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Revision: 2.17
Committed: Fri Mar 19 21:16:15 2021 UTC (3 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, HEAD
Changes since 2.16: +5 -3 lines
Log Message:
fix: free memory on failure

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: interp2d.c,v 2.16 2021/03/11 01:58:59 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * General interpolation method for unstructured values on 2-D plane.
6 *
7 * G.Ward Feb 2013
8 */
10 #include "copyright.h"
12 /***************************************************************
13 * This is a general method for 2-D interpolation similar to
14 * radial basis functions but allowing for a good deal of local
15 * anisotropy in the point distribution. Each sample point
16 * is examined to determine the closest neighboring samples in
17 * each of NI2DIR surrounding directions. To speed this
18 * calculation, we sort the data into half-planes and apply
19 * simple tests to see which neighbor is closest in each
20 * angular slice. Once we have our approximate neighborhood
21 * for a sample, we can use it in a modified Gaussian weighting
22 * with allowing local anisotropy. Harmonic weighting is added
23 * to reduce the influence of distant neighbors. This yields a
24 * smooth interpolation regardless of how the sample points are
25 * initially distributed. Evaluation is accelerated by use of
26 * a fast approximation to the atan2(y,x) function and a low-res
27 * map indicating where sample weights are significant.
28 ****************************************************************/
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include "rtmath.h"
33 #include "interp2d.h"
35 #define DECODE_DIA(ip,ed) ((ip)->dmin*(1. + .5*(ed)))
36 #define ENCODE_DIA(ip,d) ((int)(2.*(d)/(ip)->dmin) - 2)
38 /* Sample order (private) */
39 typedef struct {
40 int si; /* sample index */
41 float dm; /* distance measure in this direction */
44 /* private routine to encode sample diameter with range checks */
45 static int
46 encode_diameter(const INTERP2 *ip, double d)
47 {
48 const int ed = ENCODE_DIA(ip, d);
50 if (ed <= 0)
51 return(0);
52 if (ed >= 0xffff)
53 return(0xffff);
54 return(ed);
55 }
57 /* Allocate a new set of interpolation samples (caller assigns spt[] array) */
58 INTERP2 *
59 interp2_alloc(int nsamps)
60 {
61 INTERP2 *nip;
63 if (nsamps <= 1)
64 return(NULL);
66 nip = (INTERP2 *)malloc(sizeof(INTERP2) + sizeof(float)*2*(nsamps-1));
67 if (nip == NULL)
68 return(NULL);
70 nip->ns = nsamps;
71 nip->dmin = 1; /* default minimum diameter */
72 nip->smf = NI2DSMF; /* default smoothing factor */
73 nip->c_data = NULL;
74 nip->da = NULL;
75 /* caller must assign spt[] array */
76 return(nip);
77 }
79 /* Resize interpolation array (caller must assign any new values) */
80 INTERP2 *
81 interp2_realloc(INTERP2 *ip, int nsamps)
82 {
83 INTERP2 *old_ip = ip;
85 if (ip == NULL)
86 return(interp2_alloc(nsamps));
87 if (nsamps <= 1) {
88 interp2_free(ip);
89 return(NULL);
90 }
91 if (nsamps == ip->ns)
92 return(ip);
93 if (ip->da != NULL) { /* will need to recompute distribution */
94 free(ip->da);
95 ip->da = NULL;
96 }
97 ip = (INTERP2 *)realloc(ip, sizeof(INTERP2)+sizeof(float)*2*(nsamps-1));
98 if (ip == NULL) {
99 if (nsamps <= ip->ns) {
100 ip = old_ip;
101 } else {
102 free(old_ip);
103 return(NULL);
104 }
105 }
106 ip->ns = nsamps;
107 return(ip);
108 }
