#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: color.c,v 2.22 2022/03/05 17:18:02 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * color.c - routines for color calculations. * * Externals declared in color.h */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include #include #include "color.h" #ifdef getc_unlocked /* avoid horrendous overhead of flockfile */ #undef getc #undef putc #undef ferror #define getc getc_unlocked #define putc putc_unlocked #define ferror ferror_unlocked #endif #define MINELEN 8 /* minimum scanline length for encoding */ #define MAXELEN 0x7fff /* maximum scanline length for encoding */ #define MINRUN 4 /* minimum run length */ void * tempbuffer( /* get a temporary buffer */ unsigned int len ) { static void *tempbuf = NULL; static unsigned int tempbuflen = 0; if (!len) { /* call to free */ if (tempbuflen) { free(tempbuf); tempbuf = NULL; tempbuflen = 0; } return(NULL); } if (len <= tempbuflen) /* big enough already? */ return(tempbuf); /* else free & reallocate */ if (tempbuflen) free(tempbuf); tempbuf = malloc(len); tempbuflen = len*(tempbuf != NULL); return(tempbuf); } int fwritecolrs( /* write out a colr scanline */ COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp ) { int i, j, beg, cnt = 1; int c2; if ((len < MINELEN) | (len > MAXELEN)) /* OOBs, write out flat */ return(fwrite((char *)scanline,sizeof(COLR),len,fp) - len); /* put magic header */ putc(2, fp); putc(2, fp); putc(len>>8, fp); putc(len&0xff, fp); /* put components seperately */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < len; j += cnt) { /* find next run */ for (beg = j; beg < len; beg += cnt) { for (cnt = 1; (cnt < 127) & (beg+cnt < len) && scanline[beg+cnt][i] == scanline[beg][i]; cnt++) ; if (cnt >= MINRUN) break; /* long enough */ } if ((beg-j > 1) & (beg-j < MINRUN)) { c2 = j+1; while (scanline[c2++][i] == scanline[j][i]) if (c2 == beg) { /* short run */ putc(128+beg-j, fp); putc(scanline[j][i], fp); j = beg; break; } } while (j < beg) { /* write out non-run */ if ((c2 = beg-j) > 128) c2 = 128; putc(c2, fp); while (c2--) putc(scanline[j++][i], fp); } if (cnt >= MINRUN) { /* write out run */ putc(128+cnt, fp); putc(scanline[beg][i], fp); } else cnt = 0; } } return(ferror(fp) ? -1 : 0); } static int oldreadcolrs( /* read in an old-style colr scanline */ COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp ) { int rshift = 0; int i; while (len > 0) { scanline[0][RED] = getc(fp); scanline[0][GRN] = getc(fp); scanline[0][BLU] = getc(fp); scanline[0][EXP] = i = getc(fp); if (i == EOF) return(-1); if (scanline[0][GRN] == 1 && (scanline[0][RED] == 1) & (scanline[0][BLU] == 1)) { i = scanline[0][EXP] << rshift; while (i--) { copycolr(scanline[0], scanline[-1]); if (--len <= 0) return(0); scanline++; } rshift += 8; } else { scanline++; len--; rshift = 0; } } return(0); } int freadcolrs( /* read in an encoded colr scanline */ COLR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp ) { int i, j; int code, val; /* determine scanline type */ if ((len < MINELEN) | (len > MAXELEN)) return(oldreadcolrs(scanline, len, fp)); if ((i = getc(fp)) == EOF) return(-1); if (i != 2) { ungetc(i, fp); return(oldreadcolrs(scanline, len, fp)); } scanline[0][GRN] = getc(fp); scanline[0][BLU] = getc(fp); if ((i = getc(fp)) == EOF) return(-1); if ((scanline[0][GRN] != 2) | ((scanline[0][BLU] & 0x80) != 0)) { scanline[0][RED] = 2; scanline[0][EXP] = i; return(oldreadcolrs(scanline+1, len-1, fp)); } if ((scanline[0][BLU]<<8 | i) != len) return(-1); /* length mismatch! */ /* read each component */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (j = 0; j < len; ) { if ((code = getc(fp)) == EOF) return(-1); if (code > 128) { /* run */ code &= 127; if ((val = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1; if (j + code > len) return -1; /* overrun */ while (code--) scanline[j++][i] = val; } else { /* non-run */ if (j + code > len) return -1; /* overrun */ while (code--) { if ((val = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1; scanline[j++][i] = val; } } } return(0); } int fwritescan( /* write out a scanline */ COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp ) { COLR *clrscan; int n; COLR *sp; /* get scanline buffer */ if ((sp = (COLR *)tempbuffer(len*sizeof(COLR))) == NULL) return(-1); clrscan = sp; /* convert scanline */ n = len; while (n-- > 0) { setcolr(sp[0], scanline[0][RED], scanline[0][GRN], scanline[0][BLU]); scanline++; sp++; } return(fwritecolrs(clrscan, len, fp)); } int freadscan( /* read in a scanline */ COLOR *scanline, int len, FILE *fp ) { COLR *clrscan; if ((clrscan = (COLR *)tempbuffer(len*sizeof(COLR))) == NULL) return(-1); if (freadcolrs(clrscan, len, fp) < 0) return(-1); /* convert scanline */ colr_color(scanline[0], clrscan[0]); while (--len > 0) { scanline++; clrscan++; if (clrscan[0][GRN] == clrscan[-1][GRN] && (clrscan[0][RED] == clrscan[-1][RED]) & (clrscan[0][BLU] == clrscan[-1][BLU]) & (clrscan[0][EXP] == clrscan[-1][EXP])) copycolor(scanline[0], scanline[-1]); else colr_color(scanline[0], clrscan[0]); } return(0); } void setcolr( /* assign a short color value */ COLR clr, double r, double g, double b ) { double d; int e; d = r > g ? r : g; if (b > d) d = b; if (d <= 1e-32) { clr[RED] = clr[GRN] = clr[BLU] = 0; clr[EXP] = 0; return; } d = frexp(d, &e) * 256.0 / d; if (r > 0.0) clr[RED] = r * d; else clr[RED] = 0; if (g > 0.0) clr[GRN] = g * d; else clr[GRN] = 0; if (b > 0.0) clr[BLU] = b * d; else clr[BLU] = 0; clr[EXP] = e + COLXS; } void colr_color( /* convert short to float color */ COLOR col, COLR clr ) { double f; if (clr[EXP] == 0) col[RED] = col[GRN] = col[BLU] = 0.0; else { f = ldexp(1.0, (int)clr[EXP]-(COLXS+8)); col[RED] = (clr[RED] + 0.5)*f; col[GRN] = (clr[GRN] + 0.5)*f; col[BLU] = (clr[BLU] + 0.5)*f; } } int bigdiff( /* c1 delta c2 > md? */ COLOR c1, COLOR c2, double md ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (colval(c1,i)-colval(c2,i) > md*colval(c2,i) || colval(c2,i)-colval(c1,i) > md*colval(c1,i)) return(1); return(0); }