/* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Integer operations on COLR scanlines */ #include "color.h" #define MAXGSHIFT 4 /* maximum shift for gamma table */ static BYTE g_mant[256], g_nexp[256]; static BYTE g_bval[MAXGSHIFT+1][256]; setcolrgam(g) /* set gamma conversion */ double g; { extern double pow(); double mult; register int i, j; /* compute colr -> gamb mapping */ for (i = 0; i <= MAXGSHIFT; i++) { mult = pow(0.5, (double)(i+8)); for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) g_bval[i][j] = 256.0 * pow((j+.5)*mult, 1.0/g); } /* compute gamb -> colr mapping */ i = 0; mult = 256.0; for (j = 255; j > 0; j--) { while ((g_mant[j] = mult * pow(j/256.0, g)) < 128) { i++; mult *= 2.0; } g_nexp[j] = i; } g_mant[0] = 0; g_nexp[0] = COLXS; } colrs_gambs(scan, len) /* convert scanline of colrs to gamma bytes */ register COLR *scan; int len; { register int i, expo; while (len-- > 0) { expo = scan[0][EXP] - COLXS; if (expo < -MAXGSHIFT) { if (expo < -MAXGSHIFT-8) { scan[0][RED] = scan[0][GRN] = scan[0][BLU] = 0; } else { i = (-MAXGSHIFT-1) - expo; scan[0][RED] = g_bval[MAXGSHIFT][((scan[0][RED]>>i)+1)>>1]; scan[0][GRN] = g_bval[MAXGSHIFT][((scan[0][GRN]>>i)+1)>>1]; scan[0][BLU] = g_bval[MAXGSHIFT][((scan[0][BLU]>>i)+1)>>1]; } } else if (expo > 0) { if (expo > 8) { scan[0][RED] = scan[0][GRN] = scan[0][BLU] = 255; } else { i = (scan[0][RED]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1); scan[0][RED] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i]; i = (scan[0][GRN]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1); scan[0][GRN] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i]; i = (scan[0][BLU]<<1 | 1) << (expo-1); scan[0][BLU] = i > 255 ? 255 : g_bval[0][i]; } } else { scan[0][RED] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][RED]]; scan[0][GRN] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][GRN]]; scan[0][BLU] = g_bval[-expo][scan[0][BLU]]; } scan[0][EXP] = COLXS; scan++; } } gambs_colrs(scan, len) /* convert gamma bytes to colr scanline */ register COLR *scan; int len; { register int nexpo; while (len-- > 0) { nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][RED]]; if (g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]] < nexpo) nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]]; if (g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]] < nexpo) nexpo = g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]]; if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][RED]]) scan[0][RED] = g_mant[scan[0][RED]] >> (g_nexp[scan[0][RED]]-nexpo); else scan[0][RED] = g_mant[scan[0][RED]]; if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]]) scan[0][GRN] = g_mant[scan[0][GRN]] >> (g_nexp[scan[0][GRN]]-nexpo); else scan[0][GRN] = g_mant[scan[0][GRN]]; if (nexpo < g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]]) scan[0][BLU] = g_mant[scan[0][BLU]] >> (g_nexp[scan[0][BLU]]-nexpo); else scan[0][BLU] = g_mant[scan[0][BLU]]; scan[0][EXP] = COLXS - nexpo; scan++; } } shiftcolrs(scan, len, adjust) /* shift a scanline of colors by 2^adjust */ register COLR *scan; register int len; register int adjust; { while (len-- > 0) { scan[0][EXP] += adjust; scan++; } } normcolrs(scan, len, adjust) /* normalize a scanline of colrs */ register COLR *scan; int len; int adjust; { register int c; register int shift; while (len-- > 0) { shift = scan[0][EXP] + adjust - COLXS; if (shift > 0) { if (shift > 8) { scan[0][RED] = scan[0][GRN] = scan[0][BLU] = 255; } else { shift--; c = (scan[0][RED]<<1 | 1) << shift; scan[0][RED] = c > 255 ? 255 : c; c = (scan[0][GRN]<<1 | 1) << shift; scan[0][GRN] = c > 255 ? 255 : c; c = (scan[0][BLU]<<1 | 1) << shift; scan[0][BLU] = c > 255 ? 255 : c; } } else if (shift < 0) { if (shift < -8) { scan[0][RED] = scan[0][GRN] = scan[0][BLU] = 0; } else { shift = -1-shift; scan[0][RED] = ((scan[0][RED]>>shift)+1)>>1; scan[0][GRN] = ((scan[0][GRN]>>shift)+1)>>1; scan[0][BLU] = ((scan[0][BLU]>>shift)+1)>>1; } } scan[0][EXP] = COLXS - adjust; scan++; } }