#!/bin/csh -f # RCSid $Id: installib,v 1.4 2016/01/05 18:42:23 greg Exp $ # # Install library files # again2: echo -n "Where do you want the library files [/usr/local/lib/ray]? " set ldir=$< (echo $ldir) >/dev/null if ( $status ) goto again2 set ldir=$ldir if ( "$ldir" == "" ) then set ldir=/usr/local/lib/ray else if ( "$ldir" !~ /* ) then echo "Directory must be relative to root, please reenter" goto again2 endif if ( ! -d $ldir ) then mkdir $ldir if ( $status ) then echo "Cannot create directory, please reenter" goto again2 endif endif if (! -d lib) then echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" echo "You forgot to install the auxiliary files overlay." echo "Download rad5R1supp.tar.gz from http://www.radiance-online.org" echo "and run 'installib' later manually, or ^C now." echo "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" exit endif set d1=(`ls -Lid lib`) set d2=(`ls -Lid $ldir`) if ($d1[1] != $d2[1]) then echo -n "Install library files now [n]? " if ( "$<" =~ [yY]* ) then echo -n "Copying library files to $ldir... " (cd lib ; tar -cf - *) | (cd $ldir ; tar -xf -) echo "Done." endif endif unset d1 d2