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Revision: 3.3
Committed: Wed Apr 16 20:28:07 1997 UTC (27 years, 10 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.2: +11 -2 lines
Log Message:
minor bug fixes and added tmDup()

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1997 Regents of the University of California */
3 /* SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" */
5 /*
6 * Header file for tone mapping functions.
7 */
8 /* required non-system header files */
9 #include "color.h"
11 /**** Argument Macros ****/
12 /* Flags of what to do */
13 #define TM_F_HCONTR 01 /* human contrast sensitivity */
14 #define TM_F_MESOPIC 02 /* mesopic color sensitivity */
15 #define TM_F_LINEAR 04 /* linear brightness mapping */
16 #define TM_F_ACUITY 010 /* acuity adjustment */
17 #define TM_F_VEIL 020 /* veiling glare */
18 #define TM_F_CWEIGHT 040 /* center weighting */
19 #define TM_F_FOVEAL 0100 /* use foveal sample size */
20 #define TM_F_BW 0200 /* luminance only */
21 #define TM_F_NOSTDERR 0400 /* don't report errors to stderr */
22 /* combined modes */
23 #define TM_F_CAMERA 0
28 /* special pointer values */
29 #define TM_XYZPRIM (RGBPRIMP)NULL /* indicate XYZ primaries (Note 1) */
30 #define TM_NOCHROM (BYTE *)NULL /* indicate no chrominance */
31 #define TM_NOCHROMP (BYTE **)NULL /* indicate no chrominances */
32 #define TM_GETFILE (FILE *)NULL /* indicate file must be opened */
34 /**** Error Return Values ****/
36 #define TM_E_OK 0 /* normal return status */
37 #define TM_E_NOMEM 1 /* out of memory */
38 #define TM_E_ILLEGAL 2 /* illegal argument value */
39 #define TM_E_TMINVAL 3 /* no valid tone mapping */
40 #define TM_E_TMFAIL 4 /* cannot compute tone mapping */
41 #define TM_E_BADFILE 5 /* cannot open or understand file */
43 /**** Conversion Constants and Table Sizes ****/
45 #define TM_BRTSCALE 128 /* brightness scale factor (integer) */
47 #define TM_GAMTSZ 1024 /* gamma lookup table size */
49 /**** Global Data Structures ****/
51 extern char *tmErrorMessage[]; /* error messages */
53 typedef short TMbright; /* encoded luminance type */
55 /* basic tone mapping data structure */
56 extern struct tmStruct {
57 int flags; /* flags of what to do */
58 RGBPRIMP monpri; /* monitor RGB primaries */
59 double mongam; /* monitor gamma value (approx.) */
60 BYTE gamb[TM_GAMTSZ];/* gamma lookup table from mongam */
61 COLOR clf; /* computed luminance coefficients */
62 COLR clfb; /* normalized version of clf */
63 RGBPRIMP inppri; /* current input primaries */
64 double inpsf; /* current input scalefactor */
65 TMbright inpsfb; /* encoded version of inpsf */
66 COLORMAT cmat; /* color conversion matrix */
67 TMbright brmin, brmax; /* input brightness limits */
68 int *histo; /* input histogram */
69 unsigned short *lumap; /* computed luminance map */
70 struct tmStruct *tmprev; /* previous tone mapping */
71 } *tmTop; /* current tone mapping stack */
73 /**** Useful Macros ****/
75 #define tmLuminance(li) exp((li)/(double)TM_BRTSCALE)
77 /**** Library Function Calls ****/
79 #ifdef NOPROTO
81 extern struct tmStruct *tmInit(), *tmPop(), *tmDup();
82 extern void tmClearHisto(), tmDone();
83 extern int tmSetSpace(), tmCvColors(), tmCvColrs();
84 extern int tmAddHisto(), tmComputeMapping(), tmMapPixels();
85 extern int tmLoadPicture(), tmMapPicture(), tmPull(), tmPush();
87 #else
89 extern struct tmStruct *
90 tmInit(int flags, RGBPRIMP monpri, double gamval);
91 /*
92 Initialize new tone mapping and push it onto stack.
94 flags - TM_F_* flags indicating what is to be done.
