/* Copyright (c) 1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * Routines for tone-mapping LogLuv encoded pixels. */ #include #include #include "tiffio.h" #include "tmprivat.h" #include "uvcode.h" #ifndef BSD #define bzero(d,n) (void)memset(d,0,n) #endif #define uvflgop(p,uv,op) ((p)->rgbflg[(uv)>>5] op (1L<<((uv)&0x1f))) #define isuvset(p,uv) uvflgop(p,uv,&) #define setuv(p,uv) uvflgop(p,uv,|=) #define clruv(p,uv) uvflgop(p,uv,&=~) #define clruvall(p) bzero((MEM_PTR)(p)->rgbflg,sizeof((p)->rgbflg)) #define U_NEU 0.210526316 #define V_NEU 0.473684211 static MEM_PTR luv32Init(); static void luv32NewSpace(); static MEM_PTR luv24Init(); static void luv24NewSpace(); extern void free(); typedef struct { int offset; /* computed luminance offset */ BYTE rgbval[1<<16][3]; /* computed RGB value for given uv */ uint32 rgbflg[1<<(16-5)]; /* flags for computed values */ } LUV32DATA; /* LogLuv 32-bit conversion data */ #define UVSCALE 410. #define UVNEU ((int)(UVSCALE*U_NEU)<<8 \ | (int)(UVSCALE*V_NEU)) static struct tmPackage luv32Pkg = { /* 32-bit package functions */ luv32Init, luv32NewSpace, free }; static int luv32Reg = -1; /* 32-bit package reg. number */ typedef struct { int offset; /* computed luminance offset */ BYTE rgbval[1<<14][3]; /* computed rgb value for uv index */ uint32 rgbflg[1<<(14-5)]; /* flags for computed values */ } LUV24DATA; /* LogLuv 24-bit conversion data */ static struct tmPackage luv24Pkg = { /* 24-bit package functions */ luv24Init, luv24NewSpace, free }; static int luv24Reg = -1; /* 24-bit package reg. number */ static int uv14neu = -1; /* neutral index for 14-bit (u',v') */ static uv2rgb(rgb, tm, uvp) /* compute RGB from uv coordinate */ BYTE rgb[3]; register struct tmStruct *tm; double uvp[2]; { /* Should check that tm->inppri==TM_XYZPRIM beforehand... */ double d, x, y; COLR XYZ, RGB; /* convert to XYZ */ d = 1./(6.*uvp[0] - 16.*uvp[1] + 12.); x = 9.*uvp[0] * d; y = 4.*uvp[1] * d; XYZ[CIEY] = 1./tm->inpsf; XYZ[CIEX] = x/y * XYZ[CIEY]; XYZ[CIEZ] = (1.-x-y)/y * XYZ[CIEY]; /* convert to RGB and clip */ colortrans(RGB, tm->cmat, XYZ); clipgamut(RGB, XYZ[CIEY], CGAMUT_LOWER, cblack, cwhite); /* perform final scaling & gamma */ d = tm->clf[RED] * RGB[RED]; rgb[RED] = d>=.999 ? 255 : (int)(256.*pow(d, 1./tm->mongam)); d = tm->clf[GRN] * RGB[GRN]; rgb[GRN] = d>=.999 ? 255 : (int)(256.*pow(d, 1./tm->mongam)); d = tm->clf[BLU] * RGB[BLU]; rgb[BLU] = d>=.999 ? 255 : (int)(256.*pow(d, 1./tm->mongam)); } static TMbright compmeshift(li, uvp) /* compute mesopic color shift */ TMbright li; /* encoded world luminance */ double uvp[2]; /* world (u',v') -> returned desaturated */ { /* UNIMPLEMENTED */ return(li); } static int uvpencode(uvp) /* encode (u',v') coordinates */ double uvp[2]; { register int vi, ui; if (uvp[1] < UV_VSTART) return(-1); vi = (uvp[1] - UV_VSTART)*(1./UV_SQSIZ); if (vi >= UV_NVS) return(-1); if (uvp[0] < uv_row[vi].ustart) return(-1); ui = (uvp[0] - uv_row[vi].ustart)*(1./UV_SQSIZ); if (ui >= uv_row[vi].nus) return(-1); return(uv_row[vi].ncum + ui); } static int uvpdecode(uvp, c) /* decode (u',v') index */ double uvp[2]; int c; { int upper, lower; register int ui, vi; if (c < 0 || c >= UV_NDIVS) return(-1); lower = 0; /* binary search */ upper = UV_NVS; do { vi = (lower + upper) >> 1; ui = c - uv_row[vi].ncum; if (ui > 0) lower = vi; else if (ui < 0) upper = vi; else break; } while (upper - lower > 1); vi = lower; ui = c - uv_row[vi].ncum; uvp[0] = uv_row[vi].ustart + (ui+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; uvp[1] = UV_VSTART + (vi+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; return(0); } int tmCvLuv32(ls, cs, luvs, len) /* convert raw 32-bit LogLuv values */ TMbright *ls; BYTE *cs; uint32 *luvs; int len; { static char funcName[] = "tmCvLuv32"; double uvp[2]; register LUV32DATA *ld; register int i, j; /* check arguments */ if (tmTop == NULL) returnErr(TM_E_TMINVAL); if (ls == NULL | luvs == NULL | len < 0) returnErr(TM_E_ILLEGAL); /* check package registration */ if (luv32Reg < 0 && (luv32Reg = tmRegPkg(&luv32Pkg)) < 0) returnErr(TM_E_CODERR1); /* get package data */ if ((ld = (LUV32DATA *)tmPkgData(tmTop,luv32Reg)) == NULL) returnErr(TM_E_NOMEM); /* convert each pixel */ for (i = len; i--; ) { j = luvs[i] >> 16; /* get luminance */ if (j & 0x8000) /* negative luminance */ ls[i] = MINBRT-1; /* assign bogus value */ else /* else convert to lnL */ ls[i] = (BRT2SCALE*j >> 8) - ld->offset; if (cs == TM_NOCHROM) /* no color? */ continue; /* get chrominance */ if (tmTop->flags & TM_F_MESOPIC && ls[i] < BMESUPPER) { uvp[0] = 1./UVSCALE*((luvs[i]>>8 & 0xff) + .5); uvp[1] = 1./UVSCALE*((luvs[i] & 0xff) + .5); ls[i] = compmeshift(ls[i], uvp); j = tmTop->flags & TM_F_BW || ls[i] < BMESLOWER ? UVNEU : (int)(uvp[0]*UVSCALE)<<8 | (int)(uvp[1]*UVSCALE); } else { j = tmTop->flags&TM_F_BW ? UVNEU : luvs[i]&0xffff; } if (!isuvset(ld, j)) { uvp[0] = 1./UVSCALE*((luvs[i]>>8 & 0xff) + .5); uvp[1] = 1./UVSCALE*((luvs[i] & 0xff) + .5); uv2rgb(ld->rgbval[j], tmTop, uvp); setuv(ld, j); } cs[3*i ] = ld->rgbval[j][RED]; cs[3*i+1] = ld->rgbval[j][GRN]; cs[3*i+2] = ld->rgbval[j][BLU]; } returnOK; } int tmCvLuv24(ls, cs, luvs, len) /* convert raw 24-bit LogLuv values */ TMbright *ls; BYTE *cs; uint32 *luvs; int len; { char funcName[] = "tmCvLuv24"; double uvp[2]; register LUV24DATA *ld; register int i, j; /* check arguments */ if (tmTop == NULL) returnErr(TM_E_TMINVAL); if (ls == NULL | luvs == NULL | len < 0) returnErr(TM_E_ILLEGAL); /* check package registration */ if (luv24Reg < 0 && (luv24Reg = tmRegPkg(&luv24Pkg)) < 0) returnErr(TM_E_CODERR1); /* get package data */ if ((ld = (LUV24DATA *)tmPkgData(tmTop,luv24Reg)) == NULL) returnErr(TM_E_NOMEM); /* convert each pixel */ for (i = len; i--; ) { j = luvs[i] >> 14; /* get luminance */ ls[i] = (BRT2SCALE*j >> 6) - ld->offset; if (cs == TM_NOCHROM) /* no color? */ continue; /* get chrominance */ if (tmTop->flags & TM_F_MESOPIC && ls[i] < BMESUPPER) { if (uvpdecode(uvp, luvs[i]&0x3fff) < 0) { uvp[0] = U_NEU; /* should