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File (rev) Last Change
mgflib/ 2.1 (17 years ago) by greg: Created optics2rad script for converting Optics materials to Radiance
vect3ds.h 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
vect3ds.c 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
transportSimplex.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Fixed various compiler warnings (mostly harmless)
trans.h 2.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication and reduced compile warnings.
trans.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication and reduced compile warnings.
tmesh2rad.c 2.17 (10 years ago) by greg: Made reading of vectors more consistent with FVFORMAT macro 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release 2.10 (16 years ago) by greg: Fixed reversed orientation for anisotropic distrubutions
rayopt3ds.h 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
rayopt3ds.c 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
rad2mgf.c 2.26 (12 years ago) by greg: Bug fix in handling of trans2 material
pkgBSDF.c 2.7 (8 years ago) by greg: Allow .XML suffix in caps
pabopto2xyz.c 2.3 (7 years ago) by greg: Increased number of samples during interpolation
pabopto2bsdf.c 2.30 (6 years ago) by greg: Fixed issue with theta=0 inputs 1.1 (10 years ago) by greg: Converted C-shell script (needs further testing)
optics2rad.csh 2.3 (15 years ago) by greg: Made temporary files safe from malicious attackers
obj2rad.c 2.29 (10 years ago) by greg: Increased maximum identifier name length from 64 to 256
nff2rad.c 2.7 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication and reduced compile warnings.
mgfilt.c 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf2rad.c 2.31 (7 years ago) by greg: Fixed issue pointed out by David G-M with metal material translation
mgf2meta.c 2.12 (13 years ago) by greg: Fixed a few compile errors due to code reorg
mgf2inv.c 2.4 (10 years ago) by greg: Switched to calling Acos() wherever appropriate
lampcolor.c 2.10 (20 years ago) by greg: Fixed bug caused by substituting fgets() for gets() -- now calls fgetline() 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
ies2rad.c 2.27 (8 years ago) by greg: Fixed various compiler warnings (mostly harmless)
epw2wea.c 2.3 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed problem with fractional timezones not reproducing in header
bsdftrans.cpp 2.4 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Magical allocation of dynamic length arrays works in gcc, but wasn't accepted into the standard.
bsdfrep.h 2.24 (8 years ago) by greg: Improved grazing lobe estimation by using lowest 25% of DSFs
bsdfrep.c 2.31 (8 years ago) by greg: Return minimum BSDF value as gray
bsdfrbf.c 2.30 (7 years ago) by greg: Decreased slope limit to be more conservative
bsdfquery.c 2.9 (7 years ago) by greg: Added value flushing to bsdfquery and put in standard build
bsdfmesh.c 2.38 (6 years ago) by greg: Fixed issue with theta=0 inputs
bsdfinterp.c 2.21 (8 years ago) by greg: Updated pabopto2bsdf to handle tristimulus color -- change in .sir format
bsdf2ttree.c 2.41 (6 years ago) by greg: Added {+|-}a option to genBSDF and bsdf2ttree to control reciprocity averaging 2.6 (7 years ago) by greg: Fixed BSDF material orientation for back side
bsdf2rad.c 2.32 (6 years ago) by greg: Added numbering to arrows
bsdf2klems.c 2.24 (7 years ago) by greg: Removed unnecessary calls to c_ccvt()
arch2rad.c 2.3 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication and reduced compile warnings.
SConscript 1.15 (8 years ago) by schorsch: reduce the number of libraries created
Rmakefile 2.54 (7 years ago) by greg: Added value flushing to bsdfquery and put in standard build
README 2.7 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
CMakeLists.txt 1.12 (7 years ago) by greg: Added value flushing to bsdfquery and put in standard build
3ds2mgf.c 2.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
1 directory and 44 files shown