{ RCSid $Id: tregenza.cal,v 1.3 2009/07/02 21:44:33 greg Exp $ } { Compute bin numbers corresponding to Tregenza sky discretization The Tregenza sky uses 145 patches, with patch 1 pointing due North at the horizon, and continuing around to the East to patch 30, which comprises the first altitude row (alt = 6 degrees). Each successive row increases altitude by 12 degrees, with the final altitude at the zenith (90 degrees). Azimuth is evenly divided among 30, 30, 24, 24, 18, 12, 6, and 1 divisions per row. In addition to the bin numbers 1-145 corresponding to this standard, bin 0 is used for the ground plane (altitude < 0). Input is normalized ray direction (Dx,Dy,Dz). The Y-axis is assumed to point North, and the X-axis East, matching the convention set by gensky(1). Greg Ward May 2005 } DEGREE : PI/180; Asin(x) : if(x-1, PI/2, if(-1-x, -PI/2, asin(x))); posangle(a) : if(-a, a + 2*PI, a); Atan2(y,x) : posangle(atan2(y,x)); alt = Asin(Dz)/DEGREE; azi = Atan2(Dx,Dy)/DEGREE; tazi(inc) = if(360-.5*inc - azi, floor((azi+.5*inc)/inc), 0); tbin = if(-alt, 0, select(floor(alt/12) + 1, 1 + tazi(12), 31 + tazi(12), 61 + tazi(15), 85 + tazi(15), 109 + tazi(20), 127 + tazi(30), 139 + tazi(60), 145 ) ); Ntbins : 146; { total number of bins }