#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: bsdf.c,v 2.12 2011/01/06 04:40:22 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for handling BSDF data */ #include "standard.h" #include "bsdf.h" #include "paths.h" #include "ezxml.h" #include #define MAXLATS 46 /* maximum number of latitudes */ /* BSDF angle specification */ typedef struct { char name[64]; /* basis name */ int nangles; /* total number of directions */ struct { float tmin; /* starting theta */ short nphis; /* number of phis (0 term) */ } lat[MAXLATS+1]; /* latitudes */ } ANGLE_BASIS; #define MAXABASES 7 /* limit on defined bases */ static ANGLE_BASIS abase_list[MAXABASES] = { { "LBNL/Klems Full", 145, { {-5., 1}, {5., 8}, {15., 16}, {25., 20}, {35., 24}, {45., 24}, {55., 24}, {65., 16}, {75., 12}, {90., 0} } }, { "LBNL/Klems Half", 73, { {-6.5, 1}, {6.5, 8}, {19.5, 12}, {32.5, 16}, {46.5, 20}, {61.5, 12}, {76.5, 4}, {90., 0} } }, { "LBNL/Klems Quarter", 41, { {-9., 1}, {9., 8}, {27., 12}, {46., 12}, {66., 8}, {90., 0} } } }; static int nabases = 3; /* current number of defined bases */ #define FEQ(a,b) ((a)-(b) <= 1e-6 && (b)-(a) <= 1e-6) static int fequal(double a, double b) { if (b != .0) a = a/b - 1.; return((a <= 1e-6) & (a >= -1e-6)); } // returns the name of the given tag #ifdef ezxml_name #undef ezxml_name static char * ezxml_name(ezxml_t xml) { if (xml == NULL) return(NULL); return(xml->name); } #endif // returns the given tag's character content or empty string if none #ifdef ezxml_txt #undef ezxml_txt static char * ezxml_txt(ezxml_t xml) { if (xml == NULL) return(""); return(xml->txt); } #endif static int ab_getvec( /* get vector for this angle basis index */ FVECT v, int ndx, void *p ) { ANGLE_BASIS *ab = (ANGLE_BASIS *)p; int li; double pol, azi, d; if ((ndx < 0) | (ndx >= ab->nangles)) return(0); for (li = 0; ndx >= ab->lat[li].nphis; li++) ndx -= ab->lat[li].nphis; pol = PI/180.*0.5*(ab->lat[li].tmin + ab->lat[li+1].tmin); azi = 2.*PI*ndx/ab->lat[li].nphis; v[2] = d = cos(pol); d = sqrt(1. - d*d); /* sin(pol) */ v[0] = cos(azi)*d; v[1] = sin(azi)*d; return(1); } static int ab_getndx( /* get index corresponding to the given vector */ FVECT v, void *p ) { ANGLE_BASIS *ab = (ANGLE_BASIS *)p; int li, ndx; double pol, azi, d; if ((v[2] < -1.0) | (v[2] > 1.0)) return(-1); pol = 180.0/PI*acos(v[2]); azi = 180.0/PI*atan2(v[1], v[0]); if (azi < 0.0) azi += 360.0; for (li = 1; ab->lat[li].tmin <= pol; li++) if (!ab->lat[li].nphis) return(-1); --li; ndx = (int)((1./360.)*azi*ab->lat[li].nphis + 0.5); if (ndx >= ab->lat[li].nphis) ndx = 0; while (li--) ndx += ab->lat[li].nphis; return(ndx); } static double ab_getohm( /* get solid angle for this angle basis index */ int ndx, void *p ) { ANGLE_BASIS *ab = (ANGLE_BASIS *)p; int li; double theta, theta1; if ((ndx < 0) | (ndx >= ab->nangles)) return(0); for (li = 0; ndx >= ab->lat[li].nphis; li++) ndx -= ab->lat[li].nphis; theta1 = PI/180. * ab->lat[li+1].tmin; if (ab->lat[li].nphis == 1) { /* special case */ if (ab->lat[li].tmin > FTINY) error(USER, "unsupported BSDF coordinate system"); return(2.*PI*(1. - cos(theta1))); } theta = PI/180. * ab->lat[li].tmin; return(2.