/* RCSid: $Id: color.h,v 2.18 2003/02/22 02:07:22 greg Exp $ */ /* * color.h - header for routines using pixel color values. * * Must be included after X11 headers, since they declare a BYTE type. * * Two color representations are used, one for calculation and * another for storage. Calculation is done with three floats * for speed. Stored color values use 4 bytes which contain * three single byte mantissas and a common exponent. */ /* ==================================================================== * The Radiance Software License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1990 - 2002 The Regents of the University of California, * through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes Radiance software * (http://radsite.lbl.gov/) * developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * (http://www.lbl.gov/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Radiance," "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" * and "The Regents of the University of California" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact radiance@radsite.lbl.gov. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Radiance", * nor may "Radiance" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. For more * information on Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, please see * . */ #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define RED 0 #define GRN 1 #define BLU 2 #define CIEX 0 /* or, if input is XYZ... */ #define CIEY 1 #define CIEZ 2 #define EXP 3 /* exponent same for either format */ #define COLXS 128 /* excess used for exponent */ #define WHT 3 /* used for RGBPRIMS type */ #undef BYTE #define BYTE unsigned char /* 8-bit unsigned integer */ typedef BYTE COLR[4]; /* red, green, blue (or X,Y,Z), exponent */ typedef float COLOR[3]; /* red, green, blue (or X,Y,Z) */ typedef float RGBPRIMS[4][2]; /* (x,y) chromaticities for RGBW */ typedef float (*RGBPRIMP)[2]; /* pointer to RGBPRIMS array */ typedef float COLORMAT[3][3]; /* color coordinate conversion matrix */ #define copycolr(c1,c2) (c1[0]=c2[0],c1[1]=c2[1], \ c1[2]=c2[2],c1[3]=c2[3]) #define colval(col,pri) ((col)[pri]) #define setcolor(col,r,g,b) ((col)[RED]=(r),(col)[GRN]=(g),(col)[BLU]=(b)) #define copycolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]=(c2)[2]) #define scalecolor(col,sf) ((col)[0]*=(sf),(col)[1]*=(sf),(col)[2]*=(sf)) #define addcolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]+=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]+=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]+=(c2)[2]) #define multcolor(c1,c2) ((c1)[0]*=(c2)[0],(c1)[1]*=(c2)[1],(c1)[2]*=(c2)[2]) #ifdef NTSC #define CIE_x_r 0.670 /* standard NTSC primaries */ #define CIE_y_r 0.330 #define CIE_x_g 0.210 #define CIE_y_g 0.710 #define CIE_x_b 0.140 #define CIE_y_b 0.080 #define CIE_x_w 0.3333 /* use true white */ #define CIE_y_w 0.3333 #else #define CIE_x_r 0.640 /* nominal CRT primaries */ #define CIE_y_r 0.330 #define CIE_x_g 0.290 #define CIE_y_g 0.600 #define CIE_x_b 0.150 #define CIE_y_b 0.060 #define CIE_x_w 0.3333 /* use true white */ #define CIE_y_w 0.3333 #endif #define STDPRIMS {{CIE_x_r,CIE_y_r},{CIE_x_g,CIE_y_g}, \ {CIE_x_b,CIE_y_b},{CIE_x_w,CIE_y_w}} #define CIE_D ( CIE_x_r*(CIE_y_g - CIE_y_b) + \ CIE_x_g*(CIE_y_b - CIE_y_r) + \ CIE_x_b*(CIE_y_r - CIE_y_g) ) #define CIE_C_rD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \ ( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_g - CIE_y_b) - \ CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_g - CIE_x_b) + \ CIE_x_g*CIE_y_b - CIE_x_b*CIE_y_g ) ) #define CIE_C_gD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \ ( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_b - CIE_y_r) - \ CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_b - CIE_x_r) - \ CIE_x_r*CIE_y_b + CIE_x_b*CIE_y_r ) ) #define CIE_C_bD ( (1./CIE_y_w) * \ ( CIE_x_w*(CIE_y_r - CIE_y_g) - \ CIE_y_w*(CIE_x_r - CIE_x_g) + \ CIE_x_r*CIE_y_g - CIE_x_g*CIE_y_r ) ) #define CIE_rf (CIE_y_r*CIE_C_rD/CIE_D) #define CIE_gf (CIE_y_g*CIE_C_gD/CIE_D) #define CIE_bf (CIE_y_b*CIE_C_bD/CIE_D) /* As of 9-94, CIE_rf=.265074126, CIE_gf=.670114631 and CIE_bf=.064811243 */ /***** The following definitions are valid for RGB colors only... *****/ #define bright(col) (CIE_rf*(col)[RED]+CIE_gf*(col)[GRN]+CIE_bf*(col)[BLU]) #define normbright(c) ( ( (long)(CIE_rf*256.+.5)*(c)[RED] + \ (long)(CIE_gf*256.+.5)*(c)[GRN] + \ (long)(CIE_bf*256.+.5)*(c)[BLU] ) >> 8 ) /* luminous efficacies over visible spectrum */ #define MAXEFFICACY 683. /* defined maximum at 550 nm */ #define WHTEFFICACY 179. /* uniform white light */ #define D65EFFICACY 203. /* standard illuminant D65 */ #define INCEFFICACY 160. /* illuminant A (incand.) */ #define SUNEFFICACY 208. /* illuminant B (solar dir.) */ #define SKYEFFICACY D65EFFICACY /* skylight */ #define DAYEFFICACY D65EFFICACY /* combined sky and solar */ #define luminance(col) (WHTEFFICACY * bright(col)) /***** ...end of stuff specific to RGB colors *****/ #define intens(col) ( (col)[0] > (col)[1] \ ? (col)[0] > (col)[2] ? (col)[0] : (col)[2] \ : (col)[1] > (col)[2] ? (col)[1] : (col)[2] ) #define colrval(c,p) ( (c)[EXP] ? \ ldexp((c)[p]+.5,(int)(c)[EXP]-(COLXS+8)) : \ 0. ) #define WHTCOLOR {1.0,1.0,1.0} #define BLKCOLOR {0.0,0.0,0.0} #define WHTCOLR {128,128,128,COLXS+1} #define BLKCOLR {0,0,0,0} /* picture format identifier */ #define COLRFMT "32-bit_rle_rgbe" #define CIEFMT "32-bit_rle_xyze" #define PICFMT "32-bit_rle_???e" /* matches either */ #define LPICFMT 15 /* max format id len */ /* macros for exposures */ #define EXPOSSTR "EXPOSURE=" #define LEXPOSSTR 9 #define isexpos(hl) (!strncmp(hl,EXPOSSTR,LEXPOSSTR)) #define exposval(hl) atof((hl)+LEXPOSSTR) #define fputexpos(ex,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s%e\n",EXPOSSTR,ex) /* macros for pixel aspect ratios */ #define ASPECTSTR "PIXASPECT=" #define LASPECTSTR 10 #define isaspect(hl) (!strncmp(hl,ASPECTSTR,LASPECTSTR)) #define aspectval(hl) atof((hl)+LASPECTSTR) #define fputaspect(pa,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s%f\n",ASPECTSTR,pa) /* macros for primary specifications */ #define PRIMARYSTR "PRIMARIES=" #define LPRIMARYSTR 10 #define isprims(hl) (!strncmp(hl,PRIMARYSTR,LPRIMARYSTR)) #define primsval(p,hl) sscanf(hl+LPRIMARYSTR, \ "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", \ &(p)[RED][CIEX],&(p)[RED][CIEY], \ &(p)[GRN][CIEX],&(p)[GRN][CIEY], \ &(p)[BLU][CIEX],&(p)[BLU][CIEY], \ &(p)[WHT][CIEX],&(p)[WHT][CIEY]) #define fputprims(p,fp) fprintf(fp, \ "%s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",\ PRIMARYSTR, \ (p)[RED][CIEX],(p)[RED][CIEY], \ (p)[GRN][CIEX],(p)[GRN][CIEY], \ (p)[BLU][CIEX],(p)[BLU][CIEY], \ (p)[WHT][CIEX],(p)[WHT][CIEY]) /* macros for color correction */ #define COLCORSTR "COLORCORR=" #define LCOLCORSTR 10 #define iscolcor(hl) (!strncmp(hl,COLCORSTR,LCOLCORSTR)) #define colcorval(cc,hl) sscanf(hl+LCOLCORSTR,"%f %f %f", \ &(cc)[RED],&(cc)[GRN],&(cc)[BLU]) #define fputcolcor(cc,fp) fprintf(fp,"%s %f %f %f\n",COLCORSTR, \ (cc)[RED],(cc)[GRN],(cc)[BLU]) /* * Conversions to and from XYZ space generally don't apply WHTEFFICACY. * If you need Y to be luminance (cd/m^2), this must be applied when * converting from radiance (watts/sr/m^2). */ extern RGBPRIMS stdprims; /* standard primary chromaticities */ extern COLORMAT rgb2xyzmat; /* RGB to XYZ conversion matrix */ extern COLORMAT xyz2rgbmat; /* XYZ to RGB conversion matrix */ extern COLOR cblack, cwhite; /* black (0,0,0) and white (1,1,1) */ #define CGAMUT_LOWER 01 #define CGAMUT_UPPER 02 #define CGAMUT (CGAMUT_LOWER|CGAMUT_UPPER) #define rgb_cie(xyz,rgb) colortrans(xyz,rgb2xyzmat,rgb) #ifdef BSD #define cpcolormat(md,ms) bcopy((char *)ms,(char *)md,sizeof(COLORMAT)) #else #define cpcolormat(md,ms) memcpy((char *)md,(char *)ms,sizeof(COLORMAT)) #endif #ifdef NOPROTO /* defined in color.c */ extern char *tempbuffer(); extern int fwritecolrs(); extern int freadcolrs(); extern int fwritescan(); extern int freadscan(); extern void setcolr(); extern void colr_color(); extern int bigdiff(); /* defined in spec_rgb.c */ extern void spec_rgb(); extern void spec_cie(); extern void cie_rgb(); extern int clipgamut(); extern void colortrans(); extern void multcolormat(); extern void compxyz2rgbmat(); extern void comprgb2xyzmat(); extern void comprgb2rgbmat(); extern void compxyzWBmat(); extern void compxyz2rgbWBmat(); extern void comprgb2xyzWBmat(); extern void comprgb2rgbWBmat(); /* defined in colrops.c */ extern int setcolrcor(); extern int setcolrinv(); extern int setcolrgam(); extern int colrs_gambs(); extern int gambs_colrs(); extern void shiftcolrs(); extern void normcolrs(); #else /* defined in color.c */ extern char *tempbuffer(unsigned int len); extern int fwritecolrs(COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp); extern int freadcolrs(COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp); extern int fwritescan(COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp); extern int freadscan(COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp); extern void setcolr(COLR clr, double r, double g, double b); extern void colr_color(COLOR col, COLR clr); extern int bigdiff(COLOR c1, COLOR c2, double md); /* defined in spec_rgb.c */ extern void spec_rgb(COLOR col, int s, int e); extern void spec_cie(COLOR col, int s, int e); extern void cie_rgb(COLOR rgb, COLOR xyz); extern int clipgamut(COLOR col, double brt, int gamut, COLOR lower, COLOR upper); extern void colortrans(COLOR c2, COLORMAT mat, COLOR c1); extern void multcolormat(COLORMAT m3, COLORMAT m2, COLORMAT m1); extern void compxyz2rgbmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr); extern void comprgb2xyzmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr); extern void comprgb2rgbmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr1, RGBPRIMS pr2); extern void compxyzWBmat(COLORMAT mat, float wht1[2], float wht2[2]); extern void compxyz2rgbWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr); extern void comprgb2xyzWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr); extern void comprgb2rgbWBmat(COLORMAT mat, RGBPRIMS pr1, RGBPRIMS pr2); /* defined in colrops.c */ extern int setcolrcor(double (*f)(), double a2); extern int setcolrinv(double (*f)(), double a2); extern int setcolrgam(double g); extern int colrs_gambs(COLR *scan, int len); extern int gambs_colrs(COLR *scan, int len); extern void shiftcolrs(COLR *scan, int len, int adjust); extern void normcolrs(COLR *scan, int len, int adjust); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif