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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Sat Mar 15 17:32:55 2003 UTC (21 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R5
Log Message:
Added and updated documentation for 3.5 release

File Contents

# Content
3 The table below gives some useful ranges for some Radiance 2.4 parameters.
4 The "min" value gives the fastest, crudest rendering. It is not
5 necessarily the smallest value numerically. The "fast" value gives
6 a reasonably fast rendering. The "accur" value gives a reasonably
7 accurate rendering. The "max" value gives the ultimate in accuracy.
9 Param Description Min Fast Accur Max Notes
10 ===== ==================== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
11 -ps pixel sampling rate 16 8 4 1
12 -pt sampling threshold 1 .15 .05 0
13 -pj anti-aliasing jitter 0 .6 .9 1 A
14 -pm pixel motion 0 0 1 1 B
15 -dj source jitter 0 0 .7 1 B
16 -ds source substructuring 0 .5 .15 .02
17 -dt direct thresholding 1 .5 .05 0 C
18 -dc direct certainty 0 .25 .5 1
19 -dr direct relays 0 1 3 6
20 -dp direct pretest density 32 64 512 0 C
21 -sj specular jitter 0 .3 .7 1 A
22 -st specular threshold 1 .85 .15 0 C
23 -aw ambient weight 0 100 10 inf A
24 -ab ambient bounces 0 0 2 8
25 -aa ambient accuracy .5 .2 .15 0 C
26 -ar ambient resolution 8 32 128 0 C
27 -ad ambient divisions 0 32 512 4096
28 -as ambient super-samples 0 32 256 1024
29 -ms mist sampling dist. 0 10 1 .01
30 -lr limit reflection 0 4 8 16
31 -lw limit weight .05 .01 .002 0 C
34 A) This option does not affect the rendering time
35 B) This option adversely affects image sampling (ie. use -ps 1)
36 C) Maximum value disables optimization and can be very expensive
38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 Param Artifact Solution
43 ===== =================================== =========================
44 -ps "missing pieces" to objects decrease value by 50%
45 -pt some soft edges are very jagged decrease value by 50%
46 -pj diagonal edges are like staircases increase value to 0.9
47 -pj edges look too erratic decrease value to 0.4
48 -dj shadows are unnaturally sharp increase value to 0.7
49 -ds large sources cast unnatural shadows decrease value by 50%
50 -dt some shadows disappear decrease value by 50%
51 -dc inaccurate values with many sources increase value to .75
52 -dr missing multiple mirror reflections increment value
53 -dp incorrect mirror reflections double value
54 -sj specular reflections too fuzzy decrease value to 0.2
55 -sj specular reflections too sharp increase value to 1
56 -st some specular highlights missing decrease value to 0.02
57 -aw shadows appear to glow set value to 0
58 -ab lighting in shadows too flat increment value
59 -av overall light level seems too high/low decrease/increase value
60 -aa uneven shading boundaries in shadows decrease value by 25%
61 -ar shading wrong in some areas double or quadruple value
62 -ad "splotches" of light double value
63 -as "splotches" of light increase to half of -ad setting
64 -ms "noisy" mist scattering divide value by 2
65 -lr some multiple specular reflections gone increment value
66 -lw some specular reflections gone decrease value by 50%
68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 Param Effect on Execution Time
73 ===== ==================================================================
74 -ps inverse, halving value increases rendering time up to four times
75 -pt minor, decreasing value causes modest increase in rendering time
76 -pj no effect
77 -dj indirect, increasing value requires -ps parameter to be reduced
78 -ds inverse, halving value causes rendering time to approximately double
79 -dt inverse, halving value causes rendering time to increase about 50%
80 -dc direct, affects rendering time up to 50% over its 0 to 1 range
81 -dr direct, depending on the scene each new reflection can double time
82 -dp minor, affects start-up time only, higher values take longer
83 -sj no effect
84 -st minor, a value of zero may increase rendering by 50% over maximum of 1
85 -ab direct, doubling this value can double rendering time
86 -aa direct, doubling this value approximately quadruples rendering time
87 -ar direct, effect depends on scene, can quadruple time for double value
88 -ad direct, doubling value may double rendering time
89 -as direct, effectively adds to -ad parameter and its cost
90 -lr minor, increase causes very slightly longer rendering time
91 -lw minor, decrease causes very slightly longer rendering time