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File Last Change
BSDFfiles.txt 1.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Created testBSDF main module to demonstrate BSDF library
CMakeLists.txt 1.18 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: moved depth-of-field sampling to separate module
README 2.9 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
Rmakefile 2.90 (2 years ago) by greg: perf: Turned off alignment for Radiance picture files (not needed)
SConscript 1.23 (6 years ago) by schorsch: Updating to SCons 3.x, adding support for Python 3
addobjnotify.c 3.4 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
badarg.c 2.12 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
bcopy.c (dead) 1.6 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
biggerlib.c 3.5 (20 years ago) by greg: Added prototype for LIBR function pointer in calcomp.h
bmalloc.c 2.9 (19 years ago) by schorsch: Compatibility fixes as suggested by Siegbert Debatin.
bmpfile.c 2.21 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: added checks for stdio open errors
bmpfile.h 2.9 (3 years ago) by greg: docs: corrected comment
bsdf.c 2.62 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: removed prefix from SDdisk2square() and SDsquare2disk() & made consistent
bsdf.h 2.30 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: moved SDdisk2square() and SDsquare2disk() declarations to fvect.h
bsdf_m.c 3.46 (21 months ago) by greg: fix: updated and corrected Klems half and quarter bases to match WINDOW
bsdf_m.h 3.10 (4 years ago) by greg: Reversed order of matrix look-up macros to be more consistent
bsdf_t.c 3.54 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: added position-based BSDF value perturbation for reliable peak extraction
bsdf_t.h 3.13 (6 years ago) by greg: Fix for C++ compilers, which don't like "typedef const struct"
byteswap.c 3.2 (3 years ago) by greg: More 64-bit addressing fixes
calcomp.h 2.26 (2 months ago) by greg: perf: Added shortcut to avoid extra call in eargument(), which was bottleneck
caldefn.c 2.38 (2 months ago) by greg: perf: Added array index optimization to calcomp routines
calexpr.c 2.50 (2 months ago) by greg: perf: Minor optimization
calfunc.c 2.31 (2 months ago) by greg: fix: Indexing error in last change
calprnt.c 2.9 (2 months ago) by greg: perf: Flatten hierarchies for commutative & associative operators, '+' and '*'
ccolor.c 3.13 (3 months ago) by greg: fix(mgf2rad): Made color equivalence check more stringent
ccolor.h 3.10 (3 months ago) by greg: feat(mgf2rad): Now handles spectral color translation
ccyrgb.c 3.5 (5 months ago) by greg: feat(rpict,rtrace,rcontrib,rtpict): Hyperspectral rendering (except photon map)
chanvalue.c 3.3 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
clip.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Abstracted process and path handling for Windows. Renamed FLOAT to RREAL because of conflict on Windows. Added conditional compiles for some signal handlers.
clntrpc.h (dead) 2.2 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
color.c 2.33 (3 months ago) by greg: feat: added missing call for scolr2color()
color.h 2.45 (3 months ago) by greg: feat: Added convertscolorcol() to generate better RGB result
colrops.c 2.13 (4 months ago) by greg: refactor: ANSIfication
cone.c 2.11 (7 years ago) by greg: Added checks for illegal cones/rings/cylinders
cone.h 2.8 (18 years ago) by greg: Rearranged some struct's for better efficiency on 64-bit architectures
convertobj.c 2.6 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: vertex swapping code was missing face list pointer
copyright.h 3.6 (20 months ago) by greg: docs: Updated license and copyright using verbiage from LBNL's IPO
create_version.cmake (dead) 1.2 (12 years ago) by greg: Final tweaks to cmake cross-platform build system
cvtcmd.c 3.3 (4 years ago) by greg: Removed unused variable
depthcodec.c 2.13 (19 months ago) by greg: feat(rcode_depth,rcode_norm): Allow NROWS,NCOLS in header rather than res string
depthcodec.h 2.7 (4 years ago) by greg: Improvement on previous fix
dircode.c 2.13 (4 years ago) by greg: Corrected constant that was causing bad encodings for diagonals
disk2square.c 3.6 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: added #include needed from last change
ealloc.c 2.11 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: bad bug introduced in last change to ecalloc() -- recursive loop!
