#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: instance.c,v 2.12 2016/03/22 03:56:17 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * instance.c - routines for octree objects. */ #include "copyright.h" #include "rtmath.h" #include "rterror.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "paths.h" #include "octree.h" #include "object.h" #include "instance.h" #define IO_ILLEGAL (IO_FILES|IO_INFO) static SCENE *slist = NULL; /* list of loaded octrees */ SCENE * getscene(sname, flags) /* get new octree reference */ char *sname; int flags; { char *pathname; register SCENE *sc; flags &= ~IO_ILLEGAL; /* not allowed */ for (sc = slist; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next) if (!strcmp(sname, sc->name)) break; if (sc == NULL) { sc = (SCENE *)malloc(sizeof(SCENE)); if (sc == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getscene"); sc->name = savestr(sname); sc->nref = 0; sc->ldflags = 0; sc->scube.cutree = EMPTY; sc->scube.cuorg[0] = sc->scube.cuorg[1] = sc->scube.cuorg[2] = 0.; sc->scube.cusize = 0.; sc->firstobj = sc->nobjs = 0; sc->next = slist; slist = sc; } if ((pathname = getpath(sname, getrlibpath(), R_OK)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find octree file \"%s\"", sname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } flags &= ~sc->ldflags; /* skip what's already loaded */ if (flags & IO_SCENE) sc->firstobj = nobjects; if (flags) readoct(pathname, flags, &sc->scube, NULL); if (flags & IO_SCENE) sc->nobjs = nobjects - sc->firstobj; sc->ldflags |= flags; sc->nref++; /* increase reference count */ return(sc); } INSTANCE * getinstance(o, flags) /* get instance structure */ register OBJREC *o; int flags; { register INSTANCE *ins; flags &= ~IO_ILLEGAL; /* not allowed */ if ((ins = (INSTANCE *)o->os) == NULL) { if ((ins = (INSTANCE *)malloc(sizeof(INSTANCE))) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in getinstance"); if (o->oargs.nsargs < 1) objerror(o, USER, "bad # of arguments"); if (fullxf(&ins->x, o->oargs.nsargs-1, o->oargs.sarg+1) != o->oargs.nsargs-1) objerror(o, USER, "bad transform"); if (ins->x.f.sca < 0.0) { ins->x.f.sca = -ins->x.f.sca; ins->x.b.sca = -ins->x.b.sca; } ins->obj = NULL; o->os = (char *)ins; } if (ins->obj == NULL) ins->obj = getscene(o->oargs.sarg[0], flags); else if ((flags &= ~ins->obj->ldflags)) { if (flags & IO_SCENE) ins->obj->firstobj = nobjects; if (flags) readoct(getpath(o->oargs.sarg[0], getrlibpath(), R_OK), flags, &ins->obj->scube, NULL); if (flags & IO_SCENE) ins->obj->nobjs = nobjects - ins->obj->firstobj; ins->obj->ldflags |= flags; } return(ins); } void freescene(sc) /* release a scene reference */ SCENE *sc; { SCENE shead; register SCENE *scp; if (sc == NULL) return; if (sc->nref <= 0) error(CONSISTENCY, "unreferenced scene in freescene"); sc->nref--; if (sc->nref) /* still in use? */ return; shead.next = slist; /* else remove from our list */ for (scp = &shead; scp->next != NULL; scp = scp->next) if (scp->next == sc) { scp->next = sc->next; sc->next = NULL; break; } if (sc->next != NULL) /* can't be in list anymore */ error(CONSISTENCY, "unlisted scene in freescene"); slist = shead.next; freestr(sc->name); /* free memory */ octfree(sc->scube.cutree); freeobjects(sc->firstobj, sc->nobjs); free((void *)sc); } void freeinstance(o) /* free memory associated with instance */ OBJREC *o; { if (o->os == NULL) return; freescene((*(INSTANCE *)o->os).obj); free((void *)o->os); o->os = NULL; }