Here is a list of compile switches, used to customize Radiance code for specific machines and users: -DALIGNT=(type) Alignment type, machine-dependent. Most RISC architectures align on 8-word boundaries (double). The default alignment type is int. -DWFLUSH=(rays) Override for number of rays before flush in rvu. -DBSD Operating system has a strong Berkeley flavor, which affects certain system calls, such as signal handling and resource tracking. -DSMLMEM The system has little RAM available, so size hash tables and the like accordingly. Only allows for small scene descriptions (32,256 primitives). -DSMLFLT This setting tells Radiance to use short floats (32 bits) throughout, which saves lots of memory but can cause calculation inaccuracies in many cases. Its use has been discontinued for this reason. -DSHADCACHE=N The array size to use for caching occluders. Setting this to 0 turns off this optimization. Values greater than 20 use over 4 Kbytes per light source, which can add up to a lot of memory in scenes with many sources. -DAVGREFL=R Set the average surface reflectance for the purpose of indirect irradiance calculations to R, where R is a real number in the range (0,1.0). The default value is 0.50 (50%). -DPMAP_OOC Builds the out-of-core photon map. The photon data resides in a leaf file on disk with suffix ".leaf" and is loaded on demand. This is intended for very large photon maps (up to 4.3 billion photons) particularly for annual simulations with rcontrib. This switch is disabled by default, which builds the in-core photon map used in previous releases; this resides entirely in main memory. These options are mutually exclusive, and the resulting photon map files are incompatible. -DPMAP_PRIMARYPOS Stores photon primary hitpoints for binning using the -f option with rcontrib if the function file requires them. This consumes an additional 3 floats and is disabled per default to reduce the size of the resulting photon maps. -DPMAP_FLOAT_FLUX Stores photon flux as floats instead of more compact RGBE (the default). In terms of accuracy, the difference would only be noticeable with highly saturated colours. -DPMAP_ROI Enables the -api option to mkpmap. This constrains photon deposition only to the specified region of interest (defined as a bounding volume) for situations where it is known a priori that photon map lookups will occur outside this region. This is disabled per default as it can lead to biased results outside the ROI, or near its boundaries. Ziss option for ze eckspertz only! -DPMAP_RUNAWAY_WARN Causes mkpmap to issue a warning if a photon reaches the maximum number of bounces (as specified with -apm) and is terminated. -DPMAP_LOOKUP_WARN Causes rtrace et al to issue warnings when short photon lookups occur, i.e. fewer photons are found than specified as lookup bandwidth with -ap. This is generally not fatal, but can increase noise, and may indicate a higher bandwidth is needed. This is disabled per default as it can result in excessive console clutter. -DPMAP_LOOKUP_REDO Causes rtrace et al to repeat short photon map lookups with a progressively larger radius until the target photon count specified with -ap is met. This switch has no effect in conjunction with the -am option, since this disables lookup radius adaptation. -DPMAP_EPANECHNIKOV Causes rtrace et al to apply an Epanechnikov filter during photon density estimates. This weights photons according to the inverse distance to the lookup point in order to reduce bias. The default behaviour does not perform filtering.