#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: image.c,v 2.55 2022/07/16 00:26:34 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * image.c - routines for image generation. * * External symbols declared in view.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "rtio.h" #include "rtmath.h" #include "paths.h" #include "view.h" VIEW stdview = STDVIEW; /* default view parameters */ static gethfunc gethview; char * setview( /* set hvec and vvec, return message on error */ VIEW *v ) { static char ill_horiz[] = "illegal horizontal view size"; static char ill_vert[] = "illegal vertical view size"; if ((v->vfore < -FTINY) | (v->vaft < -FTINY) || (v->vaft > FTINY) & (v->vaft <= v->vfore)) return("illegal fore/aft clipping plane"); if (v->vdist <= FTINY) return("illegal view distance"); v->vdist *= normalize(v->vdir); /* normalize direction */ if (v->vdist == 0.0) return("zero view direction"); if (normalize(v->vup) == 0.0) /* normalize view up */ return("zero view up vector"); fcross(v->hvec, v->vdir, v->vup); /* compute horiz dir */ if (normalize(v->hvec) == 0.0) return("view up parallel to view direction"); fcross(v->vvec, v->hvec, v->vdir); /* compute vert dir */ if (v->horiz <= FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert <= FTINY) return(ill_vert); switch (v->type) { case VT_PAR: /* parallel view */ v->hn2 = v->horiz; v->vn2 = v->vert; break; case VT_PER: /* perspective view */ if (v->horiz >= 180.0-FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert >= 180.0-FTINY) return(ill_vert); v->hn2 = 2.0 * tan(v->horiz*(PI/360.)); v->vn2 = 2.0 * tan(v->vert*(PI/360.)); break; case VT_CYL: /* cylindrical panorama */ if (v->horiz > 360.0+FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert >= 180.0-FTINY) return(ill_vert); v->hn2 = v->horiz * (PI/180.0); v->vn2 = 2.0 * tan(v->vert*(PI/360.)); break; case VT_ANG: /* angular fisheye */ if (v->horiz > 360.0+FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert > 360.0+FTINY) return(ill_vert); v->hn2 = v->horiz * (PI/180.0); v->vn2 = v->vert * (PI/180.0); break; case VT_HEM: /* hemispherical fisheye */ if (v->horiz > 180.0+FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert > 180.0+FTINY) return(ill_vert); v->hn2 = 2.0 * sin(v->horiz*(PI/360.)); v->vn2 = 2.0 * sin(v->vert*(PI/360.)); break; case VT_PLS: /* planispheric fisheye */ if (v->horiz >= 360.0-FTINY) return(ill_horiz); if (v->vert >= 360.0-FTINY) return(ill_vert); v->hn2 = 2.*sin(v->horiz*(PI/360.)) / (1.0 + cos(v->horiz*(PI/360.))); v->vn2 = 2.*sin(v->vert*(PI/360.)) / (1.0 + cos(v->vert*(PI/360.))); break; default: return("unknown view type"); } if (v->type != VT_ANG && v->type != VT_PLS) { if (v->type != VT_CYL) { v->hvec[0] *= v->hn2; v->hvec[1] *= v->hn2; v->hvec[2] *= v->hn2; } v->vvec[0] *= v->vn2; v->vvec[1] *= v->vn2; v->vvec[2] *= v->vn2; } v->hn2 *= v->hn2; v->vn2 *= v->vn2; return(NULL); } char * cropview( /* crop a view to the indicated bounds */ VIEW *v, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 ) { static char ill_hemi[] = "illegal crop for hemispherical view"; double d; /* order crop extrema */ if (x0 > x1) { d=x0; x0=x1; x1=d; } if (y0 > y1) { d=y0; y0=y1; y1=d; } if ((x1-x0 <= FTINY) | (y1-y0 <= FTINY)) return("zero crop area"); d = x1 - x0; /* adjust horizontal size? */ if (!FABSEQ(d, 1.)) switch (v->type) { case VT_PER: v->horiz = 360./PI*atan( d*tan(PI/360.*v->horiz) ); break; case VT_PAR: case VT_ANG: case VT_CYL: v->horiz *= d; break; case VT_HEM: d *= sin(PI/360.*v->horiz); if (d > 1.) return(ill_hemi); v->horiz = 360./PI*asin( d ); break; case VT_PLS: d *= sin(PI/360.*v->horiz) / (1. + cos(PI/360.*v->horiz)); v->horiz = 360./PI*acos( (1. - d*d) / (1. + d*d) ); break; } d = y1 - y0; /* adjust vertical size? */ if (!FABSEQ(d, 1.)) switch (v->type) { case VT_PER: case VT_CYL: v->vert = 360./PI*atan( d*tan(PI/360.