/* Copyright (c) 1992 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * calfunc.c - routines for calcomp using functions. * * The define BIGLIB pulls in a large number of the * available math routines. * * If VARIABLE is not defined, only library functions * can be accessed. * * 4/2/86 */ #include #include #include #include "calcomp.h" /* bits in argument flag (better be right!) */ #define AFLAGSIZ (8*sizeof(unsigned long)) #define ALISTSIZ 6 /* maximum saved argument list */ typedef struct activation { char *name; /* function name */ struct activation *prev; /* previous activation */ double *ap; /* argument list */ unsigned long an; /* computed argument flags */ EPNODE *fun; /* argument function */ } ACTIVATION; /* an activation record */ static ACTIVATION *curact = NULL; static double libfunc(); #define MAXLIB 64 /* maximum number of library functions */ static double l_if(), l_select(), l_rand(); static double l_floor(), l_ceil(); #ifdef BIGLIB static double l_sqrt(); static double l_sin(), l_cos(), l_tan(); static double l_asin(), l_acos(), l_atan(), l_atan2(); static double l_exp(), l_log(), l_log10(); #endif #ifdef BIGLIB /* functions must be listed alphabetically */ static LIBR library[MAXLIB] = { { "acos", 1, ':', l_acos }, { "asin", 1, ':', l_asin }, { "atan", 1, ':', l_atan }, { "atan2", 2, ':', l_atan2 }, { "ceil", 1, ':', l_ceil }, { "cos", 1, ':', l_cos }, { "exp", 1, ':', l_exp }, { "floor", 1, ':', l_floor }, { "if", 3, ':', l_if }, { "log", 1, ':', l_log }, { "log10", 1, ':', l_log10 }, { "rand", 1, ':', l_rand }, { "select", 1, ':', l_select }, { "sin", 1, ':', l_sin }, { "sqrt", 1, ':', l_sqrt }, { "tan", 1, ':', l_tan }, }; static int libsize = 16; #else /* functions must be listed alphabetically */ static LIBR library[MAXLIB] = { { "ceil", 1, ':', l_ceil }, { "floor", 1, ':', l_floor }, { "if", 3, ':', l_if }, { "rand", 1, ':', l_rand }, { "select", 1, ':', l_select }, }; static int libsize = 5; #endif extern char *savestr(), *emalloc(); extern VARDEF *argf(); #ifdef VARIABLE #define resolve(ep) ((ep)->type==VAR?(ep)->v.ln:argf((ep)->v.chan)) #else #define resolve(ep) ((ep)->v.ln) #define varlookup(name) NULL #endif int fundefined(fname) /* return # of arguments for function */ char *fname; { LIBR *lp; register VARDEF *vp; if ((vp = varlookup(fname)) == NULL || vp->def == NULL || vp->def->v.kid->type != FUNC) if ((lp = liblookup(fname)) == NULL) return(0); else return(lp->nargs); else return(nekids(vp->def->v.kid) - 1); } double funvalue(fname, n, a) /* return a function value to the user */ char *fname; int n; double *a; { ACTIVATION act; register VARDEF *vp; double rval; /* push environment */ act.name = fname; act.prev = curact; act.ap = a; if (n >= AFLAGSIZ) act.an = ~0; else act.an = (1L<def == NULL || vp->def->v.kid->type != FUNC) rval = libfunc(fname, vp); else rval = evalue(vp->def->v.kid->sibling); curact = act.prev; /* pop environment */ return(rval); } funset(fname, nargs, assign, fptr) /* set a library function */ char *fname; int nargs; int assign; double (*fptr)(); { int oldlibsize = libsize; register LIBR *lp; if ((lp = liblookup(fname)) == NULL) { /* insert */ if (libsize >= MAXLIB) { eputs("Too many library functons!\n"); quit(1); } for (lp = &library[libsize]; lp > library; lp--) if (strcmp(lp[-1].fname, fname) > 0) { lp[0].fname = lp[-1].fname; lp[0].nargs = lp[-1].nargs; lp[0].atyp = lp[-1].atyp; lp[0].f = lp[-1].f; } else break; libsize++; } if (fptr == NULL) { /* delete */ while (lp < &library[libsize-1]) { lp[0].fname = lp[1].fname; lp[0].nargs = lp[1].nargs; lp[0].atyp = lp[1].atyp; lp[0].f = lp[1].f; lp++; } libsize--; } else { /* or assign */ lp[0].fname = fname; /* string must be static! */ lp[0].nargs = nargs; lp[0].atyp = assign; lp[0].f = fptr; } if (libsize != oldlibsize) libupdate(fname); /* relink library */ } int nargum() /* return number of available arguments */ { register int n; if (curact == NULL) return(0); if (curact->fun == NULL) { for (n = 0; (1L<an; n++) ; return(n); } return(nekids(curact->fun) - 1); } double argument(n) /* return nth argument for active function */ register int n; { register ACTIVATION *actp = curact; register EPNODE *ep; double aval; if (actp == NULL || --n < 0) { eputs("Bad call to argument!