{ RCSid $Id: graypatch.cal,v 1.2 2018/11/21 18:10:45 greg Exp $ } { Generate script of 11x8 sample set of gray patches on 2000x1600 pixel canvas. Input is column and row number (starting from 0) } col = $1; { input position } row = $2; mingray = 0; { reassign if desired } GAMMA : 2.2; NCOLS : 11; NROWS : 8; XRES : 2000; YRES : 1600; MARGIN : 5; xpatch : floor((XRES-MARGIN)/NCOLS) - MARGIN; ypatch : floor((YRES-MARGIN)/NROWS) - MARGIN; textheight : floor(ypatch/7); xpos = MARGIN + col*(xpatch + MARGIN); ypos = MARGIN + row*(ypatch + MARGIN); patchgray = mingray + row*NCOLS + col; patchvalue = ((patchgray+.5)/256)^GAMMA;