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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Mon Nov 11 14:04:09 1991 UTC (33 years, 3 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Log Message:
Initial revision

File Contents

# Content
2 SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
4 This directory contains library routines and common header files for
5 the RADIANCE programs in the directories on the same level.
7 calcomp.h header file for expression parser
8 color.h header for routines using pixel color values
9 cone.h header file for cones (cones, cylinders, rings, cups, tubes)
10 face.h header for routines using polygonal faces
11 fvect.h header file for floating point routines using vectors
12 instance.h header file for routines using octree objects
13 linregr.h header file for linear regression calculation
14 mat4.h definitions for 4x4 matrix operations
15 object.h header file for routines using objects and object sets
16 octree.h header file for routines using octrees
17 otypes.h defines for object types
18 random.h header file for random(3) and urand() function
19 rasterfile.h description of header for files containing raster images
20 resolu.h definitions for resolution line in image file.
21 standard.h standard include file for most programs
22 targa.h header file for reading and writing Targa format files
23 view.h header file for image generation
24 xraster.h header file for X routines using images
25 xtwind.h header for X text window routines
26 badarg.c check argument list against format string
27 bcopy.c substitutes for library routines
28 bmalloc.c memory allocation without overhead (no free lists)
29 caldefn.c store variable definitions
30 calexpr.c compute data values using expression parser
31 calfunc.c routines for calcomp using functions
32 calprnt.c routines for printing calcomp expressions
33 color.c routines for color calculations
34 colrops.c integer operations on COLR scanlines
35 cone.c routines for making cones
36 ealloc.c memory routines which call quit on error
37 error.c standard error reporting function
38 face.c routines dealing with polygonal faces
39 fgetline.c read line with escaped newlines
40 fgetword.c read white space separated words from stream
41 frexp.c find and open a Radiance library file
42 fvect.c routines for float vector calculations
43 getpagesize.c return system page size for non-BSD machine
44 getpath.c function to search for file in a list of directories
45 header.c routines for reading and writing information headers
46 image.c routines for image generation / pixel mapping
47 instance.c routines for octree objects
48 lamps.c load lamp data
49 linregr.c basic linear regression calculation
50 malloc.c fast malloc for memory hogs and VM environments
51 mat4.c routines dealing with 4 X 4 homogeneous matrices
52 misc.c miscellaneous routines used by most programs
53 modobject.c routines for tracking object modifiers
54 multisamp.c binary space partitioning curve for multidimensional sampling
55 objset.c routines for maintaining object sets
56 octree.c routines dealing with octrees and cubes
57 otypes.c object type lookup and error reporting
58 peano.c generate an N-dimensional Peano space-filling curve
59 process.c routines to communicate with separate process via dual pipes
60 readfargs.c allocate, read and free object arguments (RADIANCE parser)
61 readobj.c routines for reading in object descriptions
62 readoct.c routines to read octree information
63 resolu.c read and write image resolutions
64 rexpr.c regular expression parser (ala grep)
65 savestr.c routines for efficient string storage
66 savqstr.c quick and dirty string saver
67 spec_rgb.c convert colors and spectral ranges
68 urand.c anticorrelated random function due to Christophe Schlick
69 urind.c compute pseudo-asyncronous entry point for urand(3)
70 words.c routines for recognizing and moving about words in strings
71 x11findwind.c find a window by its name under X
72 xf.c routines to convert transform arguments into 4X4 matrix