/* RCSid $Id: radogl.h,v 3.12 2012/04/25 22:21:06 greg Exp $ */ /* * Header file for Radiance - OpenGL routines. */ #ifndef _RAD_RADOGL_H_ #define _RAD_RADOGL_H_ #include "standard.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #endif #include "color.h" #include "object.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "lookup.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define MAXLIGHTS 8 /* number of OGL light sources */ #define MAXSPECEXP 128. /* maximum allowed specular exponent */ #define UNKSPECEXP 25. /* value to use when exponent unknown */ typedef struct { short type; /* material type (from otypes.h) */ short nlinks; /* number of links to this material */ union { struct { COLOR ambdiff; /* ambient and diffuse color */ COLOR specular; /* specular color */ GLfloat specexp; /* specular exponent */ } m; /* regular material */ struct { COLOR emission; /* emitting component */ GLfloat spotdir[3]; /* spot direction */ GLfloat spotang; /* spot cutoff angle */ } l; /* light source */ } u; /* union of types */ } MATREC; /* OGL material properties */ extern double expval; /* global exposure value */ extern COLOR ambval; /* global ambient value */ extern int glightid[MAXLIGHTS]; /* OpenGL GL_LIGHTi values */ extern int dolights; /* are we outputting light sources? */ extern int domats; /* are we doing materials? */ extern LUTAB mtab; /* material/modifier lookup table */ #define issrcmat(m) ((m) != NULL && islight((m)->type) && \ (m)->type != MAT_GLOW) /* defined in rgldomat.c */ extern void domatobj(MATREC *mp, FVECT cent); extern void domatvert(MATREC *mp, FVECT v, FVECT n); /* defined in rglfile.c */ extern int newglist(void); extern void rgl_checkerr(char *where); extern int rgl_filelist(int ic, char **inp, int *nl); extern int rgl_octlist(char *fname, FVECT cent, RREAL *radp, int *nl); extern void rgl_load(char *inpspec); extern void rgl_object(char *name, FILE *fp); /* defined in rglinst.c */ extern int o_instance(OBJREC *o); extern int loadoctrees(void); extern double checkoct(char *fname, FVECT cent); extern int loadoct(char *fname); /* defined in rglmat.c */ extern void rgl_matclear(void); extern MATREC *getmatp(char *nam); extern int o_default(OBJREC *o); extern int o_unsupported(OBJREC *o); extern MATREC *newmaterial(char *nam); extern void freemtl(void *p); extern int m_normal(OBJREC *o); extern int m_aniso(OBJREC *o); extern int m_glass(OBJREC *o); extern int m_brdf(OBJREC *o); extern int m_brdf2(OBJREC *o); extern int m_light(OBJREC *o); extern int m_mirror(OBJREC *o); extern int m_prism(OBJREC *o); /* defined in rglsrc.c */ extern void lightinit(void); extern void lightclean(void); extern void lightdefs(void); extern int o_source(OBJREC *o); extern int doflatsrc(MATREC *m, FVECT pos, FVECT norm, double area); extern int dosphsrc(MATREC *m, FVECT pos, double area); /* defined in rglsurf.c */ extern void setmaterial(MATREC *mp, FVECT cent, int ispoly); extern double polyarea(FVECT cent, FVECT norm, int n, FVECT v[]); extern int o_face(OBJREC *o); extern void surfclean(void); extern int o_sphere(OBJREC *o); extern int o_cone(OBJREC *o); extern int o_ring(OBJREC *o); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _RAD_RADOGL_H_ */