\n"); quit(1); } /* already computed? */ if (n < AFLAGSIZ && 1L<an) return(actp->ap[n]); if (actp->fun == NULL || (ep = ekid(actp->fun, n+1)) == NULL) { eputs(actp->name); eputs(": too few arguments\n"); quit(1); } curact = actp->prev; /* pop environment */ aval = evalue(ep); /* compute argument */ curact = actp; /* push back environment */ if (n < ALISTSIZ) { /* save value */ actp->ap[n] = aval; actp->an |= 1L<prev) { if (n <= 0) break; if (actp->fun == NULL) goto badarg; if ((ep = ekid(actp->fun, n)) == NULL) { eputs(actp->name); eputs(": too few arguments\n"); quit(1); } if (ep->type == VAR) return(ep->v.ln); /* found it */ if (ep->type != ARG) goto badarg; n = ep->v.chan; /* try previous context */ } eputs("Bad call to argf!\n"); quit(1); badarg: eputs(actp->name); eputs(": argument not a function\n"); quit(1); } char * argfun(n) /* return function name for nth argument */ int n; { return(argf(n)->name); } #endif double efunc(ep) /* evaluate a function */ register EPNODE *ep; { ACTIVATION act; double alist[ALISTSIZ]; double rval; register VARDEF *dp; /* push environment */ dp = resolve(ep->v.kid); act.name = dp->name; act.prev = curact; act.ap = alist; act.an = 0; act.fun = ep; curact = &act; if (dp->def == NULL || dp->def->v.kid->type != FUNC) rval = libfunc(act.name, dp); else rval = evalue(dp->def->v.kid->sibling); curact = act.prev; /* pop environment */ return(rval); } LIBR * liblookup(fname) /* look up a library function */ char *fname; { int upper, lower; register int cm, i; lower = 0; upper = cm = libsize; while ((i = (lower + upper) >> 1) != cm) { cm = strcmp(fname, library[i].fname); if (cm > 0) lower = i; else if (cm < 0) upper = i; else return(&library[i]); cm = i; } return(NULL); } #ifndef VARIABLE static VARDEF *varlist = NULL; /* our list of dummy variables */ VARDEF * varinsert(vname) /* dummy variable insert */ char *vname; { register VARDEF *vp; vp = (VARDEF *)emalloc(sizeof(VARDEF)); vp->name = savestr(vname); vp->nlinks = 1; vp->def = NULL; vp->lib = liblookup(vname); vp->next = varlist; varlist = vp; return(vp); } varfree(vp) /* free dummy variable */ register VARDEF *vp; { register VARDEF *vp2; if (vp == varlist) varlist = vp->next; else { for (vp2 = varlist; vp2->next != vp; vp2 = vp2->next) ; vp2->next = vp->next; } freestr(vp->name); efree((char *)vp); } libupdate(nm) /* update library */ char *nm; { register VARDEF *vp; for (vp = varlist; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) vp->lib = liblookup(vp->name); } #endif /* * The following routines are for internal use: */ static double libfunc(fname, vp) /* execute library function */ char *fname; VARDEF *vp; { register LIBR *lp; double d; int lasterrno; if (vp != NULL) lp = vp->lib; else lp = liblookup(fname); if (lp == NULL) { eputs(fname); eputs(": undefined function\n"); quit(1); } lasterrno = errno; errno = 0; d = (*lp->f)(lp->fname); #ifdef IEEE if (errno == 0) if (isnan(d)) errno = EDOM; else if (isinf(d)) errno = ERANGE; #endif if (errno) { wputs(fname); if (errno == EDOM) wputs(": domain error\n"); else if (errno == ERANGE) wputs(": range error\n"); else wputs(": error in call\n"); return(0.0); } errno = lasterrno; return(d); } /* * Library functions: */ static double l_if() /* if(cond, then, else) conditional expression */ /* cond evaluates true if greater than zero */ { if (argument(1) > 0.0) return(argument(2)); else return(argument(3)); } static double l_select() /* return argument #(A1+1) */ { register int n; n = argument(1) + .5; if (n == 0) return(nargum()-1); if (n < 1 || n > nargum()-1) { errno = EDOM; return(0.0); } return(argument(n+1)); } static double l_rand() /* random function between 0 and 1 */ { double x; x = argument(1); x *= 1.0/(1.0 + x*x) + 2.71828182845904; x += .785398163397447 - floor(x); x = 1e5 / x; return(x - floor(x)); } static double l_floor() /* return largest integer not greater than arg1 */ { return(floor(argument(1))); } static double l_ceil() /* return smallest integer not less than arg1 */ { return(ceil(argument(1))); } #ifdef BIGLIB static double l_sqrt() { return(sqrt(argument(1))); } static double l_sin() { return(sin(argument(1))); } static double l_cos() { return(cos(argument(1))); } static double l_tan() { return(tan(argument(1))); } static double l_asin() { return(asin(argument(1))); } static double l_acos() { return(acos(argument(1))); } static double l_atan() { return(atan(argument(1))); } static double l_atan2() { return(atan2(argument(1), argument(2))); } static double l_exp() { return(exp(argument(1))); } static double l_log() { return(log(argument(1))); } static double l_log10() { return(log10(argument(1))); } #endif