barf? */ uvp[1] = V_NEU; } ls[i] = compmeshift(ls[i], uvp); if (tmTop->flags & TM_F_BW || ls[i] < BMESLOWER || (j = uvpencode(uvp)) < 0) j = uv14neu; } else { j = tmTop->flags&TM_F_BW ? uv14neu : luvs[i]&0x3fff; } if (!isuvset(ld, j)) { if (uvpdecode(uvp, j) < 0) { uvp[0] = U_NEU; uvp[1] = V_NEU; } uv2rgb(ld->rgbval[j], tmTop, uvp); setuv(ld, j); } cs[3*i ] = ld->rgbval[j][RED]; cs[3*i+1] = ld->rgbval[j][GRN]; cs[3*i+2] = ld->rgbval[j][BLU]; } returnOK; } int tmCvL16(ls, l16s, len) /* convert 16-bit LogL values */ TMbright *ls; uint16 *l16s; int len; { static char funcName[] = "tmCvL16"; static double lastsf; static int offset; register int i; /* check arguments */ if (tmTop == NULL) returnErr(TM_E_TMINVAL); if (ls == NULL | l16s == NULL | len < 0) returnErr(TM_E_ILLEGAL); /* check scaling offset */ if (!FEQ(tmTop->inpsf, lastsf)) { offset = BRT2SCALE*64; if (tmTop->inpsf > 1.0001) offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)+.5); else if (tmTop->inpsf < 0.9999) offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)-.5); lastsf = tmTop->inpsf; } /* convert each pixel */ for (i = len; i--; ) { if (l16s[i] & 0x8000) /* negative luminance */ ls[i] = MINBRT-1; /* assign bogus value */ else /* else convert to lnL */ ls[i] = (BRT2SCALE*l16s[i] >> 8) - offset; } returnOK; } static void luv32NewSpace(tm) /* initialize 32-bit LogLuv color space */ struct tmStruct *tm; { register LUV32DATA *ld; if (tm->inppri != TM_XYZPRIM) { /* panic time! */ fputs("Improper input color space in luv32NewSpace!\n", stderr); exit(1); } ld = (LUV32DATA *)tm->pd[luv32Reg]; ld->offset = BRT2SCALE*64; if (tm->inpsf > 1.0001) ld->offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)+.5); else if (tm->inpsf < 0.9999) ld->offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)-.5); clruvall(ld); } static MEM_PTR luv32Init(tm) /* allocate data for 32-bit LogLuv decoder */ struct tmStruct *tm; { register LUV32DATA *ld; ld = (LUV32DATA *)malloc(sizeof(LUV32DATA)); if (ld == NULL) return(NULL); tm->pd[luv32Reg] = (MEM_PTR)ld; luv32NewSpace(tm); return((MEM_PTR)ld); } static void luv24NewSpace(tm) /* initialize 24-bit LogLuv color space */ struct tmStruct *tm; { register LUV24DATA *ld; double uvp[2]; if (tm->inppri != TM_XYZPRIM) { /* panic time! */ fputs("Improper input color space in luv24NewSpace!\n", stderr); exit(1); } ld = (LUV24DATA *)tm->pd[luv24Reg]; ld->offset = BRT2SCALE*12; if (tm->inpsf > 1.0001) ld->offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)+.5); else if (tm->inpsf < 0.9999) ld->offset -= (int)(TM_BRTSCALE*log(tmTop->inpsf)-.5); clruvall(ld); } static MEM_PTR luv24Init(tm) /* allocate data for 24-bit LogLuv decoder */ struct tmStruct *tm; { register LUV24DATA *ld; ld = (LUV24DATA *)malloc(sizeof(LUV24DATA)); if (ld == NULL) return(NULL); tm->pd[luv24Reg] = (MEM_PTR)ld; if (uv14neu < 0) { /* initialize neutral color index */ double uvp[2]; uvp[0] = U_NEU; uvp[1] = V_NEU; uv14neu = uvpencode(uvp); } luv24NewSpace(tm); return((MEM_PTR)ld); }