#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: caldefn.c,v 2.29 2020/08/31 15:06:20 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Store variable definitions. * * 7/1/85 Greg Ward * * 11/11/85 Added conditional compiles (OUTCHAN) for control output. * * 4/2/86 Added conditional compiles for function definitions (FUNCTION). * * 1/15/88 Added clock for caching of variable values. * * 11/16/88 Added VARDEF structure for hard linking. * * 5/31/90 Added conditional compile (REDEFW) for redefinition warning. * * 4/23/91 Added ':' assignment for constant expressions * * 8/7/91 Added optional context path to append to variable names * * 5/17/2001 Fixed clock counter wrapping behavior * * 2/19/03 Eliminated conditional compiles in favor of esupport extern. */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "rterror.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "rtmisc.h" #include "calcomp.h" #ifndef NHASH #define NHASH 521 /* hash size (a prime!) */ #endif #define hash(s) (shash(s)%NHASH) #define newnode() (EPNODE *)ecalloc(1, sizeof(EPNODE)) static double dvalue(char *name, EPNODE *d); #define MAXCLOCK (1L<<31) /* clock wrap value */ unsigned long eclock = 0; /* value storage timer */ #define MAXCNTX 1023 /* maximum context length */ static char context[MAXCNTX+1]; /* current context path */ static VARDEF *hashtbl[NHASH]; /* definition list */ static int htndx; /* index for */ static VARDEF *htpos; /* ...dfirst() and */ static EPNODE *ochpos; /* ...dnext */ static EPNODE *outchan; EPNODE *curfunc = NULL; #define dname(ep) ((ep)->v.kid->type == SYM ? \ (ep)->v.kid->v.name : \ (ep)->v.kid->v.kid->v.name) void fcompile( /* get definitions from a file */ char *fname ) { FILE *fp; if (fname == NULL) fp = stdin; else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { eputs(fname); eputs(": cannot open\n"); quit(1); } initfile(fp, fname, 0); while (nextc != EOF) getstatement(); if (fname != NULL) fclose(fp); } void scompile( /* get definitions from a string */ char *str, char *fn, int ln ) { initstr(str, fn, ln); while (nextc != EOF) getstatement(); } double varvalue( /* return a variable's value */ char *vname ) { return(dvalue(vname, dlookup(vname))); } double evariable( /* evaluate a variable */ EPNODE *ep ) { VARDEF *dp = ep->v.ln; return(dvalue(dp->name, dp->def)); } void varset( /* set a variable's value */ char *vname, int assign, double val ) { char *qname; EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; /* get qualified name */ qname = qualname(vname, 0); /* check for quick set */ if ((ep1 = dlookup(qname)) != NULL && ep1->v.kid->type == SYM && (ep1->type == ':') <= (assign == ':')) { ep2 = ep1->v.kid->sibling; if (ep2->type == NUM) { ep2->v.num = val; ep1->type = assign; return; } } if (ep1 != NULL && esupport&E_REDEFW) { wputs(qname); if (ep1->type == ':') wputs(": reset constant expression\n"); else wputs(": reset expression\n"); } /* hand build definition */ ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = assign; ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = SYM; ep2->v.name = savestr(vname); addekid(ep1, ep2); ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = NUM; ep2->v.num = val; addekid(ep1, ep2); if (assign == ':') dremove(qname); else dclear(qname); dpush(qname, ep1); } void dclear( /* delete variable definitions of name */ char *name ) { EPNODE *ep; while ((ep = dpop(name)) != NULL) { if (ep->type == ':') { dpush(name, ep); /* don't clear constants */ return; } epfree(ep); } } void dremove( /* delete all definitions of name */ char *name ) { EPNODE *ep; while ((ep = dpop(name)) != NULL) epfree(ep); } int vardefined( /* return non-zero if variable defined */ char *name ) { EPNODE *dp; return((dp = dlookup(name)) != NULL && dp->v.kid->type == SYM); } char * setcontext( /* set a new context path */ char *ctx ) { char *cpp; if (ctx == NULL) return(context); /* just asking */ while (*ctx == CNTXMARK) ctx++; /* skip past marks */ if (!