95 monpri - display monitor primaries (Note 1).
96 gamval - display gamma response (can be approximate).
98 returns - new tmTop, or NULL if insufficient memory.
99 */
101 extern int
102 tmSetSpace(RGBPRIMP pri, double sf);
103 /*
104 Set color primaries and scale factor for incoming scanlines.
106 pri - RGB color input primaries (Note 1).
107 sf - scale factor to get to luminance in cd/m^2.
109 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* code on failure.
110 */
112 extern void
113 tmClearHisto(void);
114 /*
115 Clear histogram for current tone mapping.
116 */
118 extern int
119 tmCvColors(TMbright *ls, BYTE *cs, COLOR *scan, int len);
120 /*
121 Convert RGB/XYZ float scanline to encoded luminance and chrominance.
123 ls - returned encoded luminance values.
124 cs - returned encoded chrominance values (Note 2).
125 scan - input scanline.
126 len - scanline length.
128 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on error.
129 */
131 extern int
132 tmCvColrs(TMbright *ls, BYTE *cs, COLR *scan, int len);
133 /*
134 Convert RGBE/XYZE scanline to encoded luminance and chrominance.
136 ls - returned encoded luminance values.
137 cs - returned encoded chrominance values (Note 2).
138 scan - input scanline.
139 len - scanline length.
141 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on error.
142 */
144 extern int
145 tmAddHisto(TMbright *ls, int len, int wt);
146 /*
147 Add brightness values to current histogram.
149 ls - encoded luminance values.
150 len - number of luminance values.
151 wt - integer weight to use for each value (usually 1 or -1).
153 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on error.
154 */
156 extern int
157 tmComputeMapping(double gamval, double Lddyn, double Ldmax);
158 /*
159 Compute tone mapping function.
161 gamval - display gamma response (0. for default).
162 Lddyn - the display's dynamic range (0. for default).
163 Ldmax - maximum display luminance in cd/m^2 (0. for default).
165 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on failure.
166 */
168 extern int
169 tmMapPixels(BYTE *ps, TMbright *ls, BYTE *cs, int len);
170 /*
171 Apply tone mapping function to pixel values.
173 ps - returned pixel values (Note 2).
174 ls - encoded luminance values.
175 cs - encoded chrominance values (Note 2).
176 len - number of pixels.
178 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on failure.
179 */
181 extern int
182 tmLoadPicture(TMbright **lpp, BYTE **cpp, int *xp, int *yp,
183 char *fname, FILE *fp);
184 /*
185 Load Radiance picture and convert to tone mapping representation.
186 Calls tmSetSpace() to calibrate input color space.
188 lpp - returned array of encoded luminances, English ordering.
189 cpp - returned array of encoded chrominances (Note 2).
190 xp, yp - returned picture dimensions.
191 fname - picture file name.
192 fp - pointer to open file (Note 3).
194 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on failure.
195 */
197 extern int
198 tmMapPicture(BYTE **psp, int *xp, int *yp, int flags,
199 RGBPRIMP monpri, double gamval, double Lddyn, double Ldmax,
200 char *fname, FILE *fp);
201 /*
202 Load and apply tone mapping to Radiance picture.
203 Stack is restored to its original state upon return.
204 If fp is TM_GETFILE and (flags&TM_F_UNIMPL)!=0, tmMapPicture()
205 calls pcond to perform the actual conversion, which takes
206 longer but gives access to all the TM_F_* features.
208 psp - returned array of tone mapped pixels, English ordering.
209 xp, yp - returned picture dimensions.
210 flags - TM_F_* flags indicating what is to be done.
211 monpri - display monitor primaries (Note 1).
212 gamval - display gamma response.
213 Lddyn - the display's dynamic range (0. for default).
214 Ldmax - maximum display luminance in cd/m^2 (0. for default).
215 fname - picture file name.
216 fp - pointer to open file (Note 3).
218 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* on failure.
219 */
221 extern struct tmStruct *
222 tmPop(void);
223 /*
224 Pops current tone mapping from stack.
226 returns - pointer to tone mapping structure, or NULL if none.