eputs.c 2.5 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
erf.c 3.2 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed lack of erf() and erfc() under Windows
error.c 2.12 (14 months ago) by greg: fix: compile error caught by DGM
expandarg.c 2.11 (4 years ago) by greg: Removed redundant include files
ezxml.c 2.9 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
ezxml.h 2.4 (9 years ago) by greg: Support for color BSDF rendering using Klems representation
face.c 2.16 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: major bug introduced in 2.15 revision with axis selection
face.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
falsecolor.c 3.11 (3 years ago) by greg: refactor: made use of histogram data consistent with new HIST_TYP #define
falsecolor.h 3.4 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
fdate.c 2.11 (14 months ago) by greg: feat: Added fddate() call to get modification time from open file
fgetline.c 2.11 (3 years ago) by greg: perf: quicker check/removal of escaped newlines for Windows
fgetval.c 2.9 (4 months ago) by greg: refactor: ansification
fgetword.c 2.9 (14 months ago) by greg: perf: Eliminated call to ungetc() for better performance
fixargv0.c 2.9 (3 years ago) by greg: Hopeful fix to Windows test issues
fltdepth.c 3.5 (4 years ago) by greg: Minor change should have no effect on results
font.c 2.26 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: syntax(!)
font.h 2.10 (2 years ago) by greg: feat: added maximum # glyph vertices for font
fputword.c 3.10 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: avoid quoting words that are already in quotes
free_os.c 3.5 (10 years ago) by greg: Minor changes not affecting operation
frexp.c (dead) 1.5 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
fropen.c 2.16 (10 years ago) by greg: Changed rcalc and icalc to search RAYPATH for input *.cal files
fvect.c 2.25 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: Switched to using irandom() where appropriate
fvect.h 2.23 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: removed prefix from SDdisk2square() and SDsquare2disk() & made consistent
fwrite.c (dead) 2.4 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
g3affine.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3affine.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3flist.c 2.3 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
g3flist.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3list.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3nlist.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3sphere.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3sphere.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3vector.c 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
g3vector.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
gbasic.c 2.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Added Jan Wienold's evalglare to distribution
gbasic.h 2.1 (8 years ago) by greg: Added Jan Wienold's evalglare to distribution
gethomedir.c 1.4 (4 years ago) by greg: Removed redundant include files
getlibpath.c 2.6 (10 years ago) by greg: Changed rcalc and icalc to search RAYPATH for input *.cal files
getpagesize.c (dead) 2.6 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
getpath.c 2.23 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: repaired regression introduced to Windows version
header.c 2.48 (2 years ago) by greg: feat: Support for format IDs with internal white space
hilbert.c 3.3 (13 years ago) by greg: Eliminated calls to drand48()
hilbert.h 3.2 (13 years ago) by greg: Added missing RCS tags
idmap.c 2.3 (20 months ago) by greg: perf: Eliminated unnecessary curpos optimization to simplify code
idmap.h 2.3 (20 months ago) by greg: perf: Eliminated unnecessary curpos optimization to simplify code
image.c 2.55 (21 months ago) by greg: perf: very minor optimization in viewloc()
instance.c 2.12 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
instance.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
interp2d.c 2.17 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: free memory on failure
interp2d.h 2.10 (3 years ago) by greg: feat: added client data pointer for caller convenience
invmat4.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
jitteraperture.c 2.3 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: added proper handling of fore clipping distance
lamps.c 2.10 (16 years ago) by greg: Removed unnecessary declaration
linregr.c 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
linregr.h 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
loadbsdf.c 3.14 (20 months ago) by greg: fix(iso2klems): used solid angle, when projected SA needed, and integral factor
loadvars.c 2.21 (10 months ago) by greg: fix: Now squeezes unquoted spaces across escaped newlines
lookup.c 2.19 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed comment and removed pointless "register" modifiers
lookup.h 2.15 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
malloc.c (dead) 2.17 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
mat4.c 2.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
mat4.h 2.12 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Instrumented headers against multiple inclusion and for use from C++. Moved includes in headers out of "C" scope.