*PI*(cos(theta) - cos(theta1))/(double)ab->lat[li].nphis); } static int ab_getvecR( /* get reverse vector for this angle basis index */ FVECT v, int ndx, void *p ) { if (!ab_getvec(v, ndx, p)) return(0); v[0] = -v[0]; v[1] = -v[1]; v[2] = -v[2]; return(1); } static int ab_getndxR( /* get index corresponding to the reverse vector */ FVECT v, void *p ) { FVECT v2; v2[0] = -v[0]; v2[1] = -v[1]; v2[2] = -v[2]; return ab_getndx(v2, p); } static void load_angle_basis( /* load custom BSDF angle basis */ ezxml_t wab ) { char *abname = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wab, "AngleBasisName")); ezxml_t wbb; int i; if (!abname || !*abname) return; for (i = nabases; i--; ) if (!strcasecmp(abname, abase_list[i].name)) return; /* assume it's the same */ if (nabases >= MAXABASES) error(INTERNAL, "too many angle bases"); strcpy(abase_list[nabases].name, abname); abase_list[nabases].nangles = 0; for (i = 0, wbb = ezxml_child(wab, "AngleBasisBlock"); wbb != NULL; i++, wbb = wbb->next) { if (i >= MAXLATS) error(INTERNAL, "too many latitudes in custom basis"); abase_list[nabases].lat[i+1].tmin = atof(ezxml_txt( ezxml_child(ezxml_child(wbb, "ThetaBounds"), "UpperTheta"))); if (!i) abase_list[nabases].lat[i].tmin = -abase_list[nabases].lat[i+1].tmin; else if (!fequal(atof(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(ezxml_child(wbb, "ThetaBounds"), "LowerTheta"))), abase_list[nabases].lat[i].tmin)) error(WARNING, "theta values disagree in custom basis"); abase_list[nabases].nangles += abase_list[nabases].lat[i].nphis = atoi(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wbb, "nPhis"))); } abase_list[nabases++].lat[i].nphis = 0; } static double to_meters( /* return factor to convert given unit to meters */ const char *unit ) { if (unit == NULL) return(1.); /* safe assumption? */ if (!strcasecmp(unit, "Meter")) return(1.); if (!strcasecmp(unit, "Foot")) return(.3048); if (!strcasecmp(unit, "Inch")) return(.0254); if (!strcasecmp(unit, "Centimeter")) return(.01); if (!strcasecmp(unit, "Millimeter")) return(.001); sprintf(errmsg, "unknown dimensional unit '%s'", unit); error(USER, errmsg); } static void load_geometry( /* load geometric dimensions and description (if any) */ struct BSDF_data *dp, ezxml_t wdb ) { ezxml_t geom; double cfact; const char *fmt, *mgfstr; dp->dim[0] = dp->dim[1] = dp->dim[2] = 0; dp->mgf = NULL; if ((geom = ezxml_child(wdb, "Width")) != NULL) dp->dim[0] = atof(ezxml_txt(geom)) * to_meters(ezxml_attr(geom, "unit")); if ((geom = ezxml_child(wdb, "Height")) != NULL) dp->dim[1] = atof(ezxml_txt(geom)) * to_meters(ezxml_attr(geom, "unit")); if ((geom = ezxml_child(wdb, "Thickness")) != NULL) dp->dim[2] = atof(ezxml_txt(geom)) * to_meters(ezxml_attr(geom, "unit")); if ((geom = ezxml_child(wdb, "Geometry")) == NULL || (mgfstr = ezxml_txt(geom)) == NULL) return; if ((fmt = ezxml_attr(geom, "format")) != NULL && strcasecmp(fmt, "MGF")) { sprintf(errmsg, "unrecognized geometry format '%s'", fmt); error(WARNING, errmsg); return; } cfact = to_meters(ezxml_attr(geom, "unit")); dp->mgf = (char *)malloc(strlen(mgfstr)+32); if (dp->mgf == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in load_geometry"); if (cfact < 0.99 || cfact > 1.01) sprintf(dp->mgf, "xf -s %.5f\n%s\nxf\n", cfact, mgfstr); else strcpy(dp->mgf, mgfstr); } static void load_bsdf_data( /* load BSDF distribution for this wavelength */ struct BSDF_data *dp, ezxml_t wdb ) { char *cbasis = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wdb,"ColumnAngleBasis")); char *rbasis = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wdb,"RowAngleBasis")); char *sdata; int i; if ((!cbasis || !