{ Plank's formula for black body radiation spectrum } { Required constants } k : 8.617e-5; { Boltzmann constant (eV/K) } h : 4.136e-15; { Plank constant (eV-sec) } e : 1.602e-19; { elemetary charge (Coulombs) } c : 2.998e8; { speed of light (m/sec) } { The following distribution is in units of Joules/meter^4, i.e., energy per radiating volume per wavelength lmb (lambda) is expected in nm (10^-9 meter) and T must be given in degrees Kelvin } u(lmd,T) : 8*PI*h*e*c*(lmd*1e-9)^-5 / (exp(h*c/(lmd*1e-9*k*T)) - 1);