/* Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * readoct.c - routines to read octree information. * * 7/30/85 */ #include "standard.h" #include "octree.h" #include "object.h" #include "otypes.h" extern double atof(); static double getflt(); static long getint(); static char *getstr(); static OCTREE getfullnode(), gettree(); static char *infn; /* input file name */ static FILE *infp; /* input file stream */ static OBJECT objorig; /* zeroeth object */ static short otypmap[NUMOTYPE+8]; /* object type map */ int readoct(fname, load, scene, ofn) /* read in octree from file */ char *fname; int load; CUBE *scene; char *ofn[]; { char sbuf[128]; int nf; register int i; if (fname == NULL) { infn = "standard input"; infp = stdin; } else { infn = fname; if ((infp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open octree file \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } } /* get header */ if (load & IO_INFO) copyheader(infp, stdout); else getheader(infp, NULL); /* check format */ if (getint(2) != OCTMAGIC) octerror(USER, "invalid octree format"); /* get boundaries */ if (load & IO_BOUNDS) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) scene->cuorg[i] = atof(getstr(sbuf)); scene->cusize = atof(getstr(sbuf)); } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) getstr(sbuf); } objorig = nobjects; /* set object offset */ nf = 0; /* get object files */ while (*getstr(sbuf)) { if (load & IO_SCENE) readobj(sbuf); if (load & IO_FILES) ofn[nf] = savqstr(sbuf); nf++; } if (load & IO_FILES) ofn[nf] = NULL; if (load & IO_TREE) { /* get the octree */ scene->cutree = gettree(); /* get the scene */ if (nf == 0 && load & IO_SCENE) { for (i = 0; *getstr(sbuf); i++) if ((otypmap[i] = otype(sbuf)) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "unknown type \"%s\"", sbuf); octerror(WARNING, errmsg); } while (getobj() != OVOID) ; } } fclose(infp); return(nf); } static char * getstr(s) /* get null-terminated string */ char *s; { register char *cp; register int c; cp = s; while ((c = getc(infp)) != EOF) if ((*cp++ = c) == '\0') return(s); octerror(USER, "truncated octree"); } static OCTREE getfullnode() /* get a set, return fullnode */ { OBJECT set[MAXSET+1]; register int i; set[0] = getint(sizeof(OBJECT)); if (set[0] > MAXSET) octerror(USER, "bad set in getfullnode"); for (i = 1; i <= set[0]; i++) set[i] = getint(sizeof(OBJECT)) + objorig; return(fullnode(set)); } static long getint(siz) /* get a siz-byte integer */ register int siz; { register int c; register long r; if ((c = getc(infp)) == EOF) goto end_file; r = 0x80&c ? -1<<8|c : c; /* sign extend */ while (--siz > 0) { if ((c = getc(infp)) == EOF) goto end_file; r <<= 8; r |= c; } return(r); end_file: octerror(USER, "truncated octree"); } static double getflt() /* get a floating point number */ { extern double ldexp(); double d; d = (double)getint(4)/0x7fffffff; return(ldexp(d, getint(1))); } static OCTREE gettree() /* get a pre-ordered octree */ { register OCTREE ot; register int i; switch (getc(infp)) { case OT_EMPTY: return(EMPTY); case OT_FULL: return(getfullnode()); case OT_TREE: if ((ot = octalloc()) == EMPTY) octerror(SYSTEM, "out of tree space in gettree"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) octkid(ot, i) = gettree(); return(ot); case EOF: octerror(USER, "truncated octree"); default: octerror(USER, "damaged octree"); } } static getobj() /* get next object */ { char sbuf[MAXSTR]; int obj; register int i; register OBJREC *objp; i = getint(1); if (i == -1) return(OVOID); /* terminator */ if ((obj = newobject()) == OVOID) error(SYSTEM, "out of object space"); objp = objptr(obj); if ((objp->otype = otypmap[i]) < 0) octerror(USER, "reference to unknown type"); if ((objp->omod = getint(sizeof(OBJECT))) != OVOID) objp->omod += objorig; objp->oname = savqstr(getstr(sbuf)); if (objp->oargs.nsargs = getint(2)) { objp->oargs.sarg = (char **)bmalloc (objp->oargs.nsargs*sizeof(char *)); if (objp->oargs.sarg == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < objp->oargs.nsargs; i++) objp->oargs.sarg[i] = savestr(getstr(sbuf)); } else objp->oargs.sarg = NULL; #ifdef IARGS if (objp->oargs.niargs = getint(2)) { objp->oargs.iarg = (long *)bmalloc (objp->oargs.niargs*sizeof(long)); if (objp->oargs.iarg == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < objp->oargs.niargs; i++) objp->oargs.iarg[i] = getint(4); } else objp->oargs.iarg = NULL; #endif if (objp->oargs.nfargs = getint(2)) { objp->oargs.farg = (double *)bmalloc (objp->oargs.nfargs*sizeof(double)); if (objp->oargs.farg == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = 0; i < objp->oargs.nfargs; i++) objp->oargs.farg[i] = getflt(); } else objp->oargs.farg = NULL; /* initialize */ objp->os = NULL; objp->lastrno = -1; /* insert */ insertobject(obj); return(obj); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getobj"); } static octerror(etyp, msg) /* octree error */ int etyp; char *msg; { char msgbuf[128]; sprintf(msgbuf, "(%s): %s", infn, msg); error(etyp, msgbuf); }