#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: bsdf2klems.c,v 2.34 2021/12/07 23:55:02 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Load measured BSDF interpolant and write out as XML file with Klems matrix. * * G. Ward */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include #include #include "random.h" #include "platform.h" #include "paths.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "calcomp.h" #include "bsdfrep.h" #include "bsdf_m.h" /* tristimulus components */ enum {CIE_X, CIE_Y, CIE_Z}; /* assumed maximum # Klems patches */ #define MAXPATCHES 145 /* global argv[0] */ char *progname; /* selected basis function name */ static const char klems_full[] = "LBNL/Klems Full"; static const char klems_half[] = "LBNL/Klems Half"; static const char klems_quarter[] = "LBNL/Klems Quarter"; static const char *kbasis = klems_full; /* number of BSDF samples per patch */ static int npsamps = 1024; /* limit on number of RBF lobes */ static int lobe_lim = 15000; /* progress bar length */ static int do_prog = 79; #define MAXCARG 512 /* wrapBSDF command */ static char *wrapBSDF[MAXCARG] = {"wrapBSDF", "-W", "-UU"}; static int wbsdfac = 3; /* Add argument to wrapBSDF, allocating space if !isstatic */ static void add_wbsdf(const char *arg, int isstatic) { if (arg == NULL) return; if (wbsdfac >= MAXCARG-1) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": too many command arguments to wrapBSDF\n", stderr); exit(1); } if (!*arg) arg = ""; else if (!isstatic) arg = savqstr((char *)arg); wrapBSDF[wbsdfac++] = (char *)arg; } /* Start new progress bar */ #define prog_start(s) if (do_prog) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s...\n", progname, s); else /* Draw progress bar of the appropriate length */ static void prog_show(double frac) { static unsigned call_cnt = 0; static char lastc[] = "-\\|/"; char pbar[256]; int nchars; if (do_prog <= 1) return; if (do_prog > sizeof(pbar)-2) do_prog = sizeof(pbar)-2; if (frac < 0) frac = 0; else if (frac >= 1) frac = .9999; nchars = do_prog*frac; pbar[0] = '\r'; memset(pbar+1, '*', nchars); pbar[nchars+1] = lastc[call_cnt++ & 3]; memset(pbar+2+nchars, '-', do_prog-nchars-1); pbar[do_prog+1] = '\0'; fputs(pbar, stderr); } /* Finish progress bar */ static void prog_done(void) { int n = do_prog; if (n <= 1) return; fputc('\r', stderr); while (n--) fputc(' ', stderr); fputc('\r', stderr); } /* Return angle basis corresponding to the given name */ static ANGLE_BASIS * get_basis(const char *bn) { int n = nabases; while (n-- > 0) if (!strcasecmp(bn, abase_list[n].name)) return &abase_list[n]; return NULL; } /* Copy geometry string to file for wrapBSDF */ static char * save_geom(const char *mgf) { char *tfname = mktemp(savqstr(TEMPLATE)); int fd = open(tfname, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0600); if (fd < 0) return(NULL); write(fd, mgf, strlen(mgf)); close(fd); add_wbsdf("-g", 1); add_wbsdf(tfname, 1); return(tfname); } /* Open XYZ component file for output and add appropriate arguments */ static FILE * open_component_file(int c) { static const char sname[3][6] = {"CIE-X", "CIE-Y", "CIE-Z"}; static const char cname[4][4] = {"-rf", "-tf", "-tb", "-rb"}; char *tfname = mktemp(savqstr(TEMPLATE)); FILE *fp = fopen(tfname, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open '%s' for writing\n", progname, tfname); exit(1); } add_wbsdf("-s", 1); add_wbsdf(sname[c], 1); add_wbsdf(cname[(input_orient>0)<<1 | (output_orient>0)], 1); add_wbsdf(tfname, 1); return(fp); } /* Load and resample XML BSDF description using Klems basis */ static void eval_bsdf(const char *fname) { ANGLE_BASIS *abp = get_basis(kbasis); FILE *cfp[3]; SDData bsd; SDError ec; FVECT vin, vout; SDValue sdv; double sum, xsum, ysum; int i, j, n; initurand(npsamps); SDclearBSDF(&bsd, fname); /* load BSDF file */ if ((ec = SDloadFile(&bsd, fname)) != SDEnone) goto err; if (bsd.mgf != NULL) /* save geometry */ save_geom(bsd.mgf); if (bsd.matn[0]) /* save identifier(s) */ strcpy(bsdf_name, bsd.matn); if (bsd.makr[0]) strcpy(bsdf_manuf, bsd.makr); if (bsd.dim[2] > 0) { /* save dimension(s) */ char buf[64]; if ((bsd.dim[0] > 0) & (bsd.dim[1] > 0)) sprintf(buf, "w=%g;h=%g;t=%g", bsd.dim[0], bsd.dim[1], bsd.dim[2]); else sprintf(buf, "t=%g", bsd.dim[2]); add_wbsdf("-f", 1); add_wbsdf(buf, 0); } /* front reflection */ if (bsd.rf != NULL || bsd.rLambFront.cieY > .002) { input_orient = 1; output_orient = 1; cfp[CIE_Y] = open_component_file(CIE_Y); if (bsd.rf != NULL && bsd.rf->comp[0].cspec[2].flags) { rbf_colorimetry = RBCtristimulus; cfp[CIE_X] = open_component_file(CIE_X); cfp[CIE_Z] = open_component_file(CIE_Z); } else rbf_colorimetry = RBCphotopic; for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { sum = 0; /* average over patches */ xsum = ysum = 0; for (n = npsamps; n-- > 0; ) { fo_getvec(vout, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); fi_getvec(vin, i+urand(n), abp); ec = SDevalBSDF(&sdv, vin, vout, &bsd); if (ec != SDEnone) goto err; sum += sdv.cieY; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { xsum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cx; ysum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cy; } } fprintf(cfp[CIE_Y], "\t%.3e\n", sum/npsamps); if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fprintf(cfp[CIE_X], "\t%.3e\n", xsum*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); fprintf(cfp[CIE_Z], "\t%.3e\n", (sum - xsum - ysum)*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); } } fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Y]); /* extra space between rows */ if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_X]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Z]); } } if (fclose(cfp[CIE_Y])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus && (fclose(cfp[CIE_X]) || fclose(cfp[CIE_Z]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing X/Z output\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* back reflection */ if (bsd.rb != NULL || bsd.rLambBack.cieY > .002) { input_orient = -1; output_orient = -1; cfp[CIE_Y] = open_component_file(CIE_Y); if (bsd.rb != NULL && bsd.rb->comp[0].cspec[2].flags) { rbf_colorimetry = RBCtristimulus; cfp[CIE_X] = open_component_file(CIE_X); cfp[CIE_Z] = open_component_file(CIE_Z); } else rbf_colorimetry = RBCphotopic; for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { sum = 0; /* average over patches */ xsum = ysum = 0; for (n = npsamps; n-- > 0; ) { bo_getvec(vout, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); bi_getvec(vin, i+urand(n), abp); ec = SDevalBSDF(&sdv, vin, vout, &bsd); if (ec != SDEnone) goto err; sum += sdv.cieY; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { xsum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cx; ysum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cy; } } fprintf(cfp[CIE_Y], "\t%.3e\n", sum/npsamps); if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fprintf(cfp[CIE_X], "\t%.3e\n", xsum*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); fprintf(cfp[CIE_Z], "\t%.3e\n", (sum - xsum - ysum)*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); } } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_X]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Z]); } } if (fclose(cfp[CIE_Y])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus && (fclose(cfp[CIE_X]) || fclose(cfp[CIE_Z]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing X/Z output\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* front transmission */ if (bsd.tf != NULL || bsd.tLambFront.cieY > .002) { input_orient = 1; output_orient = -1; cfp[CIE_Y] = open_component_file(CIE_Y); if (bsd.tf != NULL && bsd.tf->comp[0].cspec[2].flags) { rbf_colorimetry = RBCtristimulus; cfp[CIE_X] = open_component_file(CIE_X); cfp[CIE_Z] = open_component_file(CIE_Z); } else rbf_colorimetry = RBCphotopic; for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { sum = 0; /* average over patches */ xsum = ysum = 0; for (n = npsamps; n-- > 0; ) { bo_getvec(vout, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); fi_getvec(vin, i+urand(n), abp); ec = SDevalBSDF(&sdv, vin, vout, &bsd); if (ec != SDEnone) goto err; sum += sdv.cieY; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { xsum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cx; ysum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cy; } } fprintf(cfp[CIE_Y], "\t%.3e\n", sum/npsamps); if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fprintf(cfp[CIE_X], "\t%.3e\n", xsum*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); fprintf(cfp[CIE_Z], "\t%.3e\n", (sum - xsum - ysum)*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); } } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_X]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Z]); } } if (fclose(cfp[CIE_Y])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus && (fclose(cfp[CIE_X]) || fclose(cfp[CIE_Z]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing X/Z output\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* back transmission */ if ((bsd.tb != NULL) | (bsd.tf != NULL)) { input_orient = -1; output_orient = 1; cfp[CIE_Y] = open_component_file(CIE_Y); if (bsd.tb != NULL) rbf_colorimetry = bsd.tb->comp[0].cspec[2].flags ? RBCtristimulus : RBCphotopic ; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { cfp[CIE_X] = open_component_file(CIE_X); cfp[CIE_Z] = open_component_file(CIE_Z); } for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { sum = 0; /* average over patches */ xsum = ysum = 0; for (n = npsamps; n-- > 0; ) { fo_getvec(vout, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); bi_getvec(vin, i+urand(n), abp); ec = SDevalBSDF(&sdv, vin, vout, &bsd); if (ec != SDEnone) goto err; sum += sdv.cieY; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { xsum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cx; ysum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cy; } } fprintf(cfp[CIE_Y], "\t%.3e\n", sum/npsamps); if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fprintf(cfp[CIE_X], "\t%.3e\n", xsum*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); fprintf(cfp[CIE_Z], "\t%.3e\n", (sum - xsum - ysum)*sum/(npsamps*ysum)); } } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_X]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Z]); } } if (fclose(cfp[CIE_Y])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus && (fclose(cfp[CIE_X]) || fclose(cfp[CIE_Z]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing X/Z output\n", progname); exit(1); } } SDfreeBSDF(&bsd); /* all done */ return; err: SDreportError(ec, stderr); exit(1); } /* Interpolate and output a BSDF function using Klems basis */ static void eval_function(char *funame) { ANGLE_BASIS *abp = get_basis(kbasis); int assignD = (fundefined(funame) < 6); FILE *ofp = open_component_file(CIE_Y); double iovec[6]; double sum; int i, j, n; initurand(npsamps); for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { /* run through directions */ for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { sum = 0; for (n = npsamps; n--; ) { /* average over patches */ if (output_orient > 0) fo_getvec(iovec+3, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); else bo_getvec(iovec+3, j+(n+frandom())/npsamps, abp); if (input_orient > 0) fi_getvec(iovec, i+urand(n), abp); else bi_getvec(iovec, i+urand(n), abp); if (assignD) { varset("Dx", '=', -iovec[3]); varset("Dy", '=', -iovec[4]); varset("Dz", '=', -iovec[5]); ++eclock; } sum += funvalue(funame, 6, iovec); } fprintf(ofp, "\t%.3e\n", sum/npsamps); } fputc('\n', ofp); prog_show((j+1.)/abp->nangles); } prog_done(); if (fclose(ofp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* Interpolate and output a radial basis function BSDF representation */ static void eval_rbf(void) { ANGLE_BASIS *abp = get_basis(kbasis); float (*XZarr)[2] = NULL; float bsdfarr[MAXPATCHES*MAXPATCHES]; FILE *cfp[3]; FVECT vin, vout; double sum, xsum, ysum, normf; int i, j, ni, no, nisamps, nosamps; /* sanity check */ if (abp->nangles > MAXPATCHES) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many patches!