*ctx) { context[0] = '\0'; /* empty means clear context */ return(context); } cpp = context; /* start context with mark */ *cpp++ = CNTXMARK; do { /* carefully copy new context */ if (cpp >= context+MAXCNTX) break; /* just copy what we can */ if (isid(*ctx)) *cpp++ = *ctx++; else { *cpp++ = '_'; ctx++; } } while (*ctx); while (cpp[-1] == CNTXMARK) /* cannot end in context mark */ cpp--; *cpp = '\0'; return(context); } char * pushcontext( /* push on another context */ char *ctx ) { char oldcontext[MAXCNTX+1]; int n; strcpy(oldcontext, context); /* save old context */ setcontext(ctx); /* set new context */ n = strlen(context); /* tack on old */ if (n+strlen(oldcontext) > MAXCNTX) { strncpy(context+n, oldcontext, MAXCNTX-n); context[MAXCNTX] = '\0'; } else strcpy(context+n, oldcontext); return(context); } char * popcontext(void) /* pop off top context */ { char *cp1, *cp2; if (!context[0]) /* nothing left to pop */ return(context); cp2 = context; /* find mark */ while (*++cp2 && *cp2 != CNTXMARK) ; cp1 = context; /* copy tail to front */ while ( (*cp1++ = *cp2++) ) ; return(context); } char * qualname( /* get qualified name */ char *nam, int lvl ) { static char nambuf[RMAXWORD+1]; char *cp = nambuf, *cpp; /* check for explicit local */ if (*nam == CNTXMARK) if (lvl > 0) /* only action is to refuse search */ return(NULL); else nam++; else if (nam == nambuf) /* check for repeat call */ return(lvl > 0 ? NULL : nam); /* copy name to static buffer */ while (*nam) { if (cp >= nambuf+RMAXWORD) goto toolong; *cp++ = *nam++; } /* check for explicit global */ if (cp > nambuf && cp[-1] == CNTXMARK) { if (lvl > 0) return(NULL); *--cp = '\0'; return(nambuf); /* already qualified */ } cpp = context; /* else skip the requested levels */ while (lvl-- > 0) { if (!*cpp) return(NULL); /* return NULL if past global level */ while (*++cpp && *cpp != CNTXMARK) ; } while (*cpp) { /* copy context to static buffer */ if (cp >= nambuf+RMAXWORD) goto toolong; *cp++ = *cpp++; } toolong: *cp = '\0'; return(nambuf); /* return qualified name */ } int incontext( /* is qualified name in current context? */ char *qn ) { if (!context[0]) /* global context accepts all */ return(1); while (*qn && *qn != CNTXMARK) /* find context mark */ qn++; return(!strcmp(qn, context)); } void chanout( /* set output channels */ void (*cs)(int n, double v) ) { EPNODE *ep; for (ep = outchan; ep != NULL; ep = ep->sibling) (*cs)(ep->v.kid->v.chan, evalue(ep->v.kid->sibling)); } void dcleanup( /* clear definitions (0->vars,1->output,2->consts) */ int lvl ) { int i; VARDEF *vp; EPNODE *ep; /* if context is global, clear all */ for (i = 0; i < NHASH; i++) for (vp = hashtbl[i]; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) if (incontext(vp->name)) { if (lvl >= 2) dremove(vp->name); else dclear(vp->name); } if (lvl >= 1) { for (ep = outchan; ep != NULL; ep = ep->sibling) epfree(ep); outchan = NULL; } } EPNODE * dlookup( /* look up a definition */ char *name ) { VARDEF *vp; if ((vp = varlookup(name)) == NULL) return(NULL); return(vp->def); } VARDEF * varlookup( /* look up a variable */ char *name ) { int lvl = 0; char *qname; VARDEF *vp; /* find most qualified match */ while ((qname = qualname(name, lvl++)) != NULL) for (vp = hashtbl[hash(qname)]; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) if (!strcmp(vp->name, qname)) return(vp); return(NULL); } VARDEF * varinsert( /* get a link to a variable */ char *name ) { VARDEF *vp; int hv; if ((vp = varlookup(name)) != NULL) { vp->nlinks++; return(vp); } vp = (VARDEF *)emalloc(sizeof(VARDEF)); vp->lib = liblookup(name); if (vp->lib == NULL) /* if name not in library */ name = qualname(name, 0); /* use fully qualified version */ hv = hash(name); vp->name = savestr(name); vp->nlinks = 1; vp->def = NULL; vp->next = hashtbl[hv]; hashtbl[hv] = vp; return(vp); } void libupdate( /* update library links */ char *fn ) { int i; VARDEF *vp; /* if fn is NULL then relink all */ for (i = 0; i < NHASH; i++) for (vp = hashtbl[i]; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) if (vp->lib != NULL || fn == NULL || !strcmp(fn, vp->name)) vp->lib = liblookup(vp->name); } void varfree( /* release link to variable */ VARDEF *ln ) { VARDEF *vp; int hv; if (--ln->nlinks > 0) return; /* still active */ hv = hash(ln->name); vp = hashtbl[hv]; if (vp == ln) hashtbl[hv] = vp->next; else { while (vp->next != ln) /* must be in list */ vp = vp->next; vp->next = ln->next; } freestr(ln->name); efree((char *)ln); } EPNODE * dfirst(void) /* return pointer to first definition */ { htndx = 0; htpos = NULL; ochpos = outchan; return(dnext()); } EPNODE * dnext(void) /* return pointer to next definition */ { EPNODE *ep; char *nm; while (htndx < NHASH) { if (htpos == NULL) htpos = hashtbl[htndx++]; while (htpos != NULL) { ep = htpos->def; nm = htpos->name; htpos = htpos->next; if (ep != NULL && incontext(nm)) return(ep); } } if ((ep = ochpos) != NULL) ochpos = ep->sibling; return(ep); } EPNODE * dpop( /* pop a definition */ char *name ) { VARDEF *vp; EPNODE *dp; if ((vp = varlookup(name)) == NULL || vp->def == NULL) return(NULL); dp = vp->def; vp->def = dp->sibling; varfree(vp); return(dp); } void dpush( /* push on a definition */ char *nm, EPNODE *ep ) { VARDEF *vp; vp = varinsert(nm); ep->sibling = vp->def; vp->def = ep; } void addchan( /* add an output channel assignment */ EPNODE *sp ) { int ch = sp->v.kid->v.chan; EPNODE *ep, *epl; for (epl = NULL, ep = outchan; ep != NULL; epl = ep, ep = ep->sibling) if (ep->v.kid->v.chan >= ch) { if (epl != NULL) epl->sibling = sp; else outchan = sp; if (ep->v.kid->v.chan > ch) sp->sibling = ep; else { sp->sibling = ep->sibling; epfree(ep); } return; } if (epl != NULL) epl->sibling = sp; else outchan = sp; sp->sibling = NULL; } void getstatement(void) /* get next statement */ { EPNODE *ep; char *qname; VARDEF *vdef; if (nextc == ';') { /* empty statement */ scan(); return; } if (esupport&E_OUTCHAN && nextc == '$') { /* channel assignment */ ep = getchan(); addchan(ep); } else { /* ordinary definition */ ep = getdefn(); qname = qualname(dname(ep), 0); if (esupport&E_REDEFW && (vdef = varlookup(qname)) != NULL) { if (vdef->def != NULL && epcmp(ep, vdef->def)) { wputs(qname); if (vdef->def->type == ':') wputs(": redefined constant expression\n"); else wputs(": redefined\n"); } else if (ep->v.kid->type == FUNC && vdef->lib != NULL) { wputs(qname); wputs(": definition hides library function\n"); } } if (ep->type == ':') dremove(qname); else dclear(qname); dpush(qname, ep); } if (nextc != EOF) { if (nextc != ';') syntax("';' expected"); scan(); } } EPNODE * getdefn(void) /* A -> SYM = E1 */ /* SYM : E1 */ /* FUNC(SYM,..) = E1 */ /* FUNC(SYM,..) : E1 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; if (!isalpha(nextc) && nextc != CNTXMARK) syntax("illegal variable name"); ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = SYM; ep1->v.name = savestr(getname()); if (esupport&E_FUNCTION && nextc == '(') { ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = FUNC; addekid(ep2, ep1); ep1 = ep2; do { scan(); if (!isalpha(nextc)) syntax("illegal parameter name"); ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = SYM; ep2->v.name = savestr(getname()); if (strchr(ep2->v.name, CNTXMARK) != NULL) syntax("illegal parameter name"); addekid(ep1, ep2); } while (nextc == ','); if (nextc != ')') syntax("')' expected"); scan(); curfunc = ep1; } if (nextc != '=' && nextc != ':') syntax("'=' or ':' expected"); ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = nextc; scan(); addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE1()); if (ep1->type == SYM && ep1->sibling->type != NUM) { ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = CLKT; ep1->v.tick = 0; addekid(ep2, ep1); ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = NUM; addekid(ep2, ep1); } curfunc = NULL; return(ep2); } EPNODE * getchan(void) /* A -> $N = E1 */ { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; if (nextc != '$') syntax("missing '$'"); scan(); ep1 = newnode(); ep1->type = CHAN; ep1->v.chan = getinum(); if (nextc != '=') syntax("'=' expected"); scan(); ep2 = newnode(); ep2->type = '='; addekid(ep2, ep1); addekid(ep2, getE1()); return(ep2); } /* * The following routines are for internal use only: */ static double /* evaluate a variable */ dvalue(char *name, EPNODE *d) { EPNODE *ep1, *ep2; if (d == NULL || d->v.kid->type != SYM) { eputs(name); eputs(": undefined variable\n"); quit(1); } ep1 = d->v.kid->sibling; /* get expression */ if (ep1->type == NUM) return(ep1->v.num); /* return if number */ if (esupport&E_RCONST && d->type == ':') { wputs(name); wputs(": assigned non-constant value\n"); } ep2 = ep1->sibling; /* check time */ if (eclock >= MAXCLOCK) eclock = 1; /* wrap clock counter */ if (ep2->v.tick < MAXCLOCK && (ep2->v.tick == 0) | (ep2->v.tick != eclock)) { ep2->v.tick = d->type == ':' ? MAXCLOCK : eclock; ep2 = ep2->sibling; ep2->v.num = evalue(ep1); /* needs new value */ } else ep2 = ep2->sibling; /* else reuse old value */ return(ep2->v.num); }