tLamb.cieY/M_PI;
81 if (doTrans && ( == NULL) & (myBSDF.tb == NULL)) {
82 fprintf(stderr, "%s: no transmitted component in '%s'\n",
83 progname, argv[1]);
84 return(1);
85 }
86 } else {
87 fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
88 if (fp == NULL) {
89 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open BSDF interpolant '%s'\n",
90 progname, argv[1]);
91 return(1);
92 }
93 if (!load_bsdf_rep(fp))
94 return(1);
95 fclose(fp);
96 }
97 #ifdef DEBUG
98 fprintf(stderr, "Minimum BSDF set to %.4f\n", bsdf_min);
99 #endif
100 min_log = log(bsdf_min*.5 + 1e-5);
101 /* output BSDF rep. */
102 for (n = 0; (n < 6) & (2*n+3 < argc); n++) {
103 double theta = (M_PI/180.)*atof(argv[2*n+2]);
104 double phi = (M_PI/180.)*atof(argv[2*n+3]);
105 if (theta < -FTINY) {
106 fprintf(stderr, "%s: theta values must be positive\n",
107 progname);
108 return(1);
109 }
110 if (inpXML) {
111 input_orient = (theta <= M_PI/2.) ? 1 : -1;
112 output_orient = doTrans ? -input_orient : input_orient;
113 }
114 idir[2] = sin(theta);
115 idir[0] = idir[2] * cos(phi);
116 idir[1] = idir[2] * sin(phi);
117 idir[2] = input_orient * sqrt(1. - idir[2]*idir[2]);
118 #ifdef DEBUG
119 fprintf(stderr, "Computing BSDF for incident direction (%.1f,%.1f)\n",
120 get_theta180(idir), get_phi360(idir));
121 #endif
122 if (!inpXML)
123 rbf = advect_rbf(idir, 15000);
124 #ifdef DEBUG
125 if (inpXML)
126 fprintf(stderr, "Hemispherical %s: %.3f\n",
127 (output_orient > 0 ^ input_orient > 0 ?
128 "transmission" : "reflection"),
129 SDdirectHemi(idir, SDsampSp|SDsampDf |
130 (output_orient > 0 ^ input_orient > 0 ?
131 SDsampT : SDsampR), &myBSDF));
132 else if (rbf == NULL)
133 fputs("Empty RBF\n", stderr);
134 else
135 fprintf(stderr, "Hemispherical %s: %.3f\n",
136 (output_orient > 0 ^ input_orient > 0 ?
137 "transmission" : "reflection"),
138 rbf->vtotal);
139 #endif
140 printf("void trans tmat\n0\n0\n7 %f %f %f .04 .04 .9 1\n",
141 colarr[n][0], colarr[n][1], colarr[n][2]);
142 if (showPeaks && rbf != NULL) {
143 printf("void plastic pmat\n0\n0\n5 %f %f %f .04 .08\n",
144 1.-colarr[n][0], 1.-colarr[n][1], 1.-colarr[n][2]);
145 for (i = 0; i < rbf->nrbf; i++) {
146 ovec_from_pos(odir, rbf->rbfa[i].gx, rbf->rbfa[i].gy);
147 bsdf = eval_rbfrep(rbf, odir);
148 bsdf = log(bsdf + 1e-5) - min_log;
149 printf("pmat sphere p%d\n0\n0\n4 %f %f %f %f\n",
150 i+1, odir[0]*bsdf, odir[1]*bsdf, odir[2]*bsdf,
151 .007*bsdf);
152 }
153 }
154 fflush(stdout);
155 sprintf(buf, "gensurf tmat bsdf%d - - - %d %d %s", n+1,
156 GRIDRES-1, GRIDRES-1, validf);
157 fp = popen(buf, "w");
158 if (fp == NULL) {
159 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open '| %s'\n", progname, buf);
160 return(1);
161 }
162 for (i = 0; i < GRIDRES; i++)
163 for (j = 0; j < GRIDRES; j++) {
164 ovec_from_pos(odir, i, j);
165 if (inpXML) {
166 SDValue sval;
167 if (SDreportError(SDevalBSDF(&sval, odir,
168 idir, &myBSDF), stderr))
169 return(1);
170 bsdf = sval.cieY;
171 } else
172 bsdf = eval_rbfrep(rbf, odir);
173 bsdf = log(bsdf + 1e-5) - min_log;
174 fprintf(fp, "%.8e %.8e %.8e\n",
175 odir[0]*bsdf, odir[1]*bsdf, odir[2]*bsdf);
176 }
177 if (rbf != NULL)
178 free(rbf);
179 if (pclose(fp))
180 return(1);
181 }
182 return(0);
183 }