{ RCSid $Id: spline.cal,v 1.2 2018/11/21 18:10:45 greg Exp $ } { Calculation of view parameters for walk-throughs. Uses Catmull-Rom spline. 09Feb90 Greg Ward Define: T(i) - time between keyframe i and i-1 Input: t - time Output: s(f) - spline value for f at t where f(i) is value at T(i) } or(a,b) : if(a, a, b); min(a,b) : if(a-b, b, a); max(a,b) : if(a-b, a, b); hermite(p0,p1,r0,r1,t) : p0 * ((2*t-3)*t*t+1) + p1 * (-2*t+3)*t*t + r0 * (((t-2)*t+1)*t) + r1 * ((t-1)*t*t); Ttot : sum(T,T(0)); sum(f,n) : if(n-.5, f(n)+sum(f,n-1), 0); tfrac = (t-sum(T,below))/T(above); upper(s,i) = if(or(i-T(0)+.5,s+T(i)-t), i, upper(s+T(i),i+1)); below = above-1; above = max(upper(0,1),2); below2 = max(below-1,1); above2 = min(above+1,T(0)); s(f) = hermite(f(below), f(above), (f(above)-f(below2))/2, (f(above2)-f(below))/2, tfrac);