\n", progname); exit(1); } memset(bsdfarr, 0, sizeof(bsdfarr)); if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) XZarr = (float (*)[2])calloc(abp->nangles*abp->nangles, 2*sizeof(float)); nosamps = (int)(pow((double)npsamps, 0.67) + .5); nisamps = (npsamps + (nosamps>>1)) / nosamps; normf = 1./(double)(nisamps*nosamps); for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++) { for (ni = nisamps; ni--; ) { /* sample over incident patch */ RBFNODE *rbf; if (input_orient > 0) /* vary incident patch loc. */ fi_getvec(vin, i+urand(ni), abp); else bi_getvec(vin, i+urand(ni), abp); rbf = advect_rbf(vin, lobe_lim); /* compute radial basis func */ for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { sum = 0; /* sample over exiting patch */ xsum = ysum = 0; for (no = nosamps; no--; ) { SDValue sdv; if (output_orient > 0) fo_getvec(vout, j+(no+frandom())/nosamps, abp); else bo_getvec(vout, j+(no+frandom())/nosamps, abp); eval_rbfcol(&sdv, rbf, vout); sum += sdv.cieY; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { xsum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cx; ysum += sdv.cieY * sdv.spec.cy; } } no = j*abp->nangles + i; bsdfarr[no] += sum * normf; if (rbf_colorimetry == RBCtristimulus) { XZarr[no][0] += xsum*sum*normf/ysum; XZarr[no][1] += (sum - xsum - ysum)*sum*normf/ysum; } } if (rbf != NULL) free(rbf); } prog_show((i+1.)/abp->nangles); } /* write out our matrix */ cfp[CIE_Y] = open_component_file(CIE_Y); no = 0; for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++, no++) fprintf(cfp[CIE_Y], "\t%.3e\n", bsdfarr[no]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Y]); } prog_done(); if (fclose(cfp[CIE_Y])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing Y output\n", progname); exit(1); } if (XZarr == NULL) /* no color? */ return; cfp[CIE_X] = open_component_file(CIE_X); cfp[CIE_Z] = open_component_file(CIE_Z); no = 0; for (j = 0; j < abp->nangles; j++) { for (i = 0; i < abp->nangles; i++, no++) { fprintf(cfp[CIE_X], "\t%.3e\n", XZarr[no][0]); fprintf(cfp[CIE_Z], "\t%.3e\n", XZarr[no][1]); } fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_X]); fputc('\n', cfp[CIE_Z]); } free(XZarr); if (fclose(cfp[CIE_X]) || fclose(cfp[CIE_Z])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing X/Z output\n", progname); exit(1); } } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) /* Execute wrapBSDF command (may never return) */ static int wrap_up(void) { char cmd[32700]; if (bsdf_manuf[0]) { add_wbsdf("-f", 1); strcpy(cmd, "m="); strcpy(cmd+2, bsdf_manuf); add_wbsdf(cmd, 0); } if (bsdf_name[0]) { add_wbsdf("-f", 1); strcpy(cmd, "n="); strcpy(cmd+2, bsdf_name); add_wbsdf(cmd, 0); } if (!convert_commandline(cmd, sizeof(cmd), wrapBSDF)) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": command line too long in wrap_up()\n", stderr); return(1); } return(system(cmd)); } #else /* Execute wrapBSDF command (may never return) */ static int wrap_up(void) { char buf[256]; char *compath = getpath((char *)wrapBSDF[0], getenv("PATH"), X_OK); if (compath == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot locate %s\n", progname, wrapBSDF[0]); return(1); } if (bsdf_manuf[0]) { add_wbsdf("-f", 1); strcpy(buf, "m="); strcpy(buf+2, bsdf_manuf); add_wbsdf(buf, 0); } if (bsdf_name[0]) { add_wbsdf("-f", 1); strcpy(buf, "n="); strcpy(buf+2, bsdf_name); add_wbsdf(buf, 0); } execv(compath, wrapBSDF); /* successful call never returns */ perror(compath); return(1); } #endif #define HEAD_BUFLEN 10240 static char head_buf[HEAD_BUFLEN]; static int cur_headlen = 0; /* Record header line as comment associated with this SIR input */ static int record2header(char *s) { int len = strlen(s); if (cur_headlen+len >= HEAD_BUFLEN-6) return(0); /* includes EOL */ strcpy(head_buf+cur_headlen, s); cur_headlen += len; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) if (head_buf[cur_headlen-1] == '\n') head_buf[cur_headlen-1] = '\t'; #endif return(1); } /* Finish off header for this file */ static void done_header(void) { while (cur_headlen > 0 && isspace(head_buf[cur_headlen-1])) --cur_headlen; head_buf[cur_headlen] = '\0'; if (!cur_headlen) return; add_wbsdf("-C", 1); add_wbsdf(head_buf, 0); head_buf[cur_headlen=0] = '\0'; } /* Read in BSDF and interpolate as Klems matrix representation */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int dofwd = 0, dobwd = 1; char buf[1024]; char *cp; int i, na; progname = argv[0]; esupport |= E_VARIABLE|E_FUNCTION|E_RCONST; esupport &= ~(E_INCHAN|E_OUTCHAN); scompile("PI:3.14159265358979323846", NULL, 0); biggerlib(); for (i = 1; i < argc && (argv[i][0] == '-') | (argv[i][0] == '+'); i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { /* get options */ case 'n': npsamps = atoi(argv[++i]); if (npsamps <= 0) goto userr; break; case 'e': scompile(argv[++i], NULL, 0); single_plane_incident = 0; break; case 'f': if (!argv[i][2]) { if (strchr(argv[++i], '=') != NULL) { add_wbsdf("-f", 1); add_wbsdf(argv[i], 1); } else { char *fpath = getpath(argv[i], getrlibpath(), 0); if (fpath == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot find file '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[i]); return(1); } fcompile(fpath); single_plane_incident = 0; } } else dofwd = (argv[i][0] == '+'); break; case 'b': dobwd = (argv[i][0] == '+'); break; case 'h': kbasis = klems_half; add_wbsdf("-a", 1); add_wbsdf("kh", 1); break; case 'q': kbasis = klems_quarter; add_wbsdf("-a", 1); add_wbsdf("kq", 1); break; case 'l': lobe_lim = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'p': do_prog = atoi(argv[i]+2); break; case 'C': add_wbsdf(argv[i], 1); add_wbsdf(argv[++i], 1); break; default: goto userr; } if (kbasis == klems_full) { /* default (full) basis? */ add_wbsdf("-a", 1); add_wbsdf("kf", 1); } strcpy(buf, "File produced by: "); if (convert_commandline(buf+18, sizeof(buf)-18, argv) != NULL) { add_wbsdf("-C", 1); add_wbsdf(buf, 0); } if (single_plane_incident >= 0) { /* function-based BSDF? */ if (i != argc-1 || fundefined(argv[i]) < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: need single function with 6 arguments: bsdf(ix,iy,iz,ox,oy,oz)\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "\tor 3 arguments using Dx,Dy,Dz: bsdf(ix,iy,iz)\n"); goto userr; } ++eclock; if (dofwd) { input_orient = -1; output_orient = -1; prog_start("Evaluating outside reflectance"); eval_function(argv[i]); output_orient = 1; prog_start("Evaluating outside->inside transmission"); eval_function(argv[i]); } if (dobwd) { input_orient = 1; output_orient = 1; prog_start("Evaluating inside reflectance"); eval_function(argv[i]); output_orient = -1; prog_start("Evaluating inside->outside transmission"); eval_function(argv[i]); } return(wrap_up()); } /* XML input? */ if (i == argc-1 && (cp = argv[i]+strlen(argv[i])-4) > argv[i] && !strcasecmp(cp, ".xml")) { eval_bsdf(argv[i]); /* load & resample BSDF */ return(wrap_up()); } if (i < argc) { /* open input files if given */ int nbsdf = 0; for ( ; i < argc; i++) { /* interpolate each component */ FILE *fpin = fopen(argv[i], "rb"); if (fpin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open BSDF interpolant '%s'\n", progname, argv[i]); return(1); } sprintf(buf, "%s:\n", argv[i]); record2header(buf); sir_headshare = &record2header; if (!load_bsdf_rep(fpin)) return(1); fclose(fpin); done_header(); sprintf(buf, "Interpolating component '%s'", argv[i]); prog_start(buf); eval_rbf(); } return(wrap_up()); } SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); /* load from stdin */ record2header(":\n"); sir_headshare = &record2header; if (!load_bsdf_rep(stdin)) return(1); done_header(); prog_start("Interpolating from standard input"); eval_rbf(); /* resample dist. */ return(wrap_up()); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-n spp][-h|-q][-l maxlobes] [bsdf.sir ..] > bsdf.xml\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " or: %s [-n spp][-h|-q] bsdf_in.xml > bsdf_out.xml\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " or: %s [-n spp][-h|-q][{+|-}for[ward]][{+|-}b[ackward]][-e expr][-f file] bsdf_func > bsdf.xml\n", progname); return(1); }