#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: modobject.c,v 2.16 2013/12/09 17:57:44 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for tracking object modifiers * * External symbols declared in object.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include "standard.h" #include "object.h" #include "otypes.h" static struct ohtab { int hsiz; /* current table size */ OBJECT *htab; /* table, if allocated */ } modtab = {100, NULL}, objtab = {1000, NULL}; /* modifiers and objects */ static int otndx(char *, struct ohtab *); OBJECT objndx( /* get object number from pointer */ OBJREC *op ) { int i, j; for (i = nobjects>>OBJBLKSHFT; i >= 0; i--) { j = op - objblock[i]; if ((j >= 0) & (j < OBJBLKSIZ)) return((i< 0; ) { /* need to search */ op = objptr(i); if (ismodifier(op->otype) && op->oname[0] == mname[0] && !strcmp(op->oname, mname)) return(i); } return(OVOID); } OBJECT modifier( /* get a modifier number from its name */ char *mname ) { int ndx; ndx = otndx(mname, &modtab); return(modtab.htab[ndx]); } #ifdef GETOBJ OBJECT object( /* get an object number from its name */ char *oname ) { int ndx; ndx = otndx(oname, &objtab); return(objtab.htab[ndx]); } #endif int eqreal( /* are two real values close enough to equal? */ double d1, double d2 ) { if (d2 != 0.0) d1 = d1/d2 - 1.0; return((-FTINY <= d1) & (d1 <= FTINY)); } int eqobjects( /* check if two objects are equal */ OBJECT obj1, OBJECT obj2 ) { OBJREC *op1, *op2; int i; while (obj1 != obj2) { if (obj1 == OVOID) return(0); if (obj2 == OVOID) return(0); op1 = objptr(obj1); op2 = objptr(obj2); if (op1->otype != op2->otype) return(0); if (op1->oargs.nsargs != op2->oargs.nsargs) return(0); if (op1->oargs.nfargs != op2->oargs.nfargs) return(0); #ifdef IARGS if (op1->oargs.niargs != op2->oargs.niargs) return(0); for (i = op1->oargs.niargs; i-- > 0; ) if (op1->oargs.iarg[i] != op2->oargs.iarg[i]) return(0); #endif for (i = op1->oargs.nfargs; i-- > 0; ) if (!eqreal(op1->oargs.farg[i], op2->oargs.farg[i])) return(0); for (i = op1->oargs.nsargs; i-- > 0; ) if (strcmp(op1->oargs.sarg[i], op2->oargs.sarg[i])) return(0); i = 0; switch (op1->otype) { /* special cases (KEEP CONSISTENT!) */ case MOD_ALIAS: case MAT_ILLUM: case MAT_MIRROR: i = (op1->oargs.nsargs > 0); break; case MIX_FUNC: case MIX_DATA: case MIX_TEXT: case MIX_PICT: i = 2*(op1->oargs.nsargs >= 2); break; case MAT_CLIP: i = op1->oargs.nsargs; break; } while (i-- > 0) /* check modifier references */ if (!eqobjects( lastmod(obj1, op1->oargs.sarg[i]), lastmod(obj2, op2->oargs.sarg[i]) )) return(0); obj1 = op1->omod; obj2 = op2->omod; } return(1); } void insertobject( /* insert new object into our list */ OBJECT obj ) { int i; if (ismodifier(objptr(obj)->otype)) { i = otndx(objptr(obj)->oname, &modtab); if (eqobjects(obj, modtab.htab[i])) return; /* don't index if same as earlier def. */ modtab.htab[i] = obj; } #ifdef GETOBJ else { i = otndx(objptr(obj)->oname, &objtab); objtab.htab[i] = obj; } #endif for (i = 0; addobjnotify[i] != NULL; i++) (*addobjnotify[i])(obj); } void clearobjndx(void) /* clear object hash tables */ { if (modtab.htab != NULL) { free((void *)modtab.htab); modtab.htab = NULL; modtab.hsiz = 100; } if (objtab.htab != NULL) { free((void *)objtab.htab); objtab.htab = NULL; objtab.hsiz = 100; } } static int nexthsiz( /* return next hash table size */ int oldsiz ) { static int hsiztab[] = { 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381, 0 }; int *hsp; for (hsp = hsiztab; *hsp; hsp++) if (*hsp > oldsiz) return(*hsp); return(oldsiz*2 + 1); /* not always prime */ } static int otndx( /* get object table index for name */ char *name, struct ohtab *tab ) { OBJECT *oldhtab; int hval, i; int ndx; if (tab->htab == NULL) { /* new table */ tab->hsiz = nexthsiz(tab->hsiz); tab->htab = (OBJECT *)malloc(tab->hsiz*sizeof(OBJECT)); if (tab->htab == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in otndx"); ndx = tab->hsiz; while (ndx--) /* empty it */ tab->htab[ndx] = OVOID; } /* look up object */ hval = shash(name); tryagain: for (i = 0; i < tab->hsiz; i++) { ndx = (hval + (unsigned long)i*i) % tab->hsiz; if (tab->htab[ndx] == OVOID || !strcmp(objptr(tab->htab[ndx])->oname, name)) return(ndx); } /* table is full, reallocate */ oldhtab = tab->htab; ndx = tab->hsiz; tab->htab = NULL; while (ndx--) if (oldhtab[ndx] != OVOID) { i = otndx(objptr(oldhtab[ndx])->oname, tab); tab->htab[i] = oldhtab[ndx]; } free((void *)oldhtab); goto tryagain; /* should happen only once! */ }