227 */
229 extern int
230 tmPull(struct tmStruct *tms);
231 /*
232 Pull tone mapping from anywhere in stack.
234 tms - tone mapping structure to find.
236 returns - 1 if found in stack, 0 otherwise.
237 */
239 extern int
240 tmPush(struct tmStruct *tms);
241 /*
242 Make tone mapping active by (pulling it and) pushing it to the top.
244 tms - initialized tone mapping structure.
246 returns - 0 on success, TM_E_* if tms is invalid.
247 */
249 extern struct tmStruct *
250 tmDup(void);
251 /*
252 Duplicate the current tone mapping into a new structure on the stack.
254 returns - pointer to new top, or NULL on error.
255 */
257 extern void
258 tmDone(struct tmStruct *tms);
259 /*
260 Free data associated with the given tone mapping structure.
261 Calls tmPull() first to remove it from the stack if present.
262 The calls tmDone(tmPop()), tmDone(tmTop) and tmDone(NULL)
263 all have the same effect, which is to remove and free
264 the current tone mapping.
266 tms - tone mapping structure to free.
267 */
269 #endif
271 /**** Notes ****/
272 /*
273 General:
275 The usual sequence after calling tmInit() is to convert some
276 pixel values to chroma and luminance encodings, which can
277 be passed to tmAddHisto() to put into the tone mapping histogram.
278 This histogram is then used along with the display parameters
279 by tmComputMapping() to compute the luminance mapping function.
280 (Colors are tone-mapped as they are converted if TM_F_MESOPIC
281 is set.) The encoded chroma and luminance values may then be
282 passed to tmMapPixels() to apply the computed tone mapping in
283 a second pass.
285 Especially for RGBE colors in the same color space as the
286 target display, the conversion to chroma and luminance values
287 is fast enough that it may be recomputed on the second pass
288 if memory is at a premium. (Since the chroma values are only
289 used during final mapping, setting the cs parameter to TM_NOCHROM
290 on the first pass will save time.) Another memory saving option
291 if third and subsequent passes are not needed is to use the
292 same array to store the mapped pixels as used to store
293 the encoded chroma values. This way, only two extra bytes
294 for storing encoded luminances are required per pixel. This
295 is the method employed by tmMapPicture(), for example.
296 */
297 /*
298 Note 1:
300 All RGBPRIMP values should be pointers to static structures.
301 I.e., the same pointer should be used for the same primaries,
302 and those primaries should not change from one call to the next.
303 This is because the routines use the pointer value to identify
304 computed conversion matrices, so the matrices do not have to be
305 rebuilt each time. If you are using the standard primaries,
306 use the standard primary pointer, stdprims.
308 To indicate a set of input primaries are actually CIE XYZ,
309 the TM_XYZPRIM macro may be passed. If the input primaries
310 are unknown, it is wisest to pass tmTop->monpri to tmSetSpace().
311 By default, the input primaries equal the monitor primaries
312 and the scalefactor is set to WHTEFFICACY in tmInit().
313 */
314 /*
315 Note 2:
317 Chrominance is optional in most of these routines, whether
318 TM_F_BW is set or not. Passing a value of TM_NOCHROM (or
319 TM_NOCHROMP for picture reading) indicates that returned
320 color values are not desired.
322 If TM_NOCHROM is passed to a mapping routine expecting chroma
323 input, it will do without it and return luminance channel
324 rather than RGB pixel values. Otherwise, the array for
325 returned pixel values may be the same array used to pass
326 encoded chrominances if no other mappings are desired.
327 */
328 /*
329 Note 3:
331 Picture files may either be opened by the calling routine or by
332 the library function. If opened by the calling routine, the
333 pointer to the stream is passed, which may be a pipe or other
334 non-seekable input as it is only read once. It must be
335 positioned at the beginning when the function is called, and it
336 will be positioned at the end on return. It will not be closed.
337 If the passed stream pointer is TM_GETFILE, then the library
338 function will open the file, read its contents and close it
339 before returning, whether or not an error was encountered.
340 */