{ Compute Venetian Blinds angle to exclude direct sun. 3/19/93 Formula by Kostantinos Papamichael, Translated by Greg Ward and Saba Rofchaei } { Input variables are solar altitude and azimuth in degrees: SALT - solar altitude (degrees) SAZI - solar azimuth (degrees from South, West is positive) } L = .625; {slat's width} D = .45833; {distance between slats} ORIENT = 0.0; { Window orientation } DEGREE : PI/180.0; tan_lambda = tan(SALT*DEGREE) / cos((SAZI+ORIENT)*DEGREE); lambda = atan(tan_lambda) / DEGREE; a = tan_lambda*tan_lambda + 1.0; b = -2.0*(D/L); c = (D/L)*(D/L) - tan_lambda*tan_lambda; det = sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c); {calculating slats' angle corresponding to solar position} POS1 = asin((-b+det)/(2.0*a)) / DEGREE; POS2 = asin((-b-det)/(2.0*a)) / DEGREE;