{ RCSid $Id: screen.cal,v 1.2 2018/11/21 18:10:45 greg Exp $ } { Uses gensurf to compute CRT geometry based on spherical assumption. Author: Greg Ward 11/13/95 Input: w: screen width (total) h: screen height (total) d: displacement from center tangent at max. right or left Usage: gensurf mat name 'x(s,t)' 'y(s,t)' 'z(s,t)' N M -s \ -e 'w:{width};h:{height};d:{depth}' -f screen.cal Output is oriented vertically, with the lower left corner at (x,y,z)=(0,0,0), the lower right at (w,0,0), the upper right at (w,0,h), and the screen bulge in the negative y direction. Surface normals face negative y, also. } { compute sphere radius } r : d/2 + w*w/8/d; { compute x and z } x(s,t) = w*s; z(s,t) = h*t; sq(x) : x*x; { compute maximum depth (y) value } dmax : sqrt(r*r - sq(w/2) - sq(h/2)); { compute y } y(s,t) = dmax - sqrt(r*r - sq(w*s-w/2) - sq(h*t-h/2));