Preparation for 5.2 release
Decided to go with "aBSDF" for "aperture BSDF" rather than "sBSDF"
Added sBSDF material type for explicit control over peak extraction
Created psketch program for sketching out objects using named modifier(s)
Added missing definition of ashik2 material type
Added caveat about (virtual) source materials
Starting now on 5.1 alpha
Changes for 5.0 release
Preparation for 4.2 release
Fixed Leukos citation
Added web link
Added missing comma
Added recent IES article to reference list
Removed emphasis tag (duh-oh)
Fixed emphasis tag
Added mention of thickness sign for BSDF material
Fixed minor HTML errors
Added new BSDF type
Incorporated other changes
Fixed misspelling of Henyey's name
Version changes for 3.8 release
Fixed language uses ("virtual" vs. "secondary" light sources)
Updated version in Radiance manual
Update for 3.6 official release
Renamed rview, lam, calc, and neat to rvu, rlam, icalc, and neaten
Updated man pages and fixed ages old bug in conversion of negative colors
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