110 /* Set minimum distance under which samples will start to merge */
111 void
112 interp2_spacing(INTERP2 *ip, double mind)
113 {
114 if (mind <= 0)
115 return;
116 if ((.998*ip->dmin <= mind) & (mind <= 1.002*ip->dmin))
117 return;
118 if (ip->da != NULL) { /* will need to recompute distribution */
119 free(ip->da);
120 ip->da = NULL;
121 }
122 ip->dmin = mind;
123 }
125 /* Compute unnormalized weight for a position relative to a sample */
126 double
127 interp2_wti(INTERP2 *ip, const int i, double x, double y)
128 {
129 double dir, rd, r2, d2;
130 int ri;
131 /* get relative direction */
132 x -= ip->spt[i][0];
133 y -= ip->spt[i][1];
134 dir = atan2a(y, x);
135 dir += 2.*PI*(dir < 0);
136 /* linear radius interpolation */
137 rd = dir * (NI2DIR/2./PI);
138 ri = (int)rd;
139 rd -= (double)ri;
140 rd = (1.-rd)*ip->da[i].dia[ri] + rd*ip->da[i].dia[(ri+1)%NI2DIR];
141 rd = ip->smf * DECODE_DIA(ip, rd);
142 r2 = 2.*rd*rd;
143 d2 = x*x + y*y;
144 if (d2 > 21.*r2) /* result would be < 1e-9 */
145 return(.0);
146 /* Gaussian times harmonic weighting */
147 return( exp(-d2/r2) * ip->dmin/(ip->dmin + sqrt(d2)) );
148 }
150 /* private call to get grid flag index */
151 static int
152 interp2_flagpos(int fgi[2], INTERP2 *ip, double x, double y)
153 {
154 int inbounds = 0;
156 if (ip == NULL) /* paranoia */
157 return(-1);
158 /* need to compute interpolant? */
159 if (ip->da == NULL && !interp2_analyze(ip))
160 return(-1);
161 /* get x & y grid positions */
162 fgi[0] = (x - ip->smin[0]) * NI2DIM / (ip->smax[0] - ip->smin[0]);
164 if (fgi[0] >= NI2DIM)
165 fgi[0] = NI2DIM-1;
166 else if (fgi[0] < 0)
167 fgi[0] = 0;
168 else
169 ++inbounds;
171 fgi[1] = (y - ip->smin[1]) * NI2DIM / (ip->smax[1] - ip->smin[1]);
173 if (fgi[1] >= NI2DIM)
174 fgi[1] = NI2DIM-1;
175 else if (fgi[1] < 0)
176 fgi[1] = 0;
177 else
178 ++inbounds;
180 return(inbounds == 2);
181 }
183 #define setflg(fl,xi,yi) ((fl)[yi] |= 1<<(xi))
185 #define chkflg(fl,xi,yi) ((fl)[yi]>>(xi) & 1)
187 /* private flood function to determine sample influence */
188 static void
189 influence_flood(INTERP2 *ip, const int i, unsigned short visited[NI2DIM],
190 int xfi, int yfi)
191 {
192 double gx = (xfi+.5)*(1./NI2DIM)*(ip->smax[0] - ip->smin[0]) +
193 ip->smin[0];
194 double gy = (yfi+.5)*(1./NI2DIM)*(ip->smax[1] - ip->smin[1]) +
195 ip->smin[1];
196 double dx = gx - ip->spt[i][0];
197 double dy = gy - ip->spt[i][1];
199 setflg(visited, xfi, yfi);
201 if (dx*dx + dy*dy > 2.*ip->grid2 && interp2_wti(ip, i, gx, gy) <= 1e-7)
202 return;
204 setflg(ip->da[i].infl, xfi, yfi);
206 if (xfi > 0 && !chkflg(visited, xfi-1, yfi))
207 influence_flood(ip, i, visited, xfi-1, yfi);
209 if (yfi > 0 && !chkflg(visited, xfi, yfi-1))
210 influence_flood(ip, i, visited, xfi, yfi-1);
212 if (xfi < NI2DIM-1 && !chkflg(visited, xfi+1, yfi))
213 influence_flood(ip, i, visited, xfi+1, yfi);
215 if (yfi < NI2DIM-1 && !chkflg(visited, xfi, yfi+1))
216 influence_flood(ip, i, visited, xfi, yfi+1);
217 }
219 /* private call to compute sample influence maps */
220 static void
221 map_influence(INTERP2 *ip)
222 {
223 unsigned short visited[NI2DIM];
224 int fgi[2];
225 int i, j;
227 for (i = ip->ns; i--; ) {
228 for (j = NI2DIM; j--; ) {
229 ip->da[i].infl[j] = 0;
230 visited[j] = 0;
231 }
232 interp2_flagpos(fgi, ip, ip->spt[i][0], ip->spt[i][1]);
234 influence_flood(ip, i, visited, fgi[0], fgi[1]);
235 }
236 }
