{ RCSid $Id: conv1.cal,v 1.2 2018/11/21 18:10:45 greg Exp $ } { Rcalc run to convolve light source SPD with standard curves. Used by scripts illumcal, reflcal. Input is wavelength (in nanometers) and output (in watts/nm/something). Variable "intvl" must be set to value spacing (in nm). Output is per-wavelength convolution as described below. } cond = if($1-359,831-$1,-1); { 360-830 nm range } $1 = $2*intvl*photopic($1); { photopic impulse } $2 = $2*intvl*scotopic($1); { scotopic impulse } $3 = $2*tx; { source X } $4 = $2*ty; { source Y } $5 = $2*tz; { source Z } $6 = $2*trix10($1); { source X10 } $7 = $2*triy10($1); { source Y10 } $8 = $2*triz10($1); { source Z10 } $9 = $2*tx*r1v; { CIE reference color 1 X } $10 = $2*ty*r1v; { CIE reference color 1 Y } $11 = $2*tz*r1v; { CIE reference color 1 Z } $12 = $2*tx*r2v; { CIE reference color 2 X } $13 = $2*ty*r2v; { CIE reference color 2 Y } $14 = $2*tz*r2v; { CIE reference color 2 Z } $15 = $2*tx*r3v; { CIE reference color 3 X } $16 = $2*ty*r3v; { CIE reference color 3 Y } $17 = $2*tz*r3v; { CIE reference color 3 Z } $18 = $2*tx*r4v; { CIE reference color 4 X } $19 = $2*ty*r4v; { CIE reference color 4 Y } $20 = $2*tz*r4v; { CIE reference color 4 Z } $21 = $2*tx*r5v; { CIE reference color 5 X } $22 = $2*ty*r5v; { CIE reference color 5 Y } $23 = $2*tz*r5v; { CIE reference color 5 Z } $24 = $2*tx*r6v; { CIE reference color 6 X } $25 = $2*ty*r6v; { CIE reference color 6 Y } $26 = $2*tz*r6v; { CIE reference color 6 Z } $27 = $2*tx*r7v; { CIE reference color 7 X } $28 = $2*ty*r7v; { CIE reference color 7 Y } $29 = $2*tz*r7v; { CIE reference color 7 Z } $30 = $2*tx*r8v; { CIE reference color 8 X } $31 = $2*ty*r8v; { CIE reference color 8 Y } $32 = $2*tz*r8v; { CIE reference color 8 Z } tx=trix($1); ty=triy($1); tz=triz($1); r1v=rho1($1); r2v=rho2($1); r3v=rho3($1); r4v=rho4($1); r5v=rho5($1); r6v=rho6($1); r7v=rho7($1); r8v=rho8($1); abs(x) : if(x,x,-x);