--- ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes 2007/07/12 14:58:53 1.136 +++ ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes 2008/01/24 23:15:46 1.143 @@ -1629,3 +1629,26 @@ Corrected ray weights for material mixtures. Reduced the default -n setting for obj2mesh to take better advantage of the smaller octree structure size. + +Fixed bug in shadow cache where it was adding surfaces with antimatter +holes cut in them to the obstructor list. Thanks to John Mardaljevic +for discovering and reporting the problem. + +Adding ability in mkillum to incorporate BSDF data in calculation. +Internal interface (raypcalls) now used in place of rtrace process(es). + +Fixed pixel alignment in pcomb for size reduction and enlargement. + +Allow rtcontrib user to set -P and -PP options for persistent rendering. +The only caveat is that -n setting > 1 requires -PP rather than -P. + +Added -c option to rtcontrib to facilitate cumulative calculations. + +Added ability to incorporate LBNL Window 6 bidirectional scattering +distribution function (BSDF) data in mkillum. + +****** COMPATIBILITY CHANGE ******** +Fixed long-standing bug in source.cal, which caused it to produce +reversed anisotropic photometric distributions due to the +misorientation of the y-axis. Thanks to Zack Rogers for discovering +and helping debug this problem.