*v->vert) ); break; case VT_PAR: case VT_ANG: v->vert *= d; break; case VT_HEM: d *= sin(PI/360.*v->vert); if (d > 1.) return(ill_hemi); v->vert = 360./PI*asin( d ); break; case VT_PLS: d *= sin(PI/360.*v->vert) / (1. + cos(PI/360.*v->vert)); v->vert = 360./PI*acos( (1. - d*d) / (1. + d*d) ); break; } /* adjust offsets */ v->hoff = ((x0 + x1)*.5 - .5 + v->hoff) / (x1 - x0); v->voff = ((y0 + y1)*.5 - .5 + v->voff) / (y1 - y0); return(setview(v)); /* final error checks & set-up */ } void normaspect( /* fix pixel aspect or resolution */ double va, /* view aspect ratio */ double *ap, /* pixel aspect in (or out if 0) */ int *xp, int *yp /* x and y resolution in (or out if *ap!=0) */ ) { if (*ap <= FTINY) *ap = va * *xp / *yp; /* compute pixel aspect */ else if (va * *xp > *ap * *yp) *xp = *yp / va * *ap + .5; /* reduce x resolution */ else *yp = *xp * va / *ap + .5; /* reduce y resolution */ } double viewray( /* compute ray origin and direction */ FVECT orig, FVECT direc, VIEW *v, double x, double y ) { double d, z; x += v->hoff - 0.5; y += v->voff - 0.5; switch(v->type) { case VT_PAR: /* parallel view */ orig[0] = v->vp[0] + v->vfore*v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; orig[1] = v->vp[1] + v->vfore*v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; orig[2] = v->vp[2] + v->vfore*v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VCOPY(direc, v->vdir); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? v->vaft - v->vfore : 0.0); case VT_PER: /* perspective view */ direc[0] = v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; direc[1] = v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; direc[2] = v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VSUM(orig, v->vp, direc, v->vfore); d = normalize(direc); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? (v->vaft - v->vfore)*d : 0.0); case VT_HEM: /* hemispherical fisheye */ z = 1.0 - x*x*v->hn2 - y*y*v->vn2; if (z < 0.0) return(-1.0); z = sqrt(z); direc[0] = z*v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; direc[1] = z*v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; direc[2] = z*v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VSUM(orig, v->vp, direc, v->vfore); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? v->vaft - v->vfore : 0.0); case VT_CYL: /* cylindrical panorama */ d = x * v->horiz * (PI/180.0); z = cos(d); x = sin(d); direc[0] = z*v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; direc[1] = z*v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; direc[2] = z*v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VSUM(orig, v->vp, direc, v->vfore); d = normalize(direc); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? (v->vaft - v->vfore)*d : 0.0); case VT_ANG: /* angular fisheye */ x *= (1.0/180.0)*v->horiz; y *= (1.0/180.0)*v->vert; d = x*x + y*y; if (d > 1.0) return(-1.0); d = sqrt(d); z = cos(PI*d); d = d <= FTINY ? PI : sqrt(1.0 - z*z)/d; x *= d; y *= d; direc[0] = z*v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; direc[1] = z*v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; direc[2] = z*v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VSUM(orig, v->vp, direc, v->vfore); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? v->vaft - v->vfore : 0.0); case VT_PLS: /* planispheric fisheye */ x *= sqrt(v->hn2); y *= sqrt(v->vn2); d = x*x + y*y; z = (1. - d)/(1. + d); x *= (1. + z); y *= (1. + z); direc[0] = z*v->vdir[0] + x*v->hvec[0] + y*v->vvec[0]; direc[1] = z*v->vdir[1] + x*v->hvec[1] + y*v->vvec[1]; direc[2] = z*v->vdir[2] + x*v->hvec[2] + y*v->vvec[2]; VSUM(orig, v->vp, direc, v->vfore); return(v->vaft > FTINY ? v->vaft - v->vfore : 0.0); } return(-1.0); } int viewloc( /* find image location for point */ FVECT ip, VIEW *v, FVECT p ) /* Use VL_* flags to interpret return value */ { int rflags = VL_GOOD; double d, d2; FVECT disp; VSUB(disp, p, v->vp); switch (v->type) { case VT_PAR: /* parallel view */ ip[2] = DOT(disp,v->vdir) - v->vfore; break; case VT_PER: /* perspective view */ d = DOT(disp,v->vdir); rflags |= VL_BEYOND*((v->vaft > FTINY) & (d >= v->vaft)); ip[2] = VLEN(disp); if (d < -FTINY) { /* fold pyramid */ ip[2] = -ip[2]; d = -d; } else if (d <= FTINY) return(VL_BAD); /* at infinite edge */ d = 1.0/d; disp[0] *= d; disp[1] *= d; disp[2] *= d; if (ip[2] < 0.0) d = -d; ip[2] *= (1.0 - v->vfore*d); break; case VT_HEM: /* hemispherical fisheye */ d = normalize(disp); if (DOT(disp,v->vdir) < 0.0) ip[2] = -d; else ip[2] = d; ip[2] -= v->vfore; break; case VT_CYL: /* cylindrical panorama */ d = DOT(disp,v->hvec); d2 = DOT(disp,v->vdir); ip[0] = 180.0/PI * atan2(d,d2) / v->horiz + 0.5 - v->hoff; d2 = d*d + d2*d2; if (d2 <= FTINY*FTINY) return(VL_BAD); /* at pole */ rflags |= VL_BEYOND*((v->vaft > FTINY) & (d2 >= v->vaft*v->vaft)); d = 1.0/sqrt(d2); ip[1] = DOT(disp,v->vvec)*d/v->vn2 + 0.5 - v->voff; ip[2] = VLEN(disp); ip[2] *= (1.0 - v->vfore*d); goto gotall; case VT_ANG: /* angular fisheye */ ip[0] = 0.5 - v->hoff; ip[1] = 0.5 - v->voff; ip[2] = normalize(disp) - v->vfore; d = DOT(disp,v->vdir); if (d >= 1.0-FTINY) goto gotall; if (d <= -(1.0-FTINY)) { ip[0] += 180.0/v->horiz; goto gotall; } d = (180.0/PI)*acos(d) / sqrt(1.0 - d*d); ip[0] += DOT(disp,v->hvec)*d/v->horiz; ip[1] += DOT(disp,v->vvec)*d/v->vert; goto gotall; case VT_PLS: /* planispheric fisheye */ ip[0] = 0.5 - v->hoff; ip[1] = 0.5 - v->voff; ip[2] = normalize(disp) - v->vfore; d = DOT(disp,v->vdir); if (d >= 1.0-FTINY) goto gotall; if (d <= -(1.0-FTINY)) return(VL_BAD); ip[0] += DOT(disp,v->hvec)/((1. + d)*sqrt(v->hn2)); ip[1] += DOT(disp,v->vvec)/((1. + d)*sqrt(v->vn2)); goto gotall; default: return(VL_BAD); } ip[0] = DOT(disp,v->hvec)/v->hn2 + 0.5 - v->hoff; ip[1] = DOT(disp,v->vvec)/v->vn2 + 0.5 - v->voff; gotall: /* add appropriate return flags */ if (ip[2] <= 0.0) rflags |= VL_BEHIND; else if ((v->type != VT_PER) & (v->type != VT_CYL)) rflags |= VL_BEYOND*((v->vaft > FTINY) & (ip[2] >= v->vaft - v->vfore)); rflags |= VL_OUTSIDE*((0.0 >= ip[0]) | (ip[0] >= 1.0) | (0.0 >= ip[1]) | (ip[1] >= 1.0)); return(rflags); } void pix2loc( /* compute image location from pixel pos. */ RREAL loc[2], RESOLU *rp, int px, int py ) { int x, y; if (rp->rt & YMAJOR) { x = px; y = py; } else { x = py; y = px; } if (rp->rt & XDECR) x = rp->xr-1 - x; if (rp->rt & YDECR) y = rp->yr-1 - y; loc[0] = (x+.5)/rp->xr; loc[1] = (y+.5)/rp->yr; } void loc2pix( /* compute pixel pos. from image location */ int pp[2], RESOLU *rp, double lx, double ly ) { int x, y; x = (int)(lx*rp->xr + .5 - (lx < 0.0)); y = (int)(ly*rp->yr + .5 - (ly < 0.0)); if (rp->rt & XDECR) x = rp->xr-1 - x; if (rp->rt & YDECR) y = rp->yr-1 - y; if (rp->rt & YMAJOR) { pp[0] = x; pp[1] = y; } else { pp[0] = y; pp[1] = x; } } int getviewopt( /* process view argument */ VIEW *v, int ac, char *av[] ) { #define check(c,l) if ((av[0][c]&&!isspace(av[0][c])) || \ badarg(ac-1,av+1,l)) return(-1) if (ac <= 0 || av[0][0] != '-' || av[0][1] != 'v') return(-1); switch (av[0][2]) { case 't': /* type */ if (!av[0][3] || isspace(av[0][3])) return(-1); check(4,""); v->type = av[0][3]; return(0); case 'p': /* point */ check(3,"fff"); v->vp[0] = atof(av[1]); v->vp[1] = atof(av[2]); v->vp[2] = atof(av[3]); return(3); case 'd': /* direction */ check(3,"fff"); v->vdir[0] = atof(av[1]); v->vdir[1] = atof(av[2]); v->vdir[2] = atof(av[3]); v->vdist = 1.; return(3); case 'u': /* up */ check(3,"fff"); v->vup[0] = atof(av[1]); v->vup[1] = atof(av[2]); v->vup[2] = atof(av[3]); return(3); case 'h': /* horizontal size */ check(3,"f"); v->horiz = atof(av[1]); return(1); case 'v': /* vertical size */ check(3,"f"); v->vert = atof(av[1]); return(1); case 'o': /* fore clipping plane */ check(3,"f"); v->vfore = atof(av[1]); return(1); case 'a': /* aft clipping plane */ check(3,"f"); v->vaft = atof(av[1]); return(1); case 's': /* shift */ check(3,"f"); v->hoff = atof(av[1]); return(1); case 'l': /* lift */ check(3,"f"); v->voff = atof(av[1]); return(1); default: return(-1); } #undef check } int sscanview( /* get view parameters from string */ VIEW *vp, char *s ) { int ac; char *av[4]; int na; int nvopts = 0; while (isspace(*s)) if (!