#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: calexpr.c,v 2.48 2024/02/25 04:41:44 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Compute data values using expression parser * * 7/1/85 Greg Ward * * 11/11/85 Made channel input conditional with (INCHAN) compiles. * * 4/2/86 Added conditional compiles for function definitions (FUNCTION). * * 1/29/87 Made variables conditional (VARIABLE) * * 5/19/88 Added constant subexpression elimination (RCONST) * * 2/19/03 Eliminated conditional compiles in favor of esupport extern. */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include #include #include #include "rtmisc.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "rterror.h" #include "calcomp.h" #define MAXLINE 256 /* maximum line length */ #define newnode() (EPNODE *)ecalloc(1, sizeof(EPNODE)) #define isdecimal(c) (isdigit(c) | ((c) == '.')) #define envalue(ep) ((ep)->type==NUM ? (ep)->v.num : evalue(ep)) static double euminus(EPNODE *), eargument(EPNODE *), enumber(EPNODE *); static double echannel(EPNODE *); static double eadd(EPNODE *), esubtr(EPNODE *), emult(EPNODE *), edivi(EPNODE *), epow(EPNODE *); static double ebotch(EPNODE *); unsigned int esupport = /* what to support */ E_VARIABLE | E_FUNCTION ; int eofc = 0; /* optional end-of-file character */ int nextc; /* lookahead character */ double (*eoper[])(EPNODE *) = { /* expression operations */ ebotch, evariable, enumber, euminus, echannel, efunc, eargument, ebotch, ebotch, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, emult, eadd, 0, esubtr, 0, edivi, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ebotch, 0,0, ebotch, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, epow, }; static FILE *infp; /* input file pointer */ static char *linbuf; /* line buffer */ static char *infile; /* input file name */ static int lineno; /* input line number */ static int linepos; /* position in buffer */ EPNODE * eparse( /* parse an expression string */ char *expr ) { EPNODE *ep; initstr(expr, NULL, 0); curfunc = NULL; ep = getE1(); if (nextc != EOF) syntax("unexpected character"); return(ep); } double eval( /* evaluate an expression string */ char *expr ) { int prev_support = esupport; EPNODE *ep; double rval; esupport &= ~E_RCONST; /* don't bother reducing constant expr */ ep = eparse(expr); esupport = prev_support; /* as you were */ rval = evalue(ep); epfree(ep,1); return(rval); } int epcmp( /* compare two expressions for equivalence */ EPNODE *ep1, EPNODE *ep2 ) { double d; if (ep1->type != ep2->type) return(1); switch (ep1->type) { case VAR: return(ep1->v.ln != ep2->v.ln); case NUM: if (ep2->v.num == 0) return(ep1->v.num != 0); d = ep1->v.num / ep2->v.num; return((d > 1.000000000001) | (d < 0.999999999999)); case CHAN: case ARG: return(ep1->v.chan != ep2->v.chan); case '=': case ':': return(epcmp(ep1->v.kid->sibling, ep2->v.kid->sibling)); case CLKT: case SYM: /* should never get this one */ return(0); default: ep1 = ep1->v.kid; ep2 = ep2->v.kid; while (ep1 != NULL) { if (ep2 == NULL) return(1); if (epcmp(ep1, ep2)) return(1); ep1 = ep1->sibling; ep2 = ep2->sibling; } return(ep2 != NULL); } } void epfree( /* free a parse tree */ EPNODE *epar, int frep ) { EPNODE *ep; switch (epar->type) { case VAR: varfree(epar->v.ln); break; case SYM: freestr(epar->v.name); break; case NUM: case CHAN: case ARG: case CLKT: break; default: if (epar->nkids < 0) { ep = epar->v.kid - epar->nkids; while (ep > epar->v.kid) epfree(--ep, 0); efree(ep); /* free array space */ } else while ((ep = epar->v.kid) != NULL) { epar->v.kid = ep->sibling; epfree(ep, 1); } break; } if (frep) efree(epar); } static void epflatten( /* flatten hierarchies for '+', '*' */ EPNODE *epar ) { EPNODE *ep; if (epar->nkids < 0) /* can't handle array allocations */ return; for (ep = epar->v.kid; ep != NULL; ep = ep->sibling) while (ep->type == epar->type && ep->nkids > 0) { EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; while (ep1->sibling != NULL) ep1 = ep1->sibling; ep1->sibling = ep->sibling; epar->nkids += ep->nkids - 1; ep1 = ep->v.kid; *ep = *ep1; efree(ep1); /* not epfree()! */ } } void epoptimize( /* flatten operations, lists -> arrays */ EPNODE *epar ) { EPNODE *ep; if ((epar->type == '+') | (epar->type == '*')) epflatten(epar); /* flatten associative operations */ if (epar->nkids) /* do children if any */ for (ep = epar->v.kid; ep != NULL; ep = ep->sibling) epoptimize(ep); if (epar->nkids > 4) { /* make list into array if > 4 kids */ int n = 1; epar->v.kid = (EPNODE *)erealloc(epar->v.kid, sizeof(EPNODE)*epar->nkids); while (n < epar->nkids) { ep = epar->v.kid[n-1].sibling; epar->v.kid[n] = *ep; efree(ep); /* not epfree()! */ epar->v.kid[n-1].sibling = epar->v.kid + n; n++; } epar->nkids = -n; } } /* the following used to be a switch */ static double eargument( EPNODE *ep ) { return(argument(ep->v.chan)); } static double enumber( EPNODE *ep ) { return(ep->v.num); } static double euminus( EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; return(-evalue(ep1)); } static double echannel( EPNODE *ep ) { return(chanvalue(ep->v.chan)); } static double eadd( EPNODE *ep ) { double sum = 0; EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; do sum += envalue(ep1); while ((ep1 = ep1->sibling) != NULL); return(sum); } static double esubtr( EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; EPNODE *ep2 = ep1->sibling; return(envalue(ep1) - envalue(ep2)); } static double emult( EPNODE *ep ) { double prod = 1; EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; do prod *= envalue(ep1); while ((ep1 = ep1->sibling) != NULL); return(prod); } static double edivi( EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; double den = evalue(ep1->sibling); if (den == 0.0) { wputs("Division by zero\n"); errno = ERANGE; return(0.0); } return(envalue(ep1) / den); } static double epow( EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *ep1 = ep->v.kid; double d; int lasterrno; lasterrno = errno; errno = 0; d = pow(evalue(ep1), evalue(ep1->sibling)); #ifdef isnan if (errno == 0) { if (isnan(d)) errno = EDOM; else if (isinf(d)) errno = ERANGE; } #endif if ((errno == EDOM) | (errno == ERANGE)) { wputs("Illegal power\n"); return(0.0); } errno = lasterrno; return(d); } static double ebotch( EPNODE *ep ) { eputs("Bad expression!\n"); quit(1); return 0.0; /* pro forma return */ } EPNODE * ekid( /* return pointer to a node's nth kid */ EPNODE *ep, int n ) { if (ep->nkids < 0) { /* allocated array? */ if (n >= -ep->nkids) return(NULL); return(ep->v.kid + n); } ep = ep->v.kid; /* else get from list */ while (n-- > 0) if ((ep = ep->sibling) == NULL) break; return(ep); } void initfile( /* prepare input file */ FILE *fp, char *fn, int ln ) { static char inpbuf[MAXLINE]; infp = fp; linbuf = inpbuf; infile = fn; lineno = ln; linepos = 0; inpbuf[0] = '\0'; scan(); } void initstr( /* prepare input string */ char *s, char *fn, int ln ) { infp = NULL; infile = fn; lineno = ln; linbuf = s; linepos = 0; scan(); } void getscanpos( /* return current scan position */ char **fnp, int *lnp, char **spp, FILE **fpp ) { if (fnp != NULL) *fnp = infile; if (lnp != NULL) *lnp = lineno; if (spp != NULL) *spp = linbuf+linepos; if (fpp != NULL) *fpp = infp; } int scan(void) /* scan next character, return literal next */ { int lnext = 0; do { if (linbuf[linepos] == '\0') if (infp == NULL || fgets(linbuf, MAXLINE, infp) == NULL) nextc = EOF; else { nextc = linbuf[0]; lineno++; linepos = 1; } else nextc = linbuf[linepos++]; if (!lnext) lnext = nextc; if (nextc == eofc) { nextc = EOF; break; } if (nextc == '{') { scan(); while (nextc != '}') if (nextc == EOF) syntax("'}' expected"); else