maxheap.c 2.3 (6 years ago) by greg: Changed HUGE reference to FHUGE + removed references to unused module maxheap.c
maxheap.h 2.2 (8 years ago) by greg: Added RCCS id's to new source files (forgotten during initial check-in)
mesh.c 2.35 (2 years ago) by greg: perf: made mesh self-consistency tests much more thorough
mesh.h 2.15 (11 years ago) by greg: Added routine for cycling through all triangles
mgf_context.c 3.4 (3 months ago) by greg: feat(mgf2rad): Now handles spectral color translation
mgf_mesg.h 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_object.c 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_parser.c 3.2 (4 years ago) by greg: Added precautionary testing against FHUGE
mgf_parser.h 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mgf_xf.c 3.1 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
mktemp.c (dead) 2.6 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
modobject.c 2.20 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: prophylactic against 64-bit architectures with 32-bit int's
muc_randvar.c 2.1 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
muc_randvar.h 2.1 (7 years ago) by greg: Changes to evalglare by Jan Wienold
multisamp.c 2.6 (11 days ago) by greg: chore: ansification
myhostname.c 2.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
normcodec.c 2.9 (19 months ago) by greg: fix: added stdlib.h to eliminate warning about atoi()
normcodec.h 2.5 (20 months ago) by greg: perf: Eliminated unnecessary curpos optimization to simplify code
object.h 2.26 (13 months ago) by greg: perf: Increased scene size limits
objset.c 2.18 (13 months ago) by greg: perf: Bumped object set hash table size to improve performance on large scenes
objtriangulate.c 2.3 (2 months ago) by greg: fix(robjutil): Mark bad faces as degenerate during triangulation
objutil.c 2.22 (7 months ago) by greg: style: corrected efree() typing and channel free loop
objutil.h 2.18 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: corrected declarations for emalloc routines
octree.c 2.8 (14 years ago) by greg: Deleted unused cucopy() routine
octree.h 2.13 (13 months ago) by greg: perf: Increased scene size limits
otypes.c 2.6 (11 years ago) by greg: Minor efficiency improvement and ANSIfication
otypes.h 2.21 (4 months ago) by greg: feat(rpict,rvu,rtrace,rcontrib): Added "specdata" and "specpict" pattern primitives
paths.c 2.5 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
paths.h 2.31 (12 months ago) by greg: fix: win_popen() stopped working for some reason under Windows 11
pcrpc.h (dead) 1.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
peano.c (dead) 2.4 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
platform.h 3.16 (6 years ago) by greg: Created replacement usleep() function for Windows
plocate.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
plocate.h 2.7 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
popen.c (dead) 2.7 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
portio.c 2.27 (2 years ago) by greg: perf: minor efficiency improvements
preadwrite.c (dead) 3.3 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
process.c 2.11 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: more 64-bit fixes
quit.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
radogl.h 3.13 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
random.c (dead) 3.2 (19 years ago) by greg: Removed unused programs and files from distribution (sources to CVS attic)
random.h 2.24 (2 years ago) by greg: perf(cnt): improved randomness of cnt -s option with new irandom(modulus) call
readfargs.c 2.11 (9 years ago) by greg: ANSIfication
readmesh.c 2.19 (14 months ago) by greg: perf: added calls to flockfile()/funlockfile() for more efficient reading
readobj.c 2.25 (14 months ago) by greg: perf: added calls to flockfile()/funlockfile() for more efficient reading
readoct.c 2.33 (10 months ago) by greg: perf: Avoid calling nonsurfintree() when octree newer than input files
readwfobj.c 2.10 (14 months ago) by greg: perf: added calls to flockfile()/funlockfile() for more efficient reading
resolu.c 2.9 (5 months ago) by greg: style: Updated code to modern prototypes
resolu.h 2.16 (2 years ago) by greg: feat: Added float and double alignment to i/o routines for future mmap() use
rexpr.c 2.10 (4 years ago) by greg: Removed redundant include files
rgldomat.c 3.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings, and other compatibility fixes.
rglfile.c 3.12 (4 years ago) by greg: Eliminated cases where stdin was being closed
rglinst.c 3.17 (8 years ago) by greg: Made error messages more consistent when library file not found
rglmat.c 3.7 (13 years ago) by greg: Major code reorg, moving mgflib to common and introducing BSDF material
rglsrc.c 3.6 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings, and other compatibility fixes.
rglsurf.c 3.13 (12 years ago) by greg: Changes to support new Cmake build system
rterror.h 3.4 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
rtio.h 3.30 (4 months ago) by greg: refactor: Removed unnecessary parens
rtmath.h 3.15 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: moved SDdisk2square() and SDsquare2disk() declarations to fvect.h
rtmisc.h 3.6 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.