*cbasis) | (!rbasis || !*rbasis)) { error(WARNING, "missing column/row basis for BSDF"); return; } for (i = nabases; i--; ) if (!strcasecmp(cbasis, abase_list[i].name)) { dp->ninc = abase_list[i].nangles; dp->ib_priv = (void *)&abase_list[i]; dp->ib_vec = ab_getvecR; dp->ib_ndx = ab_getndxR; dp->ib_ohm = ab_getohm; break; } if (i < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "undefined ColumnAngleBasis '%s'", cbasis); error(WARNING, errmsg); return; } for (i = nabases; i--; ) if (!strcasecmp(rbasis, abase_list[i].name)) { dp->nout = abase_list[i].nangles; dp->ob_priv = (void *)&abase_list[i]; dp->ob_vec = ab_getvec; dp->ob_ndx = ab_getndx; dp->ob_ohm = ab_getohm; break; } if (i < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "undefined RowAngleBasis '%s'", cbasis); error(WARNING, errmsg); return; } /* read BSDF data */ sdata = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wdb,"ScatteringData")); if (!sdata || !*sdata) { error(WARNING, "missing BSDF ScatteringData"); return; } dp->bsdf = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*dp->ninc*dp->nout); if (dp->bsdf == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in load_bsdf_data"); for (i = 0; i < dp->ninc*dp->nout; i++) { char *sdnext = fskip(sdata); if (sdnext == NULL) { error(WARNING, "bad/missing BSDF ScatteringData"); free(dp->bsdf); dp->bsdf = NULL; return; } while (*sdnext && isspace(*sdnext)) sdnext++; if (*sdnext == ',') sdnext++; dp->bsdf[i] = atof(sdata); sdata = sdnext; } while (isspace(*sdata)) sdata++; if (*sdata) { sprintf(errmsg, "%d extra characters after BSDF ScatteringData", (int)strlen(sdata)); error(WARNING, errmsg); } } static int check_bsdf_data( /* check that BSDF data is sane */ struct BSDF_data *dp ) { double *omega_iarr, *omega_oarr; double dom, contrib, hemi_total, full_total; int nneg; FVECT v; int i, o; if (dp == NULL || dp->bsdf == NULL) return(0); omega_iarr = (double *)calloc(dp->ninc, sizeof(double)); omega_oarr = (double *)calloc(dp->nout, sizeof(double)); if ((omega_iarr == NULL) | (omega_oarr == NULL)) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in check_bsdf_data"); /* incoming projected solid angles */ hemi_total = .0; for (i = dp->ninc; i--; ) { dom = getBSDF_incohm(dp,i); if (dom <= .0) { error(WARNING, "zero/negative incoming solid angle"); continue; } if (!getBSDF_incvec(v,dp,i) || v[2] > FTINY) { error(WARNING, "illegal incoming BSDF direction"); free(omega_iarr); free(omega_oarr); return(0); } hemi_total += omega_iarr[i] = dom * -v[2]; } if ((hemi_total > 1.02*PI) | (hemi_total < 0.98*PI)) { sprintf(errmsg, "incoming BSDF hemisphere off by %.1f%%", 100.