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Revision: 1.6
Committed: Mon Sep 19 15:27:19 2005 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1
Changes since 1.5: +3 -6 lines
Log Message:
Minor corrections to description of -DAVGREFL & changed -DALIGN to -DALIGNT

File Contents

# Content
1 Here is a list of compile switches, used to customize Radiance code
2 for specific machines and users:
4 -DALIGNT=(type) Alignment type, machine-dependent. Most RISC
5 architectures align on 8-word boundaries (double).
6 The default alignment type is int.
8 -DWFLUSH=(rays) Override for number of rays before flush in rvu.
10 -DBSD Operating system has a strong Berkeley flavor, which
11 affects certain system calls, such as signal handling and
12 resource tracking.
14 -DSMLMEM The system has little RAM available, so size hash
15 tables and the like accordingly. Only allows for
16 small scene descriptions (32,256 primitives).
18 -DSMLFLT This setting tells Radiance to use short floats
19 (32 bits) throughout, which saves lots of memory
20 but can cause calculation inaccuracies in many
21 cases. Its use has been discontinued for this reason.
23 -DSHADCACHE=N The array size to use for caching occluders.
24 Setting this to 0 turns off this optimization.
25 Values greater than 20 use over 4 Kbytes per
26 light source, which can add up to a lot of
27 memory in scenes with many sources.
29 -DAVGREFL=R Set the average surface reflectance for the purpose
30 of indirect irradiance calculations to R, where
31 R is a real number in the range (0,1.0). The
32 default value is 0.50 (50%).