#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: tabfunc.c,v 1.7 2019/08/11 17:04:09 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Put tabular data into functions suitable for cal programs. * * 2/2/95 Greg Ward */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtprocess.h" /* getpid() */ #include "rtmath.h" #include "rtio.h" #define isdelim(c) (isspace(c) || (c)==',') #define MAXTAB 8192 /* maximum number of data rows */ #define MAXLINE 16384 /* maximum line width (characters) */ #define OUTFMT "%.7g" /* output format conversion string */ int interpolate = 0; char *progname; char **func; int nfuncs; RREAL abscissa[MAXTAB]; /* independent values (first column) */ RREAL (*ordinate)[MAXTAB]; /* dependent values (other columns) */ int tabsize = 0; /* final table size (number of rows) */ char locID[16]; /* local identifier (for uniqueness) */ /*extern char *fgets(), *fskip(), *absc_exp();*/ static void load_data(FILE *fp); static void print_funcs(char *xe); static void putlist(register RREAL *av, int al, register int pos); static char * absc_exp(void); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { progname = argv[0]; argv++; argc--; if (argc && !strcmp(argv[0], "-i")) { interpolate++; puts("interp_arr2`(i,x,f):(i+1-x)*f(i)+(x-i)*f(i+1);"); puts("interp_arr`(x,f):if(x-1,if(f(0)-x,interp_arr2`(floor(x),x,f),f(f(0))),f(1));"); argv++; argc--; } if (!argc || argv[0][0] == '-') { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-i] func1 [func2 ..]\n", progname); exit(1); } func = argv; nfuncs = argc; ordinate = (RREAL (*)[MAXTAB])malloc(nfuncs*MAXTAB*sizeof(RREAL)); if (ordinate == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not enough memory\n", progname); exit(1); } sprintf(locID, "p%d", getpid()); load_data(stdin); print_funcs(absc_exp()); exit(0); } static void load_data( /* load tabular data from fp */ FILE *fp ) { int lineno; char *err; char inpbuf[MAXLINE]; register char *cp; register int i; tabsize = lineno = 0; inpbuf[MAXLINE-2] = '\n'; while (fgets(inpbuf, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL) { lineno++; if (inpbuf[MAXLINE-2] != '\n') { err = "line too long"; goto fatal; } if (tabsize >= MAXTAB-1) { err = "too many rows"; goto fatal; } if ((cp = fskip(inpbuf)) == NULL) continue; /* skip non-data lines */ abscissa[tabsize] = atof(inpbuf); for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) { while (isdelim(*cp)) cp++; if (!*cp) { err = "too few columns"; goto fatal; } ordinate[i][tabsize] = atof(cp); if ((cp = fskip(cp)) == NULL) { err = "bad floating-point format"; goto fatal; } } tabsize++; } return; fatal: fprintf(stderr, "%s: input line %d: %s\n", progname, lineno, err); exit(1); } static char * absc_exp(void) /* produce expression for abscissa */ { static char ourexp[64]; double step, eps; int uniform, increasing; register int i; if (tabsize < 2) return("1"); step = abscissa[1] - abscissa[0]; eps = ((increasing = (step > 0)) ? 1e-3 : -1e-3) * step; uniform = 1; for (i = 2; i < tabsize; i++) { if (uniform && fabs((abscissa[i]-abscissa[i-1]) - step) > eps) uniform = 0; if (!uniform && (abscissa[i-1] < abscissa[i]) != increasing) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: input not a function\n", progname); exit(1); } } if (uniform) { if (increasing && fabs(step - 1) < eps) { if (fabs(abscissa[0] - 1) < eps) strcpy(ourexp, "x"); else sprintf(ourexp, "x-%g", abscissa[0]-1); } else if (fabs(abscissa[0]) < eps) sprintf(ourexp, "x/%g+1", step); else sprintf(ourexp, "(x-%g)/%g+1", abscissa[0], step); } else { printf("X`%s(i):select(i,", locID); putlist(abscissa, tabsize, 20); puts(");"); if (increasing) { printf("fx`%s(x):if(x-%g,if(%g-x,fx2`%s(x,%d),%d),1);\n", locID, abscissa[0], abscissa[tabsize-1], locID, tabsize, tabsize); printf("fx2`%s(x,i):if(x-X`%s(i),\n", locID, locID); } else { printf("fx`%s(x):if(%g-x,if(x-%g,fx2`%s(x,%d),%d),1);\n", locID, abscissa[0], abscissa[tabsize-1], locID, tabsize, tabsize); printf("fx2`%s(x,i):if(X`%s(i)-x,\n", locID, locID); } printf("\ti+(x-X`%s(i))/(X`%s(i+1)-X`%s(i)),\n", locID, locID, locID); printf("\tfx2`%s(x,i-1));\n", locID); sprintf(ourexp, "fx`%s(x)", locID); } return(ourexp); } static void print_funcs( /* print functions */ char *xe ) { int xelen; register int i; xelen = strlen(xe); for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) { if ((func[i][0] == '\0') | (func[i][0] == '0')) continue; if (interpolate) { printf("%s`%s(i):select(i,", func[i], locID); putlist(ordinate[i], tabsize, 27+strlen(func[i])); puts(");"); printf("%s(x):interp_arr`(%s,%s`%s);\n", func[i], xe, func[i], locID); } else { printf("%s(x):select(%s,", func[i], xe); putlist(ordinate[i], tabsize, strlen(func[i])+xelen+12); puts(");"); } } } static void putlist( /* put out array of values */ register RREAL *av, int al, register int pos ) { char obuf[32]; int len; while (al--) { sprintf(obuf, OUTFMT, *av++); pos += (len = strlen(obuf)+1); if (pos >= 64) { putchar('\n'); pos = len; } fputs(obuf, stdout); if (al) putchar(','); } }