rtprocess.h 3.23 (3 years ago) by greg: docs: fixed comment
savestr.c 2.14 (10 months ago) by greg: fix: passing const char * to savestr() and shash()
savqstr.c 2.11 (2 years ago) by greg: perf: Added check for NULL and empty string
sceneio.c 2.6 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: added flush to be extra sure file writes out
selcall.h 3.11 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
signal.h (dead) 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
spec_rgb.c 2.32 (3 months ago) by greg: feat: Added convertscolorcol() to generate better RGB result
standard.h 2.31 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
strcmp.c 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Replaced inline copyright notice with #include "copyright.h"
strlcpy.c 2.3 (4 years ago) by greg: Corrected count output in stdlib replacements
targa.h 2.5 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
tcos.c 3.10 (10 years ago) by greg: Took out definiton of tcos() when __FAST_MATH__ is defined
testBSDF.c 1.17 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: Repaired issue with reciprocity and BSDF sampling, thanks to Jon Sargent
tiff.h 3.17 (5 years ago) by greg: Created MAXFMTLEN to guard against buffer overrun attacks in header input
tiffconf.h (dead) 3.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Removed tiff*.h files from repository, since they're part of libtiff
tiffio.h 3.17 (5 years ago) by greg: Created MAXFMTLEN to guard against buffer overrun attacks in header input
tifftypes.h (dead) 3.4 (15 years ago) by greg: Eliminated tifftypes.h in favor of tiff.h throughout
tiffvers.h 3.5 (18 years ago) by greg: Updated TIFF library to 3.7.3
timegm.c 2.3 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Prepare for SCons build on Win32 and Win64
tmap16bit.c 1.11 (2 years ago) by greg: perf: minor performance improvement in grayscale mode to 24-bit output
tmapcolrs.c 3.37 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
tmapluv.c 3.17 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
tmaptiff.c 3.12 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
tmaptiff.h 3.6 (12 years ago) by greg: Changed every instance of BYTE to uby8 to avoid conflicts
tmerrmsg.h 3.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Broke standard.h into rtio.h, rterror.h, rtmath.h, and rtmisc.h
tmesh.c 2.6 (3 years ago) by greg: feat(genbox,robjutil): Added Radiance normal smoothing support to wfobj library 2.2 (20 years ago) by greg: Fixed tile texturing in tmesh2rad -- thanks to Marucs Jacobs for the request
tmesh.h 2.7 (3 years ago) by greg: feat(genbox,robjutil): Added Radiance normal smoothing support to wfobj library
tmprivat.h 3.26 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
tonemap.c 3.54 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
tonemap.h 3.32 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: eliminated use of MEM_PTR and (char *) for untyped memory
triangulate.c 2.7 (3 years ago) by greg: fix: Repaired issue in last change with colinear vertices
triangulate.h 2.3 (10 years ago) by greg: Fixed comment describing triangulate call
unix_process.c 3.18 (11 months ago) by greg: fix: removed deprecated call to vfork()
urand.c 2.14 (2 years ago) by greg: fix: Better implementation of irandom()
urind.c 2.4 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
uvcode.h (dead) 3.3 (19 years ago) by greg: The header "uvcode.h" is no longer referenced by tmapluv.c
vars.h 2.10 (10 months ago) by greg: feat(rad,ranimate): Improved handling of quoted strings for file names
vfork.h (dead) 2.6 (20 years ago) by greg: Removed redeclaration of fork() call + vfork.h header, using rtprocess.h instead
view.h 2.22 (2 years ago) by greg: refactor: created cropview() function to manage view sections
win_popen.c 1.5 (12 years ago) by greg: Windows compatibility changes from Bill Hoffman
win_process.c 3.14 (4 years ago) by greg: Added filtering capabilities to Unix version of open_process()
win_usleep.c 3.1 (6 years ago) by greg: Created replacement usleep() function for Windows
wordfile.c 2.24 (4 years ago) by greg: Removed redundant include files
words.c 2.13 (3 years ago) by greg: perf: insignificant branch reduction
wputs.c 3.7 (14 months ago) by greg: refactor: Changed some char* args to const char* to avoid warnings
writewfobj.c 2.5 (3 years ago) by greg: feat: added ability to choose faces when duplicating scene
x11findwind.c 2.6 (19 years ago) by schorsch: Updated SCons build environment to work with a fresh download and on OS X, as suggested by Randolph Fritz.
xf.c 2.8 (4 years ago) by greg: Added -x option to robjutil to transform .OBJ files
xraster.c (dead) 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
xraster.h (dead) 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
xtwind.c (dead) 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
xtwind.h (dead) 2.3 (21 years ago) by greg: Changes and check-in for 3.5 release Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release
zeroes.c 2.5 (20 years ago) by schorsch: Added prototypes and includes from patch by Randolph Fritz. Added more required includes and reduced other compile warnings.
1 directory and 221 files shown