*(hemi_total/PI - 1.)); error(WARNING, errmsg); } dom = PI / hemi_total; /* fix normalization */ for (i = dp->ninc; i--; ) omega_iarr[i] *= dom; /* outgoing projected solid angles */ hemi_total = .0; for (o = dp->nout; o--; ) { dom = getBSDF_outohm(dp,o); if (dom <= .0) { error(WARNING, "zero/negative outgoing solid angle"); continue; } if (!getBSDF_outvec(v,dp,o) || v[2] < -FTINY) { error(WARNING, "illegal outgoing BSDF direction"); free(omega_iarr); free(omega_oarr); return(0); } hemi_total += omega_oarr[o] = dom * v[2]; } if ((hemi_total > 1.02*PI) | (hemi_total < 0.98*PI)) { sprintf(errmsg, "outgoing BSDF hemisphere off by %.1f%%", 100.*(hemi_total/PI - 1.)); error(WARNING, errmsg); } dom = PI / hemi_total; /* fix normalization */ for (o = dp->nout; o--; ) omega_oarr[o] *= dom; nneg = 0; /* check outgoing totals */ for (i = 0; i < dp->ninc; i++) { hemi_total = .0; for (o = dp->nout; o--; ) { double f = BSDF_value(dp,i,o); if (f >= .0) hemi_total += f*omega_oarr[o]; else { nneg += (f < -FTINY); BSDF_value(dp,i,o) = .0f; } } if (hemi_total > 1.01) { sprintf(errmsg, "incoming BSDF direction %d passes %.1f%% of light", i, 100.*hemi_total); error(WARNING, errmsg); } } if (nneg) { sprintf(errmsg, "%d negative BSDF values (ignored)", nneg); error(WARNING, errmsg); } full_total = .0; /* reverse roles and check again */ for (o = 0; o < dp->nout; o++) { hemi_total = .0; for (i = dp->ninc; i--; ) hemi_total += BSDF_value(dp,i,o) * omega_iarr[i]; if (hemi_total > 1.01) { sprintf(errmsg, "outgoing BSDF direction %d collects %.1f%% of light", o, 100.*hemi_total); error(WARNING, errmsg); } full_total += hemi_total*omega_oarr[o]; } full_total /= PI; if (full_total > 1.00001) { sprintf(errmsg, "BSDF transfers %.4f%% of light", 100.*full_total); error(WARNING, errmsg); } free(omega_iarr); free(omega_oarr); return(1); } struct BSDF_data * load_BSDF( /* load BSDF data from file */ char *fname ) { char *path; ezxml_t fl, wtl, wld, wdb; struct BSDF_data *dp; path = getpath(fname, getrlibpath(), R_OK); if (path == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find BSDF file \"%s\"", fname); error(WARNING, errmsg); return(NULL); } fl = ezxml_parse_file(path); if (fl == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open BSDF \"%s\"", path); error(WARNING, errmsg); return(NULL); } if (ezxml_error(fl)[0]) { sprintf(errmsg, "BSDF \"%s\" %s", path, ezxml_error(fl)); error(WARNING, errmsg); ezxml_free(fl); return(NULL); } if (strcmp(ezxml_name(fl), "WindowElement")) { sprintf(errmsg, "BSDF \"%s\": top level node not 'WindowElement'", path); error(WARNING, errmsg); ezxml_free(fl); return(NULL); } wtl = ezxml_child(ezxml_child(fl, "Optical"), "Layer"); if (strcasecmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(ezxml_child(wtl, "DataDefinition"), "IncidentDataStructure")), "Columns")) { sprintf(errmsg, "BSDF \"%s\": unsupported IncidentDataStructure", path); error(WARNING, errmsg); ezxml_free(fl); return(NULL); } load_angle_basis(ezxml_child(ezxml_child(wtl, "DataDefinition"), "AngleBasis")); dp = (struct BSDF_data *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct BSDF_data)); load_geometry(dp, ezxml_child(wtl, "Material")); for (wld = ezxml_child(wtl, "WavelengthData"); wld != NULL; wld = wld->next) { if (strcasecmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wld,"Wavelength")), "Visible")) continue; wdb = ezxml_child(wld, "WavelengthDataBlock"); if (wdb == NULL) continue; if (strcasecmp(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(wdb,"WavelengthDataDirection")), "Transmission Front")) continue; load_bsdf_data(dp, wdb); /* load front BTDF */ break; /* ignore the rest */ } ezxml_free(fl); /* done with XML file */ if (!check_bsdf_data(dp)) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad/missing BTDF data in \"%s\"", path); error(WARNING, errmsg); free_BSDF(dp); dp = NULL; } return(dp); } void free_BSDF( /* free BSDF data structure */ struct BSDF_data *b ) { if (b == NULL) return; if (b->mgf != NULL) free(b->mgf); if (b->bsdf != NULL) free(b->bsdf); free(b); } int r_BSDF_incvec( /* compute random input vector at given location */ FVECT v, struct BSDF_data *b, int i, double rv, MAT4 xm ) { FVECT pert; double rad; int j; if (!getBSDF_incvec(v, b, i)) return(0); rad = sqrt(getBSDF_incohm(b, i) / PI); multisamp(pert, 3, rv); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += rad*(2.*pert[j] - 1.); if (xm != NULL) multv3(v, v, xm); return(normalize(v) != 0.0); } int r_BSDF_outvec( /* compute random output vector at given location */ FVECT v, struct BSDF_data *b, int o, double rv, MAT4 xm ) { FVECT pert; double rad; int j; if (!getBSDF_outvec(v, b, o)) return(0); rad = sqrt(getBSDF_outohm(b, o) / PI); multisamp(pert, 3, rv); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += rad*(2.*pert[j] - 1.); if (xm != NULL) multv3(v, v, xm); return(normalize(v) != 0.0); } static int addrot( /* compute rotation (x,y,z) => (xp,yp,zp) */ char *xfarg[], FVECT xp, FVECT yp, FVECT zp ) { static char bufs[3][16]; int bn = 0; char **xfp = xfarg; double theta; if (yp[2]*yp[2] + zp[2]*zp[2] < 2.*FTINY*FTINY) { /* Special case for X' along Z-axis */ theta = -atan2(yp[0], yp[1]); *xfp++ = "-ry"; *xfp++ = xp[2] < 0.0 ? "90" : "-90"; *xfp++ = "-rz"; sprintf(bufs[bn], "%f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; return(xfp - xfarg); } theta = atan2(yp[2], zp[2]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-rx"; sprintf(bufs[bn], "%f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } theta = asin(-xp[2]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-ry"; sprintf(bufs[bn], " %f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } theta = atan2(xp[1], xp[0]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-rz"; sprintf(bufs[bn], "%f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } *xfp = NULL; return(xfp - xfarg); } int getBSDF_xfm( /* compute BSDF orient. -> world orient. transform */ MAT4 xm, FVECT nrm, UpDir ud, char *xfbuf ) { char *xfargs[7]; XF myxf; FVECT updir, xdest, ydest; int i; updir[0] = updir[1] = updir[2] = 0.; switch (ud) { case UDzneg: updir[2] = -1.; break; case UDyneg: updir[1] = -1.; break; case UDxneg: updir[0] = -1.; break; case UDxpos: updir[0] = 1.; break; case UDypos: updir[1] = 1.; break; case UDzpos: updir[2] = 1.; break; case UDunknown: return(0); } fcross(xdest, updir, nrm); if (normalize(xdest) == 0.0) return(0); fcross(ydest, nrm, xdest); xf(&myxf, addrot(xfargs, xdest, ydest, nrm), xfargs); copymat4(xm, myxf.xfm); if (xfbuf == NULL) return(1); /* return xf arguments as well */ for (i = 0; xfargs[i] != NULL; i++) { *xfbuf++ = ' '; strcpy(xfbuf, xfargs[i]); while (*xfbuf) ++xfbuf; } return(1); }