{ RCSid $Id: fog.cal,v 1.2 2018/11/21 18:10:45 greg Exp $ } { BAD fog simulation effect using a converted z-file, eg: pvalue -r -df -b -h `getinfo -d < scene.pic` scene.z | \ pcomb -e VIS:20 -f fog.cal scene.pic - > foggy.pic The constant VIS must be set to the visibility distance, ie. the distance at which half the contrast is lost. Substitute a local brightness model for fog_v to improve the effect. } dist = gi(2); { distance given by second file } fog_v : .5; { fog particles are uniform grey } prob = 1 - 2^-(dist/VIS); { probability of intercepting fog particle } fog(v) = prob*fog_v + (1-prob)*v; ro = fog(ri(1)); go = fog(gi(1)); bo = fog(bi(1));