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File (rev) Last Change
zeroes.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
xf.c 2.7 (20 years ago) by greg: Fixed a couple of bugs from last changes where atof() declaration was lost
x11findwind.c 2.6 (19 years ago) by schorsch: Updated SCons build environment to work with a fresh download and on OS X, as suggested by Randolph Fritz.
wputs.c 3.6 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes submitted by Randolph Fritz.
words.c 2.11 (13 years ago) by greg: Minor fixes
wordfile.c 2.23 (7 years ago) by greg: Slight rework due to declaration ordering
win_process.c 3.13 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Remove code for obsolete systems.
win_popen.c 1.5 (12 years ago) by greg: Windows compatibility changes from Bill Hoffman
view.h 2.18 (16 years ago) by greg: Added planisphere view type (-vts option) as requested by Axel Jacobs
vars.h 2.7 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes submitted by Randolph Fritz.
urind.c 2.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
urand.c 2.11 (8 years ago) by greg: Fixed includes and prototypes
unix_process.c 3.13 (7 years ago) by greg: Added case for already closed process in list
triangulate.h 2.3 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed comment describing triangulate call
triangulate.c 2.5 (7 years ago) by greg: Added comment regarding last change.
tonemap.h 3.26 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tonemap.c 3.37 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tmprivat.h 3.24 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tmesh.h 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Abstracted process and path handling for Windows. Renamed FLOAT to RREAL because of conflict on Windows. Added conditional compiles for some signal handlers. 2.2 (20 years ago) by greg: Fixed tile texturing in tmesh2rad -- thanks to Marucs Jacobs for the request
tmesh.c 2.5 (18 years ago) by greg: Replaced % operations with if statements (hopefully faster)
tmerrmsg.h 3.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
tmaptiff.h 3.6 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tmaptiff.c 3.11 (12 years ago) by greg: Minor compile fixes
tmapluv.c 3.16 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tmapcolrs.c 3.31 (8 years ago) by greg: Moved declaration of popen to paths.h and put convert_command() into module
tmap16bit.c 1.10 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
timegm.c 2.3 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
tiffvers.h 3.5 (18 years ago) by greg: Updated TIFF library to 3.7.3
tiffio.h 3.16 (16 years ago) by greg: Math library and warning fixes for Solaris
tiff.h 3.16 (16 years ago) by greg: Math library and warning fixes for Solaris
testBSDF.c 1.12 (6 years ago) by greg: Reversed ordering of in/out vectors for consistency between "A" and "Q" commands
tcos.c 3.10 (10 years ago) by greg: Took out definiton of tcos() when __FAST_MATH__ is defined
targa.h 2.5 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
strcmp.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
standard.h 2.31 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
spec_rgb.c 2.24 (11 years ago) by greg: Even wider acceptance of whacky color primaries
selcall.h 3.11 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
sceneio.c 2.5 (12 years ago) by greg: Minor optimizations
savqstr.c 2.10 (11 years ago) by greg: Minor optimizations
savestr.c 2.11 (7 years ago) by greg: Fixed issue with reading and saving empty strings
rtprocess.h 3.16 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
rtmisc.h 3.6 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.
rtmath.h 3.12 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
rtio.h 3.14 (7 years ago) by greg: Added missing extern variable declarations
rterror.h 3.3 (6 years ago) by greg: ANSIfication needs pointed out by Nathaniel Jones
rglsurf.c 3.13 (12 years ago) by greg: Changes to support new Cmake build system
rglsrc.c 3.6 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings, and other compatibility fixes.
rglmat.c 3.7 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
rglinst.c 3.17 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
rglfile.c 3.11 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.
rgldomat.c 3.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings, and other compatibility fixes.
rexpr.c 2.9 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
resolu.h 2.12 (6 years ago) by greg: Added const modifiers to a number of char * parameters
resolu.c 2.6 (17 years ago) by schorsch: Eliminated some compiler warnings.