238 /* Modify smoothing parameter by the given factor */
239 void
240 interp2_smooth(INTERP2 *ip, double sf)
241 {
242 float old_smf = ip->smf;
244 if ((ip->smf *= sf) < NI2DSMF)
245 ip->smf = NI2DSMF;
246 /* need to recompute influence maps? */
247 if (ip->da != NULL && (old_smf*.85 > ip->smf) |
248 (ip->smf > old_smf*1.15))
249 map_influence(ip);
250 }
252 /* private call-back to sort position index */
253 static int
254 cmp_spos(const void *p1, const void *p2)
255 {
256 const SAMPORD *so1 = (const SAMPORD *)p1;
257 const SAMPORD *so2 = (const SAMPORD *)p2;
259 if (so1->dm > so2->dm)
260 return 1;
261 if (so1->dm < so2->dm)
262 return -1;
263 return 0;
264 }
266 /* private routine to order samples in a particular direction */
267 static void
268 sort_samples(SAMPORD *sord, const INTERP2 *ip, double ang)
269 {
270 const double cosd = cos(ang);
271 const double sind = sin(ang);
272 int i;
274 for (i = ip->ns; i--; ) {
275 sord[i].si = i;
276 sord[i].dm = cosd*ip->spt[i][0] + sind*ip->spt[i][1];
277 }
278 qsort(sord, ip->ns, sizeof(SAMPORD), cmp_spos);
279 }
281 /* (Re)compute anisotropic basis function interpolant (normally automatic) */
282 int
283 interp2_analyze(INTERP2 *ip)
284 {
285 SAMPORD *sortord;
286 int *rightrndx, *leftrndx, *endrndx;
287 int i, bd;
288 /* sanity checks */
289 if (ip == NULL)
290 return(0);
291 if (ip->da != NULL) { /* free previous data if any */
292 free(ip->da);
293 ip->da = NULL;
294 }
295 if ((ip->ns <= 1) | (ip->dmin <= 0))
296 return(0);
297 /* compute sample domain */
298 ip->smin[0] = ip->smin[1] = FHUGE;
299 ip->smax[0] = ip->smax[1] = -FHUGE;
300 for (i = ip->ns; i--; ) {
301 if (ip->spt[i][0] < ip->smin[0]) ip->smin[0] = ip->spt[i][0];
302 if (ip->spt[i][0] > ip->smax[0]) ip->smax[0] = ip->spt[i][0];
303 if (ip->spt[i][1] < ip->smin[1]) ip->smin[1] = ip->spt[i][1];
304 if (ip->spt[i][1] > ip->smax[1]) ip->smax[1] = ip->spt[i][1];
305 }
306 ip->grid2 = ((ip->smax[0]-ip->smin[0])*(ip->smax[0]-ip->smin[0]) +
307 (ip->smax[1]-ip->smin[1])*(ip->smax[1]-ip->smin[1])) *
308 (1./NI2DIM/NI2DIM);
309 if (ip->grid2 <= FTINY*ip->dmin*ip->dmin)
310 return(0);
311 /* allocate analysis data */
312 ip->da = (struct interp2_samp *)malloc(
313 sizeof(struct interp2_samp)*ip->ns );
314 if (ip->da == NULL)
315 return(0);
316 /* allocate temporary arrays */
317 sortord = (SAMPORD *)malloc(sizeof(SAMPORD)*ip->ns);
318 rightrndx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*ip->ns);
319 leftrndx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*ip->ns);
320 endrndx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*ip->ns);
321 if ((sortord == NULL) | (rightrndx == NULL) |
322 (leftrndx == NULL) | (endrndx == NULL))
323 return(0);
324 /* run through bidirections */
325 for (bd = 0; bd < NI2DIR/2; bd++) {
326 const double ang = 2.*PI/NI2DIR*bd;
327 int *sptr;
328 /* create right reverse index */
329 if (bd) { /* re-use from previous iteration? */
330 sptr = rightrndx;
331 rightrndx = leftrndx;
332 leftrndx = sptr;
333 } else { /* else sort first half-plane */
334 sort_samples(sortord, ip, PI/2. - PI/NI2DIR);
335 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
336 rightrndx[sortord[i].si] = i;
337 /* & store reverse order for later */
338 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
339 endrndx[sortord[i].si] = ip->ns-1 - i;
340 }
341 /* create new left reverse index */
342 if (bd == NI2DIR/2 - 1) { /* use order from first iteration? */
