{ RCSid $Id: filt.cal,v 1.3 2020/11/03 20:19:02 greg Exp $ } { Filter Kernal set-up for pcomb. 5/22/92 Greg Ward Usage: pcomb -x xres -y yres -f kern.cal -f filt.cal input.hdr > output.hdr The file "kern.cal" must define the constant function kern(x,y), which describes how the kernal behaves as a function of offset in x and y (measured in fractional pixels in the destination image). } hmag : xres/xmax; vmag : yres/ymax; step : (hmag+vmag)/8; hsum(xmin,xmax,y) : if(step/2+xmin-xmax, 0, kern(xmin+step/2,y) + hsum(xmin+step,xmax,y)); sum(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) : if(step/2+ymin-ymax, 0, hsum(xmin,xmax,ymin+step/2) + sum(xmin,ymin+step,xmax,ymax)); k(ox,oy) : sum(ox-hmag/2,oy-vmag/2,ox+hmag/2,oy+vmag/2); K00 : k(-1,-1); K01 : k(-1, 0); K02 : k(-1, 1); K10 : k( 0,-1); K11 : k( 0, 0); K12 : k( 0, 1); K20 : k( 1,-1); K21 : k( 1, 0); K22 : k( 1, 1); sumtotal : K00+K01+K02+K10+K11+K12+K20+K21+K22; f(p,i) = ( K00*p(i,-1,-1) + K01*p(i,-1, 0) + K02*p(i,-1, 1) + K10*p(i, 0,-1) + K11*p(i, 0, 0) + K12*p(i, 0, 1) + K20*p(i, 1,-1) + K21*p(i, 1, 0) + K22*p(i, 1, 1) ) / sumtotal; ro = f(ri,1); go = f(gi,1); bo = f(bi,1);