readoct.c 2.30 (8 years ago) by greg: Eliminated redundant #define's for getc and putc
readobj.c 2.22 (7 years ago) by greg: ANSIficatation
readmesh.c 2.15 (8 years ago) by greg: Eliminated redundant #define's for getc and putc
readfargs.c 2.11 (9 years ago) by greg: ANSIfication
random.h 2.23 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
radogl.h 3.13 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
quit.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
process.c 2.8 (19 years ago) by greg: Added -n option to mkillum for multiprocessing on shared memory machine
portio.c 2.19 (7 years ago) by greg: Switched over to more efficient fread/fwrite replacements getbinary/putbinary
plocate.h 2.7 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
plocate.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
platform.h 3.15 (7 years ago) by greg: Added a bunch of #undef statements to avoid macro redefinition warnings
paths.h 2.29 (6 years ago) by greg: ANSIfication needs pointed out by Nathaniel Jones
paths.c 2.5 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
otypes.h 2.17 (11 years ago) by greg: Added ashik2 type for anisotropic Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF model
otypes.c 2.6 (11 years ago) by greg: Minor efficiency improvement and ANSIfication
octree.h 2.12 (14 years ago) by greg: Deleted unused cucopy() routine
octree.c 2.8 (14 years ago) by greg: Deleted unused cucopy() routine
objset.c 2.17 (9 years ago) by greg: Fix for Windows, whose 64-bit long is only 32 bits
object.h 2.22 (9 years ago) by greg: Increased maximum number of objects by a factor of 8 to 255 million
myhostname.c 2.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
multisamp.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Various small changes to reduce compile warnings/errors on Windows.
muc_randvar.h 2.1 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
muc_randvar.c 2.1 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
modobject.c 2.17 (10 years ago) by greg: Minor optimization to reference check in eqobjects()
mgf_xf.c 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_parser.h 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_parser.c 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_object.c 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_mesg.h 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_context.c 3.2 (11 years ago) by greg: Added spectrum assignment function c_sset()
mesh.h 2.15 (11 years ago) by greg: Added routine for cycling through all triangles
mesh.c 2.28 (7 years ago) by greg: Very minor improvement should not affect behavior
maxheap.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
maxheap.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
mat4.h 2.12 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Instrumented headers against multiple inclusion and for use from C++. Moved includes in headers out of "C" scope.
mat4.c 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
lookup.h 2.15 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
lookup.c 2.19 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed comment and removed pointless "register" modifiers
loadvars.c 2.15 (8 years ago) by greg: Added prototypes
loadbsdf.c 3.11 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
linregr.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
linregr.c 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
lamps.c 2.10 (16 years ago) by greg: Removed unnecessary declaration
invmat4.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
interp2d.h 2.9 (11 years ago) by greg: Changed from blkflg to influence flag array
interp2d.c 2.14 (9 years ago) by greg: Removed address operator not needed for function pointer
instance.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
instance.c 2.12 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
image.c 2.40 (11 years ago) by greg: Added VSUM() macro calls
hilbert.h 3.2 (13 years ago) by greg: Added missing RCS tags
hilbert.c 3.3 (13 years ago) by greg: Eliminated calls to drand48()
header.c 2.31 (6 years ago) by greg: Added const modifiers to a number of char * parameters
getpath.c 2.19 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
getlibpath.c 2.6 (10 years ago) by greg: Changed rcalc and icalc to search RAYPATH for input *.cal files
gethomedir.c 1.2 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
gbasic.h 2.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Added Jan Wienold's evalglare to distribution
gbasic.c 2.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Added Jan Wienold's evalglare to distribution
g3vector.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3vector.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3sphere.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3sphere.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3nlist.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3list.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3flist.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3flist.c 2.3 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
g3affine.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3affine.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
fvect.h 2.18 (8 years ago) by greg: Made axis randomization optional in getperpendicular()
fvect.c 2.24 (8 years ago) by greg: Made it so we'll never generate another segfault from this code
fropen.c 2.16 (10 years ago) by greg: Changed rcalc and icalc to search RAYPATH for input *.cal files
free_os.c 3.5 (10 years ago) by greg: Minor changes not affecting operation
fputword.c 3.9 (12 years ago) by greg: Fixed comment
font.h 2.7 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
font.c 2.20 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
fixargv0.c 2.8 (7 years ago) by greg: Minor fixes for Windows suggested by Nathaniel Jones
fgetword.c 2.8 (6 years ago) by greg: Fixed lack of EOF detection introduced in last change (months ago!)
