# platform specific settings for unknown unix (posix) systems, 64 bit # If you need to adapt this file for your OS, please make a # copy under the name detected by SCons after checking the # environment. If you send this new file to the Radiance # developers, then they can include it with the next release. # where you want everything [install] RAD_BASEDIR: /opt/radiance RAD_BINDIR: bin RAD_RLIBDIR: share/lib RAD_MANDIR: share/man # shouldn't need any changes [build] CCFLAGS: -O -m64 [debug] CCFLAGS: -g -m64 # never touch below this [code] RAD_COMPAT: strcmp.c RAD_MATHCOMPAT: erf.c RAD_NETCOMPAT: netproc.c RAD_PROCESS: unix_process.c RAD_PCALLS: raypcalls.c RAD_MLIB: m