#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: readwfobj.c,v 2.1 2020/03/30 18:28:35 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * readobj.c * * Routines for reading a Wavefront .OBJ file * * Created by Greg Ward on Wed Feb 11 2004. */ #include "rtio.h" #include "rterror.h" #include "fvect.h" #include #include #include "objutil.h" typedef int VNDX[3]; /* vertex index (point,map,normal) */ #define MAXARG 512 /* maximum # arguments in a statement */ static int lineno; /* current line number */ /* read the next statement from fp */ static int get_stmt(char *av[MAXARG], FILE *fp) { static char sbuf[MAXARG*16]; register char *cp; register int i; do { if (fgetline(cp=sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), fp) == NULL) return(0); i = 0; for ( ; ; ) { while (isspace(*cp) || *cp == '\\') { if (*cp == '\n') lineno++; *cp++ = '\0'; } if (!*cp) break; if (i >= MAXARG-1) { sprintf(errmsg, "Too many arguments near line %d (limit %d)", lineno+1, MAXARG-1); error(WARNING, errmsg); break; } av[i++] = cp; while (*++cp && !isspace(*cp)) ; } av[i] = NULL; lineno++; } while (!i); return(i); } /* convert vertex string to index */ static int cvtndx(VNDX vi, const Scene *sc, const VNDX ondx, const char *vs) { /* get point */ vi[0] = atoi(vs); if (vi[0] > 0) { if ((vi[0] += ondx[0] - 1) >= sc->nverts) return(0); } else if (vi[0] < 0) { vi[0] += sc->nverts; if (vi[0] < 0) return(0); } else return(0); /* get map coord. */ while (*vs) if (*vs++ == '/') break; vi[1] = atoi(vs); if (vi[1] > 0) { if ((vi[1] += ondx[1] - 1) >= sc->ntex) return(0); } else if (vi[1] < 0) { vi[1] += sc->ntex; if (vi[1] < 0) return(0); } else vi[1] = -1; /* get normal */ while (*vs) if (*vs++ == '/') break; vi[2] = atoi(vs); if (vi[2] > 0) { if ((vi[2] += ondx[2] - 1) >= sc->nnorms) return(0); } else if (vi[2] < 0) { vi[2] += sc->nnorms; if (vi[2] < 0) return(0); } else vi[2] = -1; return(1); } /* report syntax error */ static void syntax(const char *fn, const char *er) { sprintf(errmsg, "%s: Wavefront syntax error near line %d: %s", fn, lineno, er); error(USER, errmsg); } /* Add a vertex to our scene */ static void add_vertex(Scene *sc, double x, double y, double z) { sc->vert = chunk_alloc(Vertex, sc->vert, sc->nverts); sc->vert[sc->nverts].p[0] = x; sc->vert[sc->nverts].p[1] = y; sc->vert[sc->nverts].p[2] = z; sc->vert[sc->nverts++].vflist = NULL; } /* Add a texture coordinate to our scene */ static void add_texture(Scene *sc, double u, double v) { sc->tex = chunk_alloc(TexCoord, sc->tex, sc->ntex); sc->tex[sc->ntex].u = u; sc->tex[sc->ntex].v = v; sc->ntex++; } /* Add a surface normal to our scene */ static int add_normal(Scene *sc, double xn, double yn, double zn) { FVECT nrm; nrm[0] = xn; nrm[1] = yn; nrm[2] = zn; if (normalize(nrm) == .0) return(0); sc->norm = chunk_alloc(Normal, sc->norm, sc->nnorms); VCOPY(sc->norm[sc->nnorms], nrm); sc->nnorms++; return(1); } /* combine multi-group name into single identifier w/o spaces */ static char * group_name(int ac, char **av) { static char nambuf[256]; char *cp; if (ac < 1) return("NO_NAME"); if (ac == 1) return(av[0]); for (cp = nambuf; ac--; av++) { strcpy(cp, *av); while (*cp) { /* XXX white space disallowed by current get_stmt() if (isspace(*cp)) *cp = '_'; else */ if (*cp == '.') *cp = '_'; ++cp; } *cp++ = '.'; } *--cp = '\0'; return(nambuf); } /* set current group */ static void set_group(Scene *sc, const char *nm) { sc->lastgrp = findName(nm, (const char **)sc->grpname, sc->ngrps); if (sc->lastgrp >= 0) return; sc->grpname = chunk_alloc(char *, sc->grpname, sc->ngrps); sc->grpname[sc->lastgrp=sc->ngrps++] = savqstr((char *)nm); } /* set current material */ static void set_material(Scene *sc, const char *nm) { sc->lastmat = findName(nm, (const char **)sc->matname, sc->nmats); if (sc->lastmat >= 0) return; sc->matname = chunk_alloc(char *, sc->matname, sc->nmats); sc->matname[sc->lastmat=sc->nmats++] = savqstr((char *)nm); } /* Add a new face to scene */ static int add_face(Scene *sc, const VNDX ondx, int ac, char *av[]) { Face *f; int i; if (ac < 3) return(0); f = (Face *)emalloc(sizeof(Face)+sizeof(VertEnt)*(ac-3)); f->flags = 0; f->nv = ac; f->grp = sc->lastgrp; f->mat = sc->lastmat; for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) { /* add each vertex */ VNDX vin; int j; if (!cvtndx(vin, sc, ondx, av[i])) { efree((char *)f); return(0); } f->v[i].vid = vin[0]; f->v[i].tid = vin[1]; f->v[i].nid = vin[2]; f->v[i].fnext = NULL; for (j = i; j-- > 0; ) if (f->v[j].vid == vin[0]) break; if (j < 0) { /* first occurrence? */ f->v[i].fnext = sc->vert[vin[0]].vflist; sc->vert[vin[0]].vflist = f; } else if (ac == 3) /* degenerate triangle? */ f->flags |= FACE_DEGENERATE; } f->next = sc->flist; /* push onto face list */ sc->flist = f; sc->nfaces++; /* check face area */ if (!(f->flags & FACE_DEGENERATE) && faceArea(sc, f, NULL) <= FTINY) f->flags |= FACE_DEGENERATE; return(1); } /* Load a .OBJ file */ Scene * loadOBJ(Scene *sc, const char *fspec) { FILE *fp; char *argv[MAXARG]; int argc; char buf[256]; int nstats=0, nunknown=0; int onfaces; VNDX ondx; if (fspec == NULL) { fp = stdin; fspec = ""; #if POPEN_SUPPORT } else if (fspec[0] == '!') { if ((fp = popen(fspec+1, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "%s: cannot execute", fspec); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); return(NULL); } #endif } else if ((fp = fopen(fspec, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "%s: cannot open for reading", fspec); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); return(NULL); } if (sc == NULL) sc = newScene(); lineno = 0; onfaces = sc->nfaces; ondx[0] = sc->nverts; ondx[1] = sc->ntex; ondx[2] = sc->nnorms; while ((argc = get_stmt(argv, fp)) > 0) { switch (argv[0][0]) { case 'v': /* vertex */ switch (argv[0][1]) { case '\0': /* point */ if (badarg(argc-1,argv+1,"fff")) { syntax(fspec, "bad vertex"); goto failure; } add_vertex(sc, atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3])); break; case 't': /* texture coord. */ if (argv[0][2]) goto unknown; if (badarg(argc-1,argv+1,"ff")) goto unknown; add_texture(sc, atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2])); break; case 'n': /* normal */ if (argv[0][2]) goto unknown; if (badarg(argc-1,argv+1,"fff")) { syntax(fspec, "bad normal"); goto failure; } if (!add_normal(sc, atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3]))) { syntax(fspec, "zero normal"); goto failure; } break; default: goto unknown; } break; case 'f': /* face */ if (argv[0][1]) goto unknown; if (!add_face(sc, ondx, argc-1, argv+1)) { syntax(fspec, "bad face"); goto failure; } break; case 'u': /* usemtl/usemap */ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "usemap")) break; if (strcmp(argv[0], "usemtl")) goto unknown; if (argc != 2) { syntax(fspec, "bad # arguments"); goto failure; } set_material(sc, argv[1]); break; case 'o': /* object name */ case 'g': /* group name */ if (argc < 2) { syntax(fspec, "missing argument"); goto failure; } set_group(sc, group_name(argc-1, argv+1)); break; case '#': /* comment */ continue; default:; /* something we don't deal with */ unknown: nunknown++; break; } nstats++; if (verbose && !(nstats & 0x3fff)) fprintf(stderr, " %8d statements\r", nstats); } #if POPEN_SUPPORT if (fspec[0] == '!') pclose(fp); else #endif if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); sprintf(buf, "%d statements read from \"%s\"", nstats, fspec); addComment(sc, buf); if (nunknown) { sprintf(buf, "\t%d unrecognized", nunknown); addComment(sc, buf); } sprintf(buf, "%d faces", sc->nfaces - onfaces); addComment(sc, buf); sprintf(buf, "\t%d vertices, %d texture coordinates, %d surface normals", sc->nverts - ondx[0], sc->ntex - ondx[1], sc->nnorms - ondx[2]); addComment(sc, buf); return(sc); failure: #if POPEN_SUPPORT if (fspec[0] == '!') pclose(fp); else #endif if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); freeScene(sc); return(NULL); }