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Comparing ray/doc/ray.1 (file contents):
Revision 1.10 by greg, Tue Oct 17 21:52:43 2006 UTC vs.
Revision 1.20 by greg, Tue Jun 21 23:58:00 2011 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1   .\" RCSid "$Id"
2   .\" Print using the -ms macro package
3 < .DA 1/20/99
3 > .DA 2/17/2011
4   .LP
5 < .tl """Copyright \(co 2006 Regents, University of California
5 > .tl """Copyright \(co 2011 Regents, University of California
6   .sp 2
7   .TL
8   The
# Line 491 | Line 491 | a perfectly scattering medium (no absorption).
491   The scattering eccentricity parameter will likewise override the global
492   setting if it is present.
493   Scattering eccentricity indicates how much scattered light favors the
494 < forward direction, as fit by the Heyney-Greenstein function:
494 > forward direction, as fit by the Henyey-Greenstein function:
495   .DS
496   P(theta) = (1 - g*g) / (1 + g*g - 2*g*cos(theta))^1.5
497   .DE
# Line 865 | Line 865 | mod transdata id
865   6+ red green blue rspec trans tspec A7 ..
866   .DE
867   .LP
868 + .UL BSDF
869 + .PP
870 + The BSDF material type loads an XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
871 + file describing a bidirectional scattering distribution function.
872 + Real arguments to this material may define additional
873 + diffuse components that augment the BSDF data.
874 + String arguments are used to define thickness for proxied
875 + surfaces and the "up" orientation for the material.
876 + .DS
877 + mod BSDF id
878 + 6+ thick BSDFfile ux uy uz funcfile transform
879 + 0
880 + 0|3|6|9
881 +     rfdif gfdif bfdif
882 +     rbdif gbdif bbdif
883 +     rtdif gtdif btdif
884 + .DE
885 + The first string argument is a "thickness" parameter that may be used
886 + to hide detail geometry being proxied by an aggregate BSDF material.
887 + If a view or shadow ray hits a BSDF proxy with non-zero thickness,
888 + it will pass directly through as if the surface were not there.
889 + Similar to the illum type, this permits direct viewing and
890 + shadow testing of complex geometry.
891 + The BSDF is used when a scattered (indirect) ray hits the surface,
892 + and any transmitted sample rays will be offset by the thickness amount
893 + to avoid the hidden geometry and gather samples from the other side.
894 + In this manner, BSDF surfaces can improve the results for indirect
895 + scattering from complex systems without sacrificing appearance or
896 + shadow accuracy.
897 + If the BSDF has transmission and back-side reflection data,
898 + a parallel BSDF surface may be
899 + placed slightly less than the given thickness away from the front surface
900 + to enclose the complex geometry on both sides.
901 + The sign of the thickness is important, as it indicates whether the
902 + proxied geometry is behind the.
903 + .I BSDF
904 + surface (when thickness is positive)
905 + or in front (when thickness is negative).
906 + .LP
907 + The second string argument is the name of the BSDF file, which is
908 + found in the usual auxiliary locations.
909 + The following three string parameters name variables for an "up" vector,
910 + which together with the surface normal, define the
911 + local coordinate system that orients the BSDF.
912 + These variables, along with the thickness, are defined in a function
913 + file given as the next string argument.
914 + An optional transform is used to scale the thickness and reorient the up vector.
915 + .LP
916 + If no real arguments are given, the BSDF is used by itself to determine
917 + reflection and transmission.
918 + If there are at least 3 real arguments, the first triplet is an
919 + additional diffuse reflectance for the front side.
920 + At least 6 real arguments adds diffuse reflectance to the rear side of the surface.
921 + If there are 9 real arguments, the final triplet will be taken as an additional
922 + diffuse transmittance.
923 + All diffuse components as well as the non-diffuse transmission are
924 + modified by patterns applied to this material.
925 + The non-diffuse reflection from either side are unaffected.
926 + Textures perturb the effective surface normal in the usual way.
927 + .LP
928 + The surface normal of this type is not altered to face the incoming ray,
929 + so the front and back BSDF reflections may differ.
930 + (Transmission is identical front-to-back by physical law.)\0
931 + If back visibility is turned off during rendering and there is no
932 + transmission or back-side reflection, only then the surface will be
933 + invisible from behind.
934 + Unlike other data-driven material types, the BSDF type is fully
935 + supported and all parts of the distribution are properly sampled.
936 + .LP
937   .UL Antimatter
938   .PP
939   Antimatter is a material that can "subtract" volumes from other volumes.
# Line 1109 | Line 1178 | which serves as a form of opacity control when used wi
1178   Vname is the coefficient defined in funcfile that determines the influence
1179   of foreground.
1180   The background coefficient is always (1-vname).
1112 Since the references are not resolved until runtime, the last
1113 definitions of the modifier id's will be used.
1114 This can result in modifier loops, which are detected by the
1115 renderer.
1181   .LP
1182   .UL Mixdata
1183   .PP
# Line 1239 | Line 1304 | If no file is needed by a given primitive because all
1304   variables are global, a period (`.') can be given in
1305   place of the file name.
1306   It is also possible to give an expression instead of a straight
1307 < variable name in a scene file, although such expressions should
1308 < be kept simple if possible.
1244 < Also, functions (requiring parameters)
1307 > variable name in a scene file.
1308 > Functions (requiring parameters)
1309   must be given as names and not as expressions.
1310   .PP
1311   Constant expressions are used as an optimization in function
# Line 1405 | Line 1469 | converts a picture to and from simpler formats.
1469   Pictures may be displayed directly under X11 using the program
1470   .I ximage,
1471   or converted a standard image format.
1472 < .I Ra_avs
1473 < converts to and from AVS image format.
1410 < .I Ra_pict
1411 < converts to Macintosh 32-bit PICT2 format.
1472 > .I Ra_bmp
1473 > converts to and from Microsoft Bitmap images.
1474   .I Ra_ppm
1475   converts to and from Poskanzer Portable Pixmap formats.
1414 .I Ra_pr
1415 converts to and from Sun 8-bit rasterfile format.
1416 .I Ra_pr24
1417 converts to and from Sun 24-bit rasterfile format.
1476   .I Ra_ps
1477   converts to PostScript color and greyscale formats.
1478   .I Ra_rgbe
# Line 1433 | Line 1491 | License
1491   .DS
1492   The Radiance Software License, Version 1.0
1494 < Copyright (c) 1990 - 2002 The Regents of the University of California,
1494 > Copyright (c) 1990 - 2008 The Regents of the University of California,
1495   through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.   All rights reserved.
1497   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

Diff Legend

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