scan(); scan(); } } while (isspace(nextc)); return(lnext); } char * long2ascii( /* convert long to ascii */ long l ) { static char buf[16]; char *cp; int neg = 0; if (l == 0) return("0"); if (l < 0) { l = -l; neg++; } cp = buf + sizeof(buf); *--cp = '\0'; while (l) { *--cp = l % 10 + '0'; l /= 10; } if (neg) *--cp = '-'; return(cp); } void syntax( /* report syntax error and quit */ char *err ) { int i; if ((infile != NULL) | (lineno != 0)) { if (infile != NULL) eputs(infile); if (lineno != 0) { eputs(infile != NULL ? ", line " : "line "); eputs(long2ascii((long)lineno)); } eputs(":\n"); } eputs(linbuf); if (linbuf[strlen(linbuf)-1] != '\n') eputs("\n"); for (i = 0; i < linepos-1; i++) eputs(linbuf[i] == '\t' ? "\t" : " "); eputs("^ "); eputs(err); eputs("\n"); quit(1); } void addekid( /* add a child to ep */ EPNODE *ep, EPNODE *ek ) { if (ep->nkids < 0) { eputs("Cannot add kid to EPNODE array\n"); quit(1); } ep->nkids++; if (ep->v.kid == NULL) ep->v.kid = ek; else { for (ep = ep->v.kid; ep->sibling != NULL; ep = ep->sibling) ; ep->sibling = ek; } ek->sibling = NULL; /* shouldn't be necessary */ } char * getname(void) /* scan an identifier */ { static char str[RMAXWORD+1]; int i, lnext; lnext = nextc; for (i = 0; i < RMAXWORD && isid(lnext); i++, lnext = scan()) str[i] = lnext; str[i] = '\0'; while (isid(lnext)) /* skip rest of name */ lnext = scan(); return(str); } int getinum(void) /* scan a positive integer */ { int n, lnext; n = 0; lnext = nextc; while (isdigit(lnext)) { n = n * 10 + lnext - '0'; lnext = scan(); } return(n); } double getnum(void) /* scan a positive float */ { int i, lnext; char str[RMAXWORD+1]; i = 0; lnext = nextc; while (isdigit(lnext) && i < RMAXWORD) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); } if ((lnext == '.') & (i < RMAXWORD)) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); if (i == 1 && !isdigit(lnext)) syntax("badly formed number"); while (isdigit(lnext) && i < RMAXWORD) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); } } if ((lnext == 'e') | (lnext == 'E') && i < RMAXWORD) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); if ((lnext == '-') | (lnext == '+') && i < RMAXWORD) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); } if (!isdigit(lnext)) syntax("missing exponent"); while (isdigit(lnext) && i < RMAXWORD) { str[i++] = lnext; lnext = scan(); } } str[i] = '\0'; return(atof(str)); } EPNODE * getE1(void) /* E1 -> E1 ADDOP E2 */ /* E2 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; ep1 = getE2(); while ((nextc == '+') | (nextc == '-')) { ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = nextc; scan(); addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE2()); if (esupport&E_RCONST && (ep1->type == NUM) & (ep1->sibling->type == NUM)) ep2 = rconst(ep2); ep1 = ep2; } return(ep1); } EPNODE * getE2(void) /* E2 -> E2 MULOP E3 */ /* E3 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; ep1 = getE3(); while ((nextc == '*') | (nextc == '/')) { ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = nextc; scan(); addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE3()); if (esupport&E_RCONST) { EPNODE *ep3 = ep1->sibling; if ((ep1->type == NUM) & (ep3->type == NUM)) { ep2 = rconst(ep2); } else if (ep3->type == NUM) { if (ep2->type == '/') { if (ep3->v.num == 0) syntax("divide by zero constant"); ep2->type = '*'; /* for speed */ ep3->v.num = 1./ep3->v.num; } else if (ep3->v.num == 0) { ep1->sibling = NULL; /* (E2 * 0) */ epfree(ep2,1); ep2 = ep3; } } else if (ep1->type == NUM && ep1->v.num == 0) { epfree(ep3,1); /* (0 * E3) or (0 / E3) */ ep1->sibling = NULL; efree(ep2); ep2 = ep1; } } ep1 = ep2; } return(ep1); } EPNODE * getE3(void) /* E3 -> E4 ^ E3 */ /* E4 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; ep1 = getE4(); if (nextc != '^') return(ep1); ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = nextc; scan(); addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE3()); if (esupport&E_RCONST) { EPNODE *ep3 = ep1->sibling; if ((ep1->type == NUM) & (ep3->type == NUM)) { ep2 = rconst(ep2); } else if (ep1->type == NUM && ep1->v.num == 0) { epfree(ep3,1); /* (0 ^ E3) */ ep1->sibling = NULL; efree(ep2); ep2 = ep1; } else if ((ep3->type == NUM && ep3->v.num == 0) | (ep1->type == NUM && ep1->v.num == 1)) { epfree(ep2,1); /* (E4 ^ 0) or (1 ^ E3) */ ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = NUM; ep2->v.num = 1; } else if (ep3->type == NUM && ep3->v.num == 1) { efree(ep3); /* (E4 ^ 1) */ ep1->sibling = NULL; efree(ep2); ep2 = ep1; } } return(ep2); } EPNODE * getE4(void) /* E4 -> ADDOP E5 */ /* E5 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; if (nextc == '-') { scan(); ep2 = getE5(); if (ep2->type == NUM) { ep2->v.num = -ep2->v.num; return(ep2); } if (ep2->type == UMINUS) { /* don't generate -(-E5) */ ep1 = ep2->v.kid; efree(ep2); return(ep1); } ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = UMINUS; addekid(ep1, ep2); return(ep1); } if (nextc == '+') scan(); return(getE5()); } EPNODE * getE5(void) /* E5 -> (E1) */ /* VAR */ /* NUM */ /* $N */ /* FUNC(E1,..) */ /* ARG */ { int i; char *nam; EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; if (nextc == '(') { scan(); ep1 = getE1(); if (nextc != ')') syntax("')' expected"); scan(); return(ep1); } if (esupport&E_INCHAN && nextc == '$') { scan(); ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = CHAN; ep1->v.chan = getinum(); return(ep1); } if (esupport&(E_VARIABLE|E_FUNCTION) && (isalpha(nextc) | (nextc == CNTXMARK))) { nam = getname(); ep1 = NULL; if ((esupport&(E_VARIABLE|E_FUNCTION)) == (E_VARIABLE|E_FUNCTION) && curfunc != NULL) for (i = 1, ep2 = curfunc->v.kid->sibling; ep2 != NULL; i++, ep2 = ep2->sibling) if (!strcmp(ep2->v.name, nam)) { ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = ARG; ep1->v.chan = i; break; } if (ep1 == NULL) { ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = VAR; ep1->v.ln = varinsert(nam); } if (esupport&E_FUNCTION && nextc == '(') { ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = FUNC; addekid(ep2, ep1); ep1 = ep2; do { scan(); addekid(ep1, getE1()); } while (nextc == ','); if (nextc != ')') syntax("')' expected"); scan(); } else if (!(esupport&E_VARIABLE)) syntax("'(' expected"); if (esupport&E_RCONST && isconstvar(ep1)) ep1 = rconst(ep1); return(ep1); } if (isdecimal(nextc)) { ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = NUM; ep1->v.num = getnum(); return(ep1); } syntax("unexpected character"); return NULL; /* pro forma return */ } EPNODE * rconst( /* reduce a constant expression */ EPNODE *epar ) { EPNODE *ep; ep = newnode(); ep->type = NUM; errno = 0; ep->v.num = evalue(epar); if ((errno == EDOM) | (errno == ERANGE)) syntax("bad constant expression"); epfree(epar,1); return(ep); } int isconstvar( /* is ep linked to a constant expression? */ EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *ep1; if (esupport&E_FUNCTION && ep->type == FUNC) { if (!isconstfun(ep->v.kid)) return(0); for (ep1 = ep->v.kid->sibling; ep1 != NULL; ep1 = ep1->sibling) if (ep1->type != NUM && !isconstfun(ep1)) return(0); return(1); } if (ep->type != VAR) return(0); ep1 = ep->v.ln->def; if (ep1 == NULL || ep1->type != ':') return(0); if (esupport&E_FUNCTION && ep1->v.kid->type != SYM) return(0); return(1); } int isconstfun( /* is ep linked to a constant function? */ EPNODE *ep ) { EPNODE *dp; LIBR *lp; if (ep->type != VAR) return(0); if ((dp = ep->v.ln->def) != NULL) { if (dp->v.kid->type == FUNC) return(dp->type == ':'); else return(0); /* don't identify masked library functions */ } if ((lp = ep->v.ln->lib) != NULL) return(lp->atyp == ':'); return(0); }