343 sptr = leftrndx;
344 leftrndx = endrndx;
345 endrndx = sptr;
346 } else { /* else compute new half-plane */
347 sort_samples(sortord, ip, ang + (PI/2. + PI/NI2DIR));
348 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
349 leftrndx[sortord[i].si] = i;
350 }
351 /* sort grid values in this direction */
352 sort_samples(sortord, ip, ang);
353 /* find nearest neighbors each side */
354 for (i = ip->ns; i--; ) {
355 const int ii = sortord[i].si;
356 int j;
357 /* preload with large radii */
358 ip->da[ii].dia[bd] =
359 ip->da[ii].dia[bd+NI2DIR/2] = encode_diameter(ip,
360 .5*(sortord[ip->ns-1].dm - sortord[0].dm));
361 for (j = i; ++j < ip->ns; ) /* nearest above */
362 if (rightrndx[sortord[j].si] > rightrndx[ii] &&
363 leftrndx[sortord[j].si] < leftrndx[ii]) {
364 ip->da[ii].dia[bd] = encode_diameter(ip,
365 sortord[j].dm - sortord[i].dm);
366 break;
367 }
368 for (j = i; j-- > 0; ) /* nearest below */
369 if (rightrndx[sortord[j].si] < rightrndx[ii] &&
370 leftrndx[sortord[j].si] > leftrndx[ii]) {
371 ip->da[ii].dia[bd+NI2DIR/2] = encode_diameter(ip,
372 sortord[i].dm - sortord[j].dm);
373 break;
374 }
375 }
376 }
377 free(sortord); /* release temp arrays */
378 free(rightrndx);
379 free(leftrndx);
380 free(endrndx);
381 /* map sample influence areas */
382 map_influence(ip);
383 return(1); /* all done */
384 }
386 /* Assign full set of normalized weights to interpolate the given position */
387 int
388 interp2_weights(float wtv[], INTERP2 *ip, double x, double y)
389 {
390 double wnorm;
391 int fgi[2];
392 int i;
394 if (wtv == NULL)
395 return(0);
396 /* get flag position */
397 if (interp2_flagpos(fgi, ip, x, y) < 0)
398 return(0);
400 wnorm = 0; /* compute raw weights */
401 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
402 if (chkflg(ip->da[i].infl, fgi[0], fgi[1])) {
403 double wt = interp2_wti(ip, i, x, y);
404 wtv[i] = wt;
405 wnorm += wt;
406 } else
407 wtv[i] = 0;
408 if (wnorm <= 0) /* too far from all our samples! */
409 return(0);
410 wnorm = 1./wnorm; /* normalize weights */
411 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
412 wtv[i] *= wnorm;
413 return(ip->ns); /* all done */
414 }
417 /* Get normalized weights and indexes for n best samples in descending order */
418 int
419 interp2_topsamp(float wt[], int si[], const int n, INTERP2 *ip, double x, double y)
420 {
421 int nn = 0;
422 int fgi[2];
423 double wnorm;
424 int i, j;
426 if ((n <= 0) | (wt == NULL) | (si == NULL))
427 return(0);
428 /* get flag position */
429 if (interp2_flagpos(fgi, ip, x, y) < 0)
430 return(0);
431 /* identify top n weights */
432 for (i = ip->ns; i--; )
433 if (chkflg(ip->da[i].infl, fgi[0], fgi[1])) {
434 const double wti = interp2_wti(ip, i, x, y);
435 for (j = nn; j > 0; j--) {
436 if (wt[j-1] >= wti)
437 break;
438 if (j < n) {
439 wt[j] = wt[j-1];
440 si[j] = si[j-1];
441 }
442 }
443 if (j < n) { /* add/insert sample */
444 wt[j] = wti;
445 si[j] = i;
446 nn += (nn < n);
447 }
448 }
449 wnorm = 0; /* normalize sample weights */
450 for (j = nn; j--; )
451 wnorm += wt[j];
452 if (wnorm <= 0)
453 return(0);
454 wnorm = 1./wnorm;
455 for (j = nn; j--; )
456 wt[j] *= wnorm;
457 return(nn); /* return actual # samples */
458 }
460 /* Free interpolant */
461 void
462 interp2_free(INTERP2 *ip)
463 {
464 if (ip == NULL)
465 return;
466 if (ip->da != NULL)
467 free(ip->da);
468 free(ip);
469 }