*s++) return(0); while (*s) { ac = 0; do { if (ac || *s == '-') av[ac++] = s; while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++; while (isspace(*s)) s++; } while (*s && ac < 4); if ((na = getviewopt(vp, ac, av)) >= 0) { if (na+1 < ac) s = av[na+1]; nvopts++; } else if (ac > 1) s = av[1]; } return(nvopts); } void fprintview( /* write out view parameters */ VIEW *vp, FILE *fp ) { fprintf(fp, " -vt%c", vp->type); fprintf(fp, " -vp %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vp[0], vp->vp[1], vp->vp[2]); fprintf(fp, " -vd %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vdir[0]*vp->vdist, vp->vdir[1]*vp->vdist, vp->vdir[2]*vp->vdist); fprintf(fp, " -vu %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vup[0], vp->vup[1], vp->vup[2]); fprintf(fp, " -vh %.6g -vv %.6g", vp->horiz, vp->vert); fprintf(fp, " -vo %.6g -va %.6g", vp->vfore, vp->vaft); fprintf(fp, " -vs %.6g -vl %.6g", vp->hoff, vp->voff); } char * viewopt( /* translate to minimal view string */ VIEW *vp ) { static char vwstr[128]; char *cp = vwstr; *cp = '\0'; if (vp->type != stdview.type) { sprintf(cp, " -vt%c", vp->type); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!VABSEQ(vp->vp,stdview.vp)) { sprintf(cp, " -vp %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vp[0], vp->vp[1], vp->vp[2]); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->vdist,stdview.vdist) || !VABSEQ(vp->vdir,stdview.vdir)) { sprintf(cp, " -vd %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vdir[0]*vp->vdist, vp->vdir[1]*vp->vdist, vp->vdir[2]*vp->vdist); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!VABSEQ(vp->vup,stdview.vup)) { sprintf(cp, " -vu %.6g %.6g %.6g", vp->vup[0], vp->vup[1], vp->vup[2]); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->horiz,stdview.horiz)) { sprintf(cp, " -vh %.6g", vp->horiz); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->vert,stdview.vert)) { sprintf(cp, " -vv %.6g", vp->vert); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->vfore,stdview.vfore)) { sprintf(cp, " -vo %.6g", vp->vfore); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->vaft,stdview.vaft)) { sprintf(cp, " -va %.6g", vp->vaft); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->hoff,stdview.hoff)) { sprintf(cp, " -vs %.6g", vp->hoff); cp += strlen(cp); } if (!FABSEQ(vp->voff,stdview.voff)) { sprintf(cp, " -vl %.6g", vp->voff); cp += strlen(cp); } return(vwstr); } int isview( /* is this a view string? */ char *s ) { static char *altname[]={NULL,VIEWSTR,"rpict","rview","rvu","rpiece","pinterp",NULL}; extern char *progname; char *cp; char **an; /* add program name to list */ if (altname[0] == NULL) { for (cp = progname; *cp; cp++) ; while (cp > progname && !ISDIRSEP(cp[-1])) cp--; altname[0] = cp; } /* skip leading path */ cp = s; while (*cp && !isspace(*cp)) cp++; while (cp > s && !ISDIRSEP(cp[-1])) cp--; for (an = altname; *an != NULL; an++) if (!strncmp(*an, cp, strlen(*an))) return(1); return(0); } struct myview { VIEW *hv; int ok; }; static int gethview( /* get view from header */ char *s, void *v ) { if (isview(s) && sscanview(((struct myview*)v)->hv, s) > 0) ((struct myview*)v)->ok++; return(0); } int viewfile( /* get view from file */ char *fname, VIEW *vp, RESOLU *rp ) { struct myview mvs; FILE *fp; if (fname == NULL || !strcmp(fname, "-")) fp = stdin; else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return(-1); mvs.hv = vp; mvs.ok = 0; getheader(fp, gethview, &mvs); if (rp != NULL && !fgetsresolu(rp, fp)) mvs.ok = 0; if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(mvs.ok); }