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Comparing ray/doc/ray.1 (file contents):
Revision 1.18 by greg, Fri Feb 18 00:40:25 2011 UTC vs.
Revision 1.19 by greg, Sun Feb 20 06:34:19 2011 UTC

# Line 869 | Line 869 | mod transdata id
869   .PP
870   The BSDF material type loads an XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
871   file describing a bidirectional scattering distribution function.
872   Real arguments to this material may define additional
873   diffuse components that augment the BSDF data.
874 < String arguments are used to define thickness for hidden
875 < objects and the "up" orientation for the material.
874 > String arguments are used to define thickness for proxied
875 > surfaces and the "up" orientation for the material.
876   .DS
877   mod BSDF id
878   6+ thick BSDFfile ux uy uz funcfile transform
# Line 883 | Line 882 | mod BSDF id
882       rbdif gbdif bbdif
883       rtdif gtdif btdif
884   .DE
885 < The first string argument is a "thickness" parameter that is useful
886 < for hiding detail geometry for transmitting systems, e.g.,
887 < complex fenestration.
888 < If a view or shadow ray hits a BSDF surface with non-zero specular transmission
890 < and positive thickness, the ray will pass directly through with no
891 < reflection or transmission due to the BSDF.
885 > The first string argument is a "thickness" parameter that may be used
886 > to hide detail geometry being proxied by an aggregate BSDF material.
887 > If a view or shadow ray hits a BSDF proxy with non-zero thickness,
888 > it will pass directly through as if the surface were not there.
889   Similar to the illum type, this permits direct viewing and
890   shadow testing of complex geometry.
891 < In contrast, a scattered ray will use the BSDF transmission,
892 < offsetting transmitted sample rays by the thickness amount
893 < to avoid any intervening geometry.
894 < In this manner, BSDF surfaces may act as simplified stand-ins for detailed
895 < system geometry, which may still be present and visible in the simulation.
896 < If the BSDF has back-side reflection data, a parallel surface should be
897 < specified slightly less than the given thickness away from the front surface
898 < to enclose the system geometry on both sides.
899 < A zero thickness implies that the BSDF geomtery is all there is, and
900 < thickness is ignored if there is no transmitted component, or transmission is
904 < purely diffuse.
891 > The BSDF is used when a scattered (indirect) ray hits the surface,
892 > and any transmitted sample rays will be offset by the thickness amount
893 > to avoid the hidden geometry and gather samples from the other side.
894 > In this manner, BSDF surfaces can improve the results for indirect
895 > scattering from complex systems without sacrificing appearance or
896 > shadow accuracy.
897 > If the BSDF has transmission and back-side reflection data,
898 > a parallel BSDF surface may be
899 > placed slightly less than the given thickness away from the front surface
900 > to enclose the complex geometry on both sides.
901   .LP
902   The second string argument is the name of the BSDF file, which is
903   found in the usual auxiliary locations.

Diff Legend

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