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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Sat Mar 15 17:32:55 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R5
Log Message:
Added and updated documentation for 3.5 release

File Contents

# Content
1 A general scheme has been defined for writing translators from CAD
2 files to Radiance. This scheme should be used by anyone who writes a
3 new translator, since it is both useful and general.
5 One of the biggest problems encountered when importing CAD descriptions
6 to a lighting simulation (or any good rendering program) is assigning
7 materials to the surface geometry. Even if the creator of the model
8 has been careful to make 3d surfaces instead of points and lines, most
9 people don't even think about what a surface is made of until they're
10 all done. At that point, of course, it's too late. Even if the user
11 does give a little thought to materials, most CAD systems only permit
12 the assignment of a color index to each surface, which is a start but
13 far short of the information needed to make a good simulation.
15 There are only a few CAD systems that "do the right thing" and allow the
16 user to assign material identifiers to objects and individual surfaces.
17 Such a program, GDS for example, makes writing a translator almost
18 trivial, since the material identifiers can refer back to a library of
19 materials maintained by the user, or even imported from the CAD system.
21 Most CAD programs, like AutoCAD or Architrion, don't really use the
22 notion of materials in their models at all. Instead, they
23 differentiate surfaces by layer, color, block name, and so forth, none
24 of which clearly makes sense to use as a material identifier. Even if
25 the user creates a model with an intent to perform lighting
26 simulations, he or she has no way to assign materials directly to the
27 objects in the model.
29 The only general solution is to use every available piece of information
30 from the CAD model to assign materials. We can do this by using a set
31 of mapping rules, created somehow by the user. (We are working on
32 a HyperCard interface for selecting materials that should be very nice
33 if we ever finish it.) The mapping rules are an ordered list of
34 materials and the conditions a surface must satisfy in order to have
35 that material.
37 For example, if we wanted all surfaces in the Block "thingy" with the
38 Color 152 to use the material "wood", and all other surfaces to use the
39 material "default", we would create the following mapping file:
41 default ;
42 wood (Block "thingy") (Color 152) ;
44 All surfaces would satisfy the first set of conditions (which is empty),
45 but only the surfaces in Block "thingy" with Color 152 would satisfy the
46 second set of conditions.
48 Each rule can have up to one condition per qualifier, and different
49 translators will use different qualifiers. A qualifier is simply an
50 attribute that can be used to distinguish surfaces, such as Color,
51 Layer, Reference ID, etc. A condition is either a single value for a
52 specific attribute, or an integer range of values. (Integer ranges are
53 specified in brackets and separated by a colon, eg. [-15:27], and are
54 always inclusive.) A semicolon is used to indicate the end of a rule,
55 which can extend over several lines if necessary.
57 The semantics of the rule are such that "and" is the implied conjunction
58 between conditions. Thus, it makes no sense to have more than one
59 condition in a rule for a given qualifier. If the user wants the same
60 material to be used for surfaces that satisfy different conditions,
61 they simply add more rules. For example, if the user also wanted
62 surfaces in Block "yohey" with Colors between 50 and 100 to use "wood",
63 they would add the following rule to the end of the example above:
65 wood (Color [50:100]) (Block "yohey") ;
67 Note that the order of conditions in a rule is irrelevant. However,
68 the order of rules is very important, since the last rule satisfied
69 determines which material a surface is assigned.
71 By convention, the identifier "void" is used to delete unwanted
72 surfaces. It is used in a rule as any other material, but it has the
73 effect of excluding all matching surfaces from the translator output.
74 For example, the following mapping would delete all surfaces in the
75 Layer 2 except those with the color "beige", to which it would assign
76 the material "beige_cloth", and all other surfaces would be "tacky":
78 tacky ;
79 void (Layer 2) ;
80 beige_cloth (Layer 2) (Color "beige") ;
82 Hopefully, the meaning of the mapping rules is now clear, so we can
83 discuss ways to help the user create the mapping for a given model.
85 A translator should provide at least two basic options. The first
86 option, "-n", simply reads the CAD input file and creates a list of
87 qualifiers and values that can be used to differentiate surfaces in the
88 model. The output of the program with "-n" should be something like:
90 filename "Example Input File"
91 filetype "Architrion"
92 qualifier Color begin
93 35
94 [100:110]
95 200
96 end
97 qualifier RefId begin
98 1103
99 [5306:5307]
100 "BIG Things"
101 "little Things"
102 end
103 EOF
105 This information can be used either by the user or by a program such as
106 HyperCard to create the rules for assigning materials to surfaces in
107 the file. (The "EOF" is literally there, since HyperCard has trouble
108 detecting the end of file.)
110 The second option, "-m mapfile" is used to specify the mapping file to
111 be used by the translator. If no mapfile is provided by the user, the
112 translator should have a standard mapping to assign material names
113 based on some set of default paramters. (For example, arch2rad uses
114 color alone to assign materials "c0" through "c255".) To accompany the
115 default mapping, there should be a default materials file with
116 corresponding definitions. These files should be placed in the
117 Radiance library directory under "lib" (ie. "/usr/local/lib/ray/lib").
119 To just look at an Architrion building, a user might issue the following
120 commands:
122 oconv '\!gensky 6 15 12' /usr/local/lib/ray/lib/arch.mat \
123 '\!arch2rad model.txt' > model.oct
124 rview -av 3 3 3 -vp -20 -20 5 -vd 1 1 0 model.oct
126 Note that by giving oconv commands instead of input files, no temporary
127 files (other than the octree) are necessary. In a more complete
128 example, the user might first create a qualifier list, then run the
129 HyperCard stack for assigning materials, then convert the model
130 with his own materials file, thus:
132 arch2rad -n model.txt > model.qual
133 HyperCard MatPick.stack # creates from model.qual
134 arch2rad -m model.txt > model.rad
135 oconv source.rad materials.rad model.rad > model.oct
136 rview -vf model.vp model.oct
138 To write a new translator, include the "trans.h" file in ray/src/cv and
139 link with trans.o and the standard Radiance library. You will need to
140 define your own list of valid qualifiers and use the following routines
141 from trans.c:
143 fgetid(ID *idp; char *dls; FILE *fp)
144 /*
145 * Read an id (either a string or an integer) from fp
146 * up to a character in dls. The delimiter will be discarded.
147 * Return EOF at end of file, 0 otherwise. You should free
148 * the id with the macro doneid(idp).
149 */
151 int
152 findid(IDLIST *ilp; ID *idp; int insert)
153 /*
154 * Find (or insert) idp in the list ilp. Uses binary search
155 * to find (or if insert is true, insert) an id in a sorted id
156 * list. Returns index into ilp->id, or -1 if not found and no
157 * insert.
158 */
160 int
161 idcmp(ID *id1, *id2)
162 /*
163 * Compares two identifiers. Numbers compare less than strings.
164 */
166 write_quals(QLIST *qlp; IDLIST idl[]; FILE *fp)
167 /*
168 * Write out qualifiers in array of id lists idl[] to fp.
169 * The qualifier list qlp is used to determine how many and
170 * what to call the qualifiers.
171 */
173 RULEHD *
174 getmapping(char *file; QLIST *qlp)
175 /*
176 * Read mapping rules from "file" and create a list of rules
177 * in reverse order. Prints various syntax errors using eputs()
178 * and calls quit() if there's a serious problem with the input.
179 */
181 matchid(ID *idp; IDMATCH *idm)
182 /*
183 * Checks to see if idp matches the id or range in idm.
184 */
186 Good luck! I will be happy to answer questions ([email protected]).