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Revision: 2.3
Committed: Thu Apr 19 15:31:27 2018 UTC (6 years ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R2, rad5R3, HEAD
Changes since 2.2: +4 -4 lines
Log Message:
Changed HUGE reference to FHUGE + removed references to unused module maxheap.c

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: maxheap.c,v 2.2 2015/08/18 15:02:53 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include "maxheap.h"
10 static int resize_heap(maxHeap* hp,int sz)
11 {
12 int i;
14 if (sz == hp->cap)
15 return 1;
16 hp->heap = (heapElem*) realloc(hp->heap,sz*sizeof(heapElem));
17 if (!hp->heap)
18 return 0;
19 for(i=hp->size;i<sz;i++) {
20 hp->heap[i].entity = NULL;
21 hp->heap[i].key = -FHUGE;
22 }
23 hp->cap = sz;
24 if (sz < hp->size) {
25 hp->size = sz;
26 hp->state = HP_INVALID;
27 }
28 if (sz == 0) {
29 hp->heap = NULL;
30 hp->state = HP_BUILD;
31 }
32 return 1;
33 }
35 int mheap_init(maxHeap* hp)
36 {
37 hp->size = 0;
38 hp->cap = 0;
39 hp->heap = NULL;
40 hp->state = HP_BUILD;
41 return resize_heap(hp,HP_STARTCAP);
42 }
44 void mheap_free(maxHeap* hp)
45 {
46 resize_heap(hp,0);
47 free(hp);
48 }
50 maxHeap* mheap_create()
51 {
52 maxHeap* res = (maxHeap*) calloc(1,sizeof(maxHeap));
53 if (!res) {
54 fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating heap struct\n");
55 return NULL;
56 }
57 if (!mheap_init(res))
58 return NULL;
59 return res;
60 }
63 static void swap_elem(heapElem* e1,heapElem* e2)
64 {
65 heapElem e;
67 e = *e1;
68 *e1 = *e2;
69 *e2 = e;
70 }
72 static void heapify(maxHeap* hp,int i)
73 {
74 int l,r,m;
76 l = mh_left(i);
77 r = mh_right(i);
78 if ((l < hp->size) && (hp->heap[l].key > hp->heap[i].key))
79 m = l;
80 else
81 m = i;
82 if ((r < hp->size) && (hp->heap[m].key < hp->heap[r].key))
83 m = r;
84 if (m != i) {
85 swap_elem(&(hp->heap[m]),&(hp->heap[i]));
86 heapify(hp,m);
87 }
88 }
90 void mheap_build(maxHeap* hp)
91 {
92 int i;
94 for(i=((int) hp->size/2)-1;i>=0;i--)
95 heapify(hp,i);
96 hp->state = HP_BUILD;
97 }
99 void mheap_sort(maxHeap* hp)
100 {
101 int i,sz;
103 if (hp->state == HP_SORTED)
104 return;
105 if (hp->state != HP_BUILD)
106 mheap_build(hp);
107 sz = hp->size;
108 for(i=(hp->size-1);i>0;i--) {
109 swap_elem(&(hp->heap[0]),&(hp->heap[i]));
110 hp->size--;
111 heapify(hp,0);
112 }
113 hp->size = sz;
114 hp->state = HP_SORTED;
115 }
118 heapElem mheap_remove_max(maxHeap* hp)
119 {
120 heapElem res;
121 if (hp->size < 1) {
122 res.key = -FHUGE;
123 res.entity = NULL;
124 return res;
125 }
126 res = hp->heap[0];
127 hp->heap[0] = hp->heap[hp->size - 1];
128 hp->size--;
129 heapify(hp,0);
130 return res;
131 }
133 static int inc_key(maxHeap* hp,int i,g3Float k)
134 {
135 if (k < hp->heap[i].key) {
136 fprintf(stderr,"New key error in inc_key(mheap)\n");
137 hp->state = HP_INVALID;
138 return 0;
139 }
140 hp->heap[i].key = k;
141 while((i > 0) && (hp->heap[mh_parent(i)].key < hp->heap[i].key)) {
142 swap_elem(&(hp->heap[mh_parent(i)]),&(hp->heap[i]));
143 i = mh_parent(i);
144 }
145 return 1;
146 }
148 int mheap_insert(maxHeap* hp,g3Float key,void* entity)
149 {
150 if (hp->size == hp->cap) {
151 if (!resize_heap(hp,hp->cap*2)) {
152 hp->state = HP_INVALID;
153 return 0;
154 }
155 }
156 hp->heap[hp->size].entity = entity;
157 hp->heap[hp->size].key = -FHUGE;
158 hp->size++;
159 return inc_key(hp,(hp->size - 1),key);
160 }
163 #ifdef TEST_MHEAP
164 #include "timeutil.h"
166 int main(int argc,char** argv)
167 {
168 g3Float* k;
169 int i,n;
170 maxHeap* hp;
171 heapElem e;
172 double t;
173 hp = mheap_create();
175 if (argc > 1)
176 n = atoi(argv[1]);
177 else
178 n = 10;
180 t = get_time();
181 for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
182 k = (g3Float*) malloc(sizeof(g3Float));
183 *k = 10.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;
184 if (!mheap_insert(hp,*k,k)) {
185 fprintf(stderr,"Error inserting\n");
186 return EXIT_FAILURE;
187 }
188 }
189 t = get_time() - t;
190 fprintf(stderr,"insert: %d %f\n",n,t);
191 t = get_time();
192 mheap_sort(hp);
193 t = get_time() - t;
194 fprintf(stderr,"sort: %d %f\n",n,t);
195 for(i=0;i<n;i++)
196 printf("%d %f \n",i,hp->heap[i].key);
197 printf("-------------\n");
198 t = get_time();
199 mheap_build(hp);
200 t = get_time() - t;
201 fprintf(stderr,"build: %d %f\n",n,t);
202 for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
203 e = mheap_remove_max(hp);
204 printf("%d %f \n",hp->size,e.key);
205 if ((i < (n-1)) && (e.key < mheap_get_max(hp).key)) {
206 fprintf(stderr,"oooops: not sorted\n");
207 }
208 }
209 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
210 }
212 #endif