/* Copyright (c) 1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * Load Radiance object(s) and create OpenGL display lists */ #include "radogl.h" #ifndef NLIST2ALLOC #define NLIST2ALLOC 16 /* batch of display lists to get */ #endif extern int o_sphere(), o_face(), o_cone(), o_ring(), o_source(), o_instance(); extern int m_normal(), m_glass(), m_aniso(), m_brdf(), m_brdf2(), m_light(), m_prism(), m_mirror(); FUN ofun[NUMOTYPE] = INIT_OTYPE; static int nextlist, nlistleft = 0; static initotypes() /* initialize ofun array */ { if (ofun[OBJ_SPHERE].funp == o_sphere) return; /* already done */ /* assign surface types */ ofun[OBJ_SPHERE].funp = ofun[OBJ_BUBBLE].funp = o_sphere; ofun[OBJ_FACE].funp = o_face; ofun[OBJ_CONE].funp = ofun[OBJ_CUP].funp = ofun[OBJ_CYLINDER].funp = ofun[OBJ_TUBE].funp = o_cone; ofun[OBJ_RING].funp = o_ring; ofun[OBJ_SOURCE].funp = o_source; ofun[OBJ_INSTANCE].funp = o_instance; /* assign material types */ ofun[MAT_TRANS].funp = ofun[MAT_PLASTIC].funp = ofun[MAT_METAL].funp = m_normal; ofun[MAT_GLASS].funp = ofun[MAT_DIELECTRIC].funp = ofun[MAT_INTERFACE].funp = m_glass; ofun[MAT_PLASTIC2].funp = ofun[MAT_METAL2].funp = ofun[MAT_TRANS2].funp = m_aniso; ofun[MAT_TDATA].funp = ofun[MAT_PDATA].funp = ofun[MAT_MDATA].funp = ofun[MAT_TFUNC].funp = ofun[MAT_PFUNC].funp = ofun[MAT_MFUNC].funp = m_brdf; ofun[MAT_BRTDF].funp = m_brdf2; ofun[MAT_GLOW].funp = ofun[MAT_LIGHT].funp = ofun[MAT_SPOT].funp = ofun[MAT_ILLUM].funp = m_light; ofun[MAT_MIRROR].funp = m_mirror; ofun[MAT_DIRECT1].funp = ofun[MAT_DIRECT2].funp = m_prism; } int newglist() /* allocate an OGL list id */ { if (!nlistleft--) { nextlist = glGenLists(NLIST2ALLOC); if (!nextlist) error(SYSTEM, "no list space left in newglist"); nlistleft = NLIST2ALLOC-1; } return(nextlist++); } rgl_checkerr(where) /* check for GL or GLU error */ char *where; { register GLenum errcode; while ((errcode = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) { sprintf(errmsg, "OpenGL error %s: %s", where, gluErrorString(errcode)); error(WARNING, errmsg); } } int rgl_filelist(ic, inp, nl) /* load scene files into display list */ int ic; char **inp; int *nl; /* returned number of lists (optional) */ { int listid; initotypes(); /* prepare */ listid = newglist(); glNewList(listid, GL_COMPILE); lightinit(); /* start light source list */ while (ic--) /* load each file */ rgl_load(*inp++); surfclean(); /* clean up first pass */ lightclean(); /* clean up light sources also */ glEndList(); /* end of top display list */ lightdefs(); /* define light sources */ loadoctrees(); /* load octrees (sublists) for instances */ if (nl != NULL) /* return total number of lists allocated */ *nl = nextlist - listid; return(listid); /* all done -- return list id */ } int rgl_octlist(fname, cent, radp, nl) /* load scen into display list */ char *fname; FVECT cent; /* returned octree center (optional) */ FLOAT *radp; /* returned octree size (optional) */ int *nl; /* returned number of lists (optional) */ { double r; int listid; /* modeled after rgl_filelist() */ initotypes(); /* check the octree and get its size */ r = checkoct(fname, cent); if (radp != NULL) *radp = r; /* start the display list */ listid = newglist(); glNewList(listid, GL_COMPILE); lightinit(); /* start light source list */ loadoct(fname); /* load octree objects into display list */ surfclean(); /* clean up and close top list */ lightclean(); /* clean up light sources also */ glEndList(); /* close top list */ lightdefs(); /* define light sources */ loadoctrees(); /* load referenced octrees into sublists */ if (nl != NULL) /* return total number of lists allocated */ *nl = nextlist - listid; return(listid); } rgl_load(inpspec) /* convert scene description into OGL calls */ char *inpspec; { FILE *popen(); char *fgetline(); FILE *infp; char buf[1024]; register int c; if (inpspec == NULL) { infp = stdin; inpspec = "standard input"; } else if (inpspec[0] == '!') { if ((infp = popen(inpspec+1, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot execute \"%s\"", inpspec); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } } else if ((infp = fopen(inpspec, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open scene file \"%s\"", inpspec); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } while ((c = getc(infp)) != EOF) { if (isspace(c)) continue; if (c == '#') { /* comment */ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), infp); } else if (c == '!') { /* command */ ungetc(c, infp); fgetline(buf, sizeof(buf), infp); rgl_load(buf); } else { /* object */ ungetc(c, infp); rgl_object(inpspec, infp); } } if (inpspec[0] == '!') pclose(infp); else fclose(infp); } rgl_object(name, fp) /* read the next object */ char *name; FILE *fp; { static OBJREC ob; char sbuf[MAXSTR]; int rval; /* get modifier */ strcpy(sbuf, "EOF"); fgetword(sbuf, MAXSTR, fp); ob.omod = 0; /* use ob.os for pointer to material */ if (!strcmp(sbuf, VOIDID)) ob.os = NULL; else ob.os = (char *)getmatp(sbuf); /* get type */ strcpy(sbuf, "EOF"); fgetword(sbuf, MAXSTR, fp); if (!strcmp(sbuf, ALIASID)) ob.otype = -1; else if ((ob.otype = otype(sbuf)) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "(%s): unknown type \"%s\"", name, sbuf); error(USER, errmsg); } /* get identifier */ sbuf[0] = '\0'; fgetword(sbuf, MAXSTR, fp); ob.oname = sbuf; /* get arguments */ if (ob.otype == -1) { char sbuf2[MAXSTR]; /* get alias */ strcpy(sbuf2, "EOF"); fgetword(sbuf2, MAXSTR, fp); if (ob.os == NULL) ob.os = (char *)getmatp(sbuf2); o_default(&ob); /* fake reference */ return; } if ((rval = readfargs(&ob.oargs, fp)) == 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "(%s): bad arguments", name); objerror(&ob, USER, errmsg); } else if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "(%s): error reading scene", name); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } /* execute */ (*ofun[ob.otype].funp)(&ob); /* free arguments */ freefargs(&ob.oargs); }