fgetval.c 2.8 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.
fgetline.c 2.9 (8 years ago) by greg: Eliminated redundant #define's for getc and putc
fdate.c 2.9 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
falsecolor.h 3.4 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
falsecolor.c 3.10 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
face.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
face.c 2.13 (7 years ago) by greg: Added checks for illegal cones/rings/cylinders
ezxml.h 2.4 (9 years ago) by greg: Support for color BSDF rendering using Klems representation
ezxml.c 2.9 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
expandarg.c 2.10 (8 years ago) by greg: Improved error-checking for too many words in file or string
error.c 2.10 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added grouping parens to reduce ambiguity warnings.
erf.c 3.2 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed lack of erf() and erfc() under Windows
eputs.c 2.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
ealloc.c 2.9 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.
disk2square.c 3.4 (9 years ago) by greg: Fixed floating-point error under Windows caused by cos^2 + sin^2 > 1
dircode.c 2.8 (11 years ago) by greg: ANSIfication
cvtcmd.c 3.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Forgot RCS header
copyright.h 3.2 (15 years ago) by greg: Reduced occurrence of aiming failures for circular sources (Thanks to David G-M)
cone.h 2.8 (18 years ago) by greg: Rearranged some struct's for better efficiency on 64-bit architectures
cone.c 2.11 (7 years ago) by greg: Added checks for illegal cones/rings/cylinders
colrops.c 2.12 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
color.h 2.34 (9 years ago) by greg: Fixed exact value for white
color.c 2.17 (9 years ago) by greg: Long overdue ANSIfication
clip.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Abstracted process and path handling for Windows. Renamed FLOAT to RREAL because of conflict on Windows. Added conditional compiles for some signal handlers.
chanvalue.c 3.3 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
ccyrgb.c 3.4 (11 years ago) by greg: Removed accidental change
ccolor.h 3.8 (8 years ago) by greg: Added randomization to chroma encoding
ccolor.c 3.11 (7 years ago) by greg: Added checks against divide-by-zero
calprnt.c 2.6 (11 years ago) by greg: Finished ANSIfication
calfunc.c 2.18 (8 years ago) by greg: Fixed various compiler warnings (mostly harmless)
calexpr.c 2.36 (8 years ago) by greg: Fixed various compiler warnings (mostly harmless)
caldefn.c 2.26 (9 years ago) by greg: Added warning to varset() for resetting non-numeric definitions
calcomp.h 2.22 (16 years ago) by greg: Math library and warning fixes for Solaris
byteswap.c 3.1 (17 years ago) by greg: Added byte-swapping i/o options to rcalc
bsdf_t.h 3.12 (9 years ago) by greg: Added color rendering to tensor tree and minor fixes to Klems color rendering
bsdf_t.c 3.44 (8 years ago) by greg: Added comments for placement of mutex locks to support multi-threading
bsdf_m.h 3.8 (8 years ago) by greg: Added mBSDF_chroma() macro
bsdf_m.c 3.36 (7 years ago) by greg: Fixed regression in genBSDF affecting Klems normalization
bsdf.h 2.24 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
bsdf.c 2.54 (6 years ago) by greg: Fixed inconsistency between evaluation and sizing operations
bmpfile.h 2.7 (7 years ago) by greg: Added missing (but technically optional) "extern" keywords to function decl
bmpfile.c 2.18 (7 years ago) by greg: Minor improvement in code clarity
bmalloc.c 2.9 (19 years ago) by schorsch: Compatibility fixes as suggested by Siegbert Debatin.
biggerlib.c 3.5 (20 years ago) by greg: Added prototype for LIBR function pointer in calcomp.h
badarg.c 2.11 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed problem with newlines in string arguments, which should be allowed
addobjnotify.c 3.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
SConscript 1.22 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
Rmakefile 2.77 (7 years ago) by greg: Changed to using SET_FILE_BINARY() where possible
README 2.9 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
CMakeLists.txt 1.7 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
BSDFfiles.txt 1.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Created testBSDF main module to demonstrate BSDF library
1 directory and 183 files shown