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Revision 1.21 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Sep 21 17:17:23 2005 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R8
Changes since 1.20: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.20
Added -Dfseeko=fseek for Linux machines, as library call is currently broken

Revision 1.20 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Mon Sep 19 02:23:58 2005 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.19: +11 -11 lines
Diff to previous 1.19
Eliminated SPEED macro from makeall and source tree

Revision 1.19 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Aug 9 21:21:14 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R7P2
Changes since 1.18: +3 -3 lines
Diff to previous 1.18
Fixed instructions regarding Bourne shell

Revision 1.18 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Jul 26 15:33:13 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R7P1
Changes since 1.17: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.17
Fixed TIFF build problems under FreeBSD

Revision 1.17 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Jul 26 01:20:36 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.16: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.16
Fixed library removal during clean

Revision 1.16 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sat May 7 18:57:43 2005 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.15: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.15
Fixed build problem related to programs using raycalls.a (mksource)

Revision 1.15 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 2 00:09:13 2005 UTC (20 years ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.14: +12 -13 lines
Diff to previous 1.14
Made bmalloc.o a standard module

Revision 1.14 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 2 00:05:20 2005 UTC (20 years ago) by schorsch
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.13: +4 -4 lines
Diff to previous 1.13
Changed all of malloc.o to bmalloc.o (could make that a regular compile now).

Revision 1.13 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Feb 1 16:05:38 2005 UTC (20 years ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.12: +5 -5 lines
Diff to previous 1.12
Removed mention of retired getpagesize.c compatibility module

Revision 1.12 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sat Oct 30 04:59:40 2004 UTC (20 years, 3 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.11: +1 -8 lines
Diff to previous 1.11
Changed /usr/tmp default temp file location to /tmp under Unix

Revision 1.11 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu Dec 11 23:42:54 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6, rad3R6P1
Changes since 1.10: +2 -36 lines
Diff to previous 1.10
Changed to using new license text from src/common/copyright.h

Revision 1.10 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Nov 25 18:23:11 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +19 -4 lines
Diff to previous 1.9
Added comment about setting path variable to end of install script

Revision 1.9 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sat Aug 30 08:22:47 2003 UTC (21 years, 5 months ago) by schorsch
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.8: +28 -16 lines
Diff to previous 1.8
Added Cygwin build configuration (not fully functional yet).

Revision 1.8 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu Jul 17 15:31:26 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +2 -4 lines
Diff to previous 1.7
Added installation of source *.cal files to "makeall library"

Revision 1.7 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sat Jul 12 08:38:44 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by schorsch
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.6
Large file support on Linux, suggested by Randolph Fritz.

Revision 1.6 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu May 29 17:46:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 8 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +3 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.5
Attempted fix to AIX compile problems

Revision 1.5 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu May 15 05:13:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 9 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +1 -31 lines
Diff to previous 1.4
Eliminated -DBIGMEM define, since we always used it in makeall

Revision 1.4 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Apr 29 15:27:49 2003 UTC (21 years, 9 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +9 -13 lines
Diff to previous 1.3
Took "ogl" special compile away for Solaris, which doesn't seem to support it

Revision 1.3 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu Mar 27 04:16:33 2003 UTC (21 years, 10 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +3 -3 lines
Diff to previous 1.2
Portability fixes immediately following 3.5 release

Revision 1.2 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Fri Feb 28 20:06:51 2003 UTC (21 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R5
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.1
Added missing installib script required by makeall

Revision 1.1 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sat Feb 22 02:07:20 2003 UTC (22 years ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes and check-in for